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The Tvrke

A Worthie Tragedie

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The markes and notions extant in each spirit,
Seald by th'industrious hand of art & merit,
Me thinkes appeare transparant (as the minde
By sence were bounded and might seeme confind
In th'externall eye) nor shall our tragicke muse,
(If strong hope faile not) need a coynd excuse
But to those marginall noates of yours do bring
(In following nombers from the learned spring)
Matter instructiue to inrich their parts
Where knowledge raignes crownd with it own desarts,
Let such with serious and impartiall hearing
Sound sence, quicke sight and iudgement neuer erring:
Suruay and censure the mineruall frame
Of his elaborate worke: and if his name
Merrit regard, and you vouchsafe to grace him
With eminent loue, or mongst those lawreats place him,
That with the magicke of sweet poesie,
Transfer Pernassus into Brittany,
He shall digest the Chaos of his braine,
To tunefull order and acquire a straine,
Neere to the musicke of the heauenly spheres,
To fit Times guard and rauish choysest eares.