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The Master said, “I am the Door.
The world is dark with doubt and sin,
Hidden the good that men implore,
But after me ye enter in.
“The ancient barriers I disown,
The distant and the dark control,
Who with your onward steps have thrown
God's sunshine open to the soul.”
Another mystic door I know,
The entrance to this world of ours,
And she who opens it bears low
A wondrous weight of pains and powers.
O men that plan the stately pile,
Where law and learning hold their sway,
And drive with subterfuge and wile
Your mothers from the door away,—
Undo the doors! In God's high noon
An equal heritage have we;


Your cold exclusion's out of tune
With Nature's hospitality.
See where the word of freedom lives
To bridge the gulf of ages o'er;
Learn how the Eternal Giver gives,
And keep with Christ the open door!