![]() | Board of Visitors minutes April 17, 1923 | ![]() |
I. That in consideration of the premises, and the mutual
benefits which will accrue to the parties thereto, said
County, City and University agree to form a Joint Health Department,
said Department to operate under the direction
of a Joint Health Board consisting of the County Board of
Health, the City Board of Health, and such representatives
as the University may designate. In all voting in this Joint
Board of Health, the representatives of each of the contracting
parties shall cast a single vote. Said Joint Board of Health
shall elect its own Chairman and Secretary from among its members
and shall hold regular meeting once every six months, and
special meetings at such other times as the Executive Committee
(hereinafter provided) may designate, notice of such special
meetings to be given by said Executive Committee in writing to
each of the members of said Joint Board of Health mailed
at least four days before the hour fixed for such meeting.
II. There shall be an Executive Committee of the Joint
Board of Health which Committee shall be composed of three members,
one selected by and from the Board of Health of said County,
one by and from said Board of City, and one by and from the representatives
of said University. Said Executive Committee shall
choose its own Chairman, and shall act in conference with the
Health Officer and shall represent the said Board in such matters
of said Board. Said Executive Committee shall meet at the
call of its Chairman but shall hold regular meetings once
each month, with the exception of July and August. Said
Executive Committee shall see that the Health Officer and the
others with access to public funds shall be properly bonded.
The funds and accounts of the Joint Health Department
shall be kept by the City Auditor, and the City shall be
allowed $25.00 per month for such services. Disbursements
shall be made on vouchers signed by the Health Officer.
III. Said Joint Board of Health shall, upon unanimous
recommendation of said Executive Committee, employ a Public
Health Officer; and said Joint Board of Health shall by
majority vote outline his duties, and fix his salary and term
of office. And said Public Health Officer shall make such
reports at such times to said Joint Health Board as said Board
may require. He may at any time be removed by said Board for
cause, and a successor appointed, after said Health Officer
has had a public hearing, before said Board, if he so elects.
IV. Said Executive Committee of said Joint Health Board
shall, upon recommendation of said Health Officer, appoint such
assistant health officer or officers, public health nurses,
sanitary inspectors, clinicians, social service workers, and
clerical help as said Executive Committee may deem necessary
for the prosecution of its work. Said Executive Committee shall
have full power to fix the salaries of said Assistant Health
officer, public health nurses had other employees named above,
any of whom may be removed for cause by said Executive Committee
at any time. Said Joint Health Board, its officers, committees
and employees, shall be known as the Joint Health Department.
V. It is understood and agreed that the position of
Health Officer shall be filled only be a person whose training
for work in public health is certified by an agency which can
advise with authority equal to that of the State Board of
Health of Virginia, the United States Public Health Service,
or the authorities in charge of the School of Public Health
of some nationally recognized American university.
VI. It is further agreed by the parties hereto that the
amployees and facilities of this public health unit shall be
used for teaching public health matters under the supervision of
the authorities of said University. This teaching shall at
least include didactic courses amounting to two session-hours,
conducted by the Health Officer or the Assistant Health
Officer, or both, at the University, of Epidemiology and Public
Health Administration throughout the regular session of the
University, and shall also include courses in the summer quarter
of the University given by the aforesaid officer or officers
utilization of the facilities of the Joint Health Department
under the supervision of the said Health Officer for practical
training of students of public health in the University.
And it is distinctly understood that no additional teaching
shall be given which shall in any way interfere with the administrative
efficiency of the Joint Health Department, and
further with the understanding that the students, in the practical
courses, shall as part of their practical training assist
without compensation in the work of the Board of Health in
the same manner as medical students in a teaching hospital
take histories, make laboratory tests, and perform other
services for the hospital.
It is understood that one session-hour means the equivalent
in time of one hour weekly of lecturing or two hours weekly
of practical work throughout the session of thirty-six weeks.
VII. Said City agrees to furnish a sum sufficient to pay
half the salary of the Health Officer; to pay a salary sufficient
to maintain at least one full-time sanitary inspector for the
City; and to insure the employment of a full-time public
health nurse for the City.
