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Recaptured Rhymes

Being a Batch of Political and Other Fugitives Arrested and Brought to Book. By H. D. Traill

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Of all the accomplished Professors who ever
From learning contrived common-sense to dissever—
Of all who delight, on a question of tongue,
To foment agitation the peoples among—
None goes with such thoroughness into the thing
As the erudite Slav whose proceedings I sing;
And whose name—if your jaws I may venture to tax—
Is Professor Baloonatics Craniocracs.
International law has his sovereign contempt;
From restraints of political prudence exempt,
He holds that when races for union clamour,
The question's but one of comparative grammar.


No “national movement,” whatever its fruits,
That starts from a real relation of roots,
The strenuous aid and encouragement lacks
Of the famous philologist, Craniocracs.
To many a cause of the “national” sort
The Professor has lent his enlightened support;
But of all his distinctions, his pride was to be a
High priest of the Pan-Macaronic Idea,
And first to have raised the Spaghettian claim
To inherit the true Macaronian name:
A position sustained against many attacks
By Professor Baloonatics Craniocracs.
The Spaghetts had been living in decent content, a
Race subject for centuries past to Polenta,
With liberties local and customs respected,
And lenient taxes with justice collected,


And ample permission their children to teach
That poetic and grandly cacophonous speech
Which first to their true nationality's tracks
Had directed Baloonatics Craniocracs.
But they, when he set their ethnology right,
With the free Macaronians burned to unite:
And the worthy Professor went round through their cities
Establishing Pan-Macaronic Committees,
Until they rebelled in a war to the knife,
And after two years of the bloodiest strife,
Forced haughty Polenta her grasp to relax,
To the joy of their champion Craniocracs.
From this struggle the rise of the Union dates
Of the Pan-Macaronic Confederate States,
Which, besides the Spaghetts, of a kindred as true
Raviolians counts and Lasagnians too.


But above them the Pateditalians claim
A supremacy, due to generical name;
And their claim the Professor unswervingly backs,
For philologist always is Craniocracs.
Are the freed populations content with their lot?
Well, candour compels me to say they are not.
Already the Union is deeply in debt
And taxed to the skin is the wretched Spaghett.
And the Pateditalians forbid him to teach
His poetic and grandly cacophonous speech,
On the ground that of modern corruption it smacks—
As is even admitted by Craniocracs.
But the worst of it is (if the murder must out),
The Professor's researches have led him to doubt
If his first ethnologic conclusions were sound,
Since he, as it seems, a new “factor” has found,


The “Vermicellenic,” so named from a race
Whose affinities throw a new light on the case;
Transforming, indeed, into whites all its blacks
To the mind of Baloonatics Craniocracs.
Through the Vermicellenes the Spaghett and his brother,
Are clearly of kin to Polenta and other
Great nations; and though they could only unite
By involving the world in a general fight,
The Professor, intrepid of logic as ever,
Will work day and night at that noble endeavour.
All hobbies are wild, but the wildest of hacks
Is bestrid by Baloonatics Craniocracs.