University of Virginia Library


Although no vestry-book of this parish has come down to us
from which we might give a connected list of the vestrymen, yet
we are glad to present to our readers the result of two elections
which were held in this parish,—the one in 1755, and the other in
1785. Those chosen in 1755 were John Bushrod, Daniel Tibbs,
Richard Lee, Benedict Middleton, Willowby Newton, Robert Middleton,
George Lee, John Newton, Samuel Oldham, Robert Carter,
Fleet Cox, James Steptoe. Those chosen in 1785—thirty years
after—were Vincent Marmaduke, Jeremiah G. Bailey, John A.
Washington, Samuel Rust, John Crabb, Richard Lee, George Garner,
George Turberville, Patrick Sanford, John Rochester, Samuel