The City also agrees to furnish either office room and
office equipment suitable for the proper conduct of this
Joint Health Department, or else to furnish at least one-half
the cost of such office room, office equipment, office supplies
and clerical assistants, according as one or the other of these
alternative plans shall be agreed upon as most desirable by the
three parties hereto, provided the total proportion from the
City shall not exceed $7500.00 per annum.
Said County likewise agrees to pay half the salary of the
Health Officer, and further agrees to insure the employment of
at lease one sanitary inspector for the County, and at least
one County public health nurse, in cluding both salary and transportation
charges of above three types of officials. The
County also agrees to pay for County telephone tolls, and either
to furnish all office supplies ad clerical assistants, or else to
furnish one-half the cost of office rental, office equipment,
office supplies and clerical assistants, according as one or the
other of these alternative plans shall be agreed upon as most
desirable by the three parties hereto, provided the total proportion
from Albemarle County shall not exceed the sum of
$7500.00 per annum.
Said University agrees to assume all expenses of providing
professional medical and surgical attention to indigent patients
from said City and County; and to provide on terms to be agreed
upon annually by the said City and County and said University,
bed, board, and nursing care to such indigent patients as require
treatment in the public wards of the hospital, not to
it being understood that this applies only to patients
sent to said Hospital by said Health Officer upon written orders
signed by him; and to render on or before the 15th day of each
month to the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle
County and the City Manager of Charlottesville a statement
of the number of cases from their respective territories
receiving diagnosis and treatment in the outpatient department
and the wards of the hospital and the number of patients
-days in the hospital during the preceding calendar month.
Said University further agrees to conduct in the University
Diagnostic Laboratories such bateriologic and chemical
examinations of water and milk, and to make such Wasserman
tests and test for the recognition of disease-producing
bacteria and parasites from suspected human sources such as
throat, intestines, etc., as the said University Diagnostic
Laboratories may be equipped to undertake these diagnostic
laboratory tests to be paid for by the University.
In consideration of the teaching provided in Section VI of
this contract, said University also agrees to furnish a sum not
to exceed $1,500.00 per annum, to be used toward securing
assistance for the Health Officer which shall probably take the
form of engaging an Assistant Health Officers, and further,
said University agrees to appoint at least two student assistants
to act as sanitary inspectors within the grounds of said
University, and to be under the supervision of said Health
Officer. Such student assistants within the limits permitted
by their studies shall be available for sanitary inspection or
work of similar nature not only within the grounds of said
University, but in such portions of said City or County
as said Health Officer shall see fit to assign to them.
VIII. It is further agreed by the parties hereto that the
public health laboratory examination shall be conducted only
upon such specimens as are delivered at the Diagnostic Laboratory
of the University in good condition and properly labeled
after having been collected under public health supervision in
accordance with standard methods, or by special methods to be
specified by the Director of the University Diagnostic Laboratory.
IX. The sums of money annually appropriated by the City,
County, and University for the support and extension of public
health work shall be budgeted to one account, and expended
under the supervision of the Joint Board of Health, who shall
make statements quarterly, or oftener if called for by said
County, City, or University, which said statements shall be
made to the City Business Manager, to Chairman of the Board of
Supervisors of Albemarle County, and the Bursar of the University
of Virginia. Furthermore, any properly authorized officer
time have access to the books of said Joint Board of Health.
X. It shall be the duty of the Health Officer to formulate
policies which he shall submit to the Joint Board
of Health. And said Health Officer shall organize, be in
charge of and direct the work of the employees in the Department
of Health; and shall have power to discharge any
of said employees in case of emergency.
This contract shall be in force from its date and shall
expire on September 1st, 1923.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF Hollis Rinehart, Chairman of the
Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County has executed
this contract on behalf of said County, the seal of said
County having been duly affixed hereto and attested; the City
of Charlottesville has caused its name to be signed hereto by
John R. Morris, its Mayor, and its corporate seal hereunto
affixed and attested by H. A. Haden, Clerk of its Council; and
the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia has
caused its name to be signed hereto by C. Harding Walker, its
Rector, and itscorporate seal to be hereunto affixed and attested
by E. I. Carruthers, Clerk of its Board of Visitors; all of
which is done this 1st day of January 1923.
![]() | Board of Visitors minutes April 17, 1923 | ![]() |