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Horace in Homespun by Hugh Haliburton [i.e. J. L. Robertson]

A New Edition with Illustrations by A. S. Boyd

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Hughie's Song in Praise of the Simple Joys of Boyhood.

“Puræ rivus aquæ.”
Car. iii. 16.

O when I was a laddie, noo a lang time back,
I hadna mony pennies, but for joys I didna lack:
Gie me a Simmer Saturday, my wishes were complete
Wi' a lang day before me an' Devon at my feet.
I never was an angler, exceppin' in a sense;
To be a son of Izaak's I couldna mak' pretence;
But I had a fishin'-gad, and was very happy wi't,
Wi' a lang day before me an' Devon at my feet.
I never killed a saumon: the utmost o' my tak'
Was half-a-dizzen spatties in the basket on my back;
But ance I raised a noble fish—and was content to see't
Wi' a lang day before me an' Devon at my feet.


O what cared I for catchin' fish for greed or yet for game?
To mak' a bag or mak' a brag was never yet my aim:
The fishin' was a mere pretence to win the larger treat
O' a lang day before me an' Devon at my feet.
There was a sense o' freedom then, that siller canna buy;
There was a joy o' living, wi' the sun high in the sky;
A day was immortality! an' livin' was sae sweet
Wi' a lang day before ye an' Devon at your feet.
O we may toil for riper joys an' mair substantial gain,
But the simple joys o' laddiehood were easy to attain;
Noo for the laddie's simple joys the man amaist could greet—
For the lang day that's gane for aye, an' Devon at his feet!