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Her Nakedness.

Her Nakedness.


Had I Briarius Hands, and Argus Eyes
To view the Noon-day Sun, they'd scarce suffice;
Convey her hence, excessive Light does cloy,
I'm over-whelm'd in these deep Floods of Joy:
She than the Woody Queen more stately walks,
And bigger than the Heav'nly Goddess talks;
So glorious her Body seems to be,
The very Shade it casts, enlightens me.


Love in those twinkling Spheres does sit and play,
Sweet Kisses on her Lips for ever stray;


Amongst the sweet Meanders of her Hair
Love walks, and keeps his Living dwelling there;
About her Neck the God of Love does twine,
Soft as Embraces of the curling Vine;
Here Cupid in his Mothers Arms lies down,
And Envies not the Prince that wears the Crown.


Bless me what snowy Arms she has, as fair,
As beautiful as Wings on Angels are;
O that these spreading Branches I could see,
Unto Eternal Ages clasping me;
On those soft pliant Globes I fain would lie,
Not only sleep, but with Content I'd die:
Two Noble Worlds I'd boast my Love had won,
And laugh at him who thought there was but One.