University of Virginia Library



WRITTEN BY SIR GREY COOPER, 1781; And occasioned by Mr. Cambridge having spoken in Admiration of the Duchess of Devonshire.

EVER a just and elegant Spectator
Of beauty, grace, and all the charms of nature,
Your moral wit with Addison might share
The trust of Guardian to the British fair:
With you conversing with delight we feel
You could with perfect ease out Tatler Steele:
You've writ the best things in the World, and sure
Your taste surpasses far the Connoisseur:
A Rambler too you've been, and like the Bee,
Gather'd sweet spoils from ev'ry flow'r and tree.
At last you turn Adventurer, and fly
Too near the flame of Devonshire's bright eye.
That charming flame whose animating ray
Would tempt e'en Dædalus to soar astray:
Again your wings to burn you seem t' aspire;
You are no child, and do not dread the fire.


But, ah! beware the fable's fatal end,
And e'er too late take caution from a friend:
Come hither with your Icarus and try
A flight together in our middle sky;
That region has its stars; tho' not so bright,
They shed a milder and a safer light.