In the fall of 1854, the author, being solicited to furnish some
personal reminiscences of the Episcopal Church in Virginia, promised
two articles to one of our quarterly Reviews, which have
most unexpectedly grown into two octavo volumes. He was led
into this enlargement by the further solicitation of friends that he
would extend his inquiries into former times; and by the discovery
that there were materials, not yet lost to history, of which good
use might be made. Besides the recovery of many old vestry-books,
or fragments thereof, supposed to have been lost, he has,
either by his own researches or those of friends, found interesting
materials for his work in a number of the old records of the State,
which may yet be seen, though often in a mutilated and mouldering
condition, in the Clerk's Offices of various counties. One of
these extends back to the year 1632,[1]
and refers to acts of a still
earlier date, while some approach within a few years of the same.
Other documents, of general interest to all, and of special interest
to Virginians and their descendants wherever found, have been
furnished from old family records and papers, never before used,
and which must otherwise soon have perished. The author has
also wandered, and not a little, nor in vain, amidst old churches or
their ruins and the graveyards around them, and the old family
seats. The accounts of these, and the inscriptions taken from them,
form an interesting contribution to Virginia history. For nothing
will the descendants of the old families of the State be more
thankful than for the lists of vestrymen, magistrates, and others,
which have been gathered from the earliest records, and by means
of which the very localities of their ancestors may be traced.
Nor has inquiry been limited to the records of our own State and
country. The archives of Parliament, and of Lambeth and Fulham
Palaces, have, through the kindness and labours of others,
furnished many important, deeply interesting, and hitherto unpublished
documents, belonging to the history of the State and
Church of Virginia. I shall not here mention the names of those
numerous friends in Virginia and elsewhere who have kindly
rendered me service in the preparation of this work, as they are
referred to in one or more of those places where their contributions
are introduced.
The previous publication, in a weekly paper, of far the larger
part of what is contained in these volumes has not only obtained
very valuable contributions, but secured the correction of some
errors into which the author could not but fall in such a work, so
that it is believed no material mistakes now remain. While
portions of the book may have less interest for the general
reader, being occupied with things belonging especially to the history
of Virginia, yet it is hoped that even those may be found
worthy of perusal, while far the larger part relates to what should
be the subject of inquiry to all who wish to be informed on the
ecclesiastical history of our country.
The table of contents will greatly facilitate a reference to the
numerous topics which have been introduced.
It was the intention of the writer to have presented, in this preface,
a general view of the most important subjects treated of, and
to have stated the chief results to which his own mind had come in
the investigation of the same, by way of improvement and application;
but time and opportunity are wanting, and the reader
must be left to judge and decide for himself after examination.
The work, which has cost much labour and research, and in the
execution of which it has been endeavoured, and not without
prayer, to deal fairly with all, is now commended to the blessing
of Heaven and the candour of the public.
William Meade, D.D.,
Bishop of the P. E. C. of Va.
May 15, 1857.