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On pages 18 and 39 the motto on the Golden Horseshoe presented by Governor
Spotswood to his comrades in the expedition across the Blue Ridge Mountains is
given as, "Sic jurat transcendere montes." (Thus he swears to cross the mountains.)
I am aware that some authorities state the motto was, "Sic juvat transcendere
montes." (Thus it delights (us) to cross the mountains.)

On page 18, last line, instead of "countries" read "two counties."

On page 31, line 14, read "other" between words "the" and "Indians."

On page 53, line 5, instead of "settling" read "setting."

On page 57, line 11, instead of "Inglish" read "Inglis."

On page 73, line 17, instead of "Judds' friend" read Judds Friend."

On page 76, line 2, the word "Fountainbleau" should be "Fountainebleau."

On page 93, lines 25 and 29, instead of "Cloud's Fort" read "Cloud's Ford."

On page 114, line 3, instead of "Walden" read "Wallen."

On page 143, line 4, instead of "Glass" read "Gass."

On page 146, line 7, instead of "Bower" read "Bowyer."

On page 148, line 18, instead of "Isaach" read "Isaac."

On page 164, line 2, a period should appear after "Burgesses," followed by a new

On page 184, line 7, instead of "county" read "country."

On page 195, line 22, instead of "marchandise" read "merchandise."

On page 257, line 6, instead of "Washington Districts" read "Washington District."

On page 291, instead of "1,098.9" read "1,098."

On page 292, line 26, instead of "rank" read "ranks."

On page 360, line 2, instead of "was" read "were."

On page 361, line 11, instead of "citizens" read "citizen."

On page 364, line 5, instead of "commissioners" read "commissioner."

On page 367, line 4, instead of "Tranalleghany" read "Transalleghany."

On page 369, line 6, instead of "Walliam" read "William."

On page 370, line 6, instead of "bans" read "banns."

On page 435, line 11, instead of "agents" read "agent."

On page 448, line 14, instead of "A. S. A." read "U. S. A."

On page 461, line 20, instead of "effecting" read "affecting."

On page 463, line 15, instead of "effected" read "affected."

On page 488, line 14, instead of "Moline del Rey" read "Molino del Rey."

On page 502, line 1, instead of "receive" read "receives."

On page 521, line 23, instead of "ordinance" read "ordnance."

On page 522, line 1, instead of "Cecill" read "Cecil."

On page 571, line 9, instead of "Dupree" read "Dupre."

On page 590, line 12, instead of "Hindley Harris" read "Findley Harris."

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