The University of Virginia memoirs of her student-life and professors |
I. |
II. |
III. |
IV. |
V. |
VI. |
VII. |
IX. |
X. |
XI. |
XII. |
XIV. |
XV. |
XVI. |
XIX. |
XX. |
XXI. |
XXV. |
The University of Virginia | ||
Adams, John—45, 51, 60, 63, 65, 74,
115, 177Agassiz, Louis—215, 274
African Colonization—124
Albemarle Academy—85, 89
Albemarle Pippin—188
Alexander, W. R.—248
Alexandria—176, 180
Alien and Sedition Acts—65
Almond, M. B.—294
Ambler, J.—41
Antietam—187, 189
Antrim, Miss E.—316, 359
Appomattox—179, 377
Army of Northern Virginia—187,
189, 190, 191, 345Army of the Potomac—187, 189,
Baldwin, Mr.—104, 105
Bank Failures—311
Barbary Powers—52, 115
Barbour, B. J.—250, 295, 297
Barringer, P. B.—272, 337
Baseball—340, 358, 464
Bayard, J. A.—67
Bayard, T. F.—246, 257, 261, 266,
269, 302Bealeton—187
Bellevue Hospital—277
Blakey, T. E.—318, 323
Blue Licks—164, 166
Board of Visitors—91
Bolling, T.—42
Botetourt, Gov.—43
Brantly, W. T.—293
Breckinridge, J. C.—165
Breckinridge, R. J.—165
Brent, F. P.—281
Broadus, J. A.—251, 256, 257, 262,
360, 426Brooks, J. St. C.—278, 280
Brown, John—275
Bryson, J. H.—425
Bull Run—183
Bullock, C.—213
Buildings, Additional—129, 130
Burr, A.—66, 71, 212, 214, 216
Burwell, Miss R.—41
Carr, D.—42, 44, 219
Carr, P.—89, 93, 97
Cabell, J. C.—83, 99, 100, 102, 103,
104, 110, 113, 118, 119, 120, 124,
125, 131, 132, 134Cabell, Mrs. J. L.—286
Carr, Chancellor—132
Capitol—68, 176
Cedar Mountain—189
Central College—90, 91, 93, 97, 98,
99, 101, 102, 104Central Hotel—195, 241
Charlottesville—103, 195, 224
Charter of Rights—54
Chase, S.—70
Cleveland, G.—213
Clifton (Union Mills)—183
Clay, H.—41, 161, 162
Clough, W. L.—341
Coleman, A. L.—245
Colley, J. D.—318, 322
Conway, F. E.—318, 322
Constitution—122, 136
Cooper, E. T.—329, 330, 332, 334,
447Cooper, R. M.—294
Cooper, T.—81, 84, 89, 92, 93, 105,
107, 108, 116Cooper, W.—257
Congressional Library—86
Constitutional Law—132
Count Montmorin—54
Cowen, J. K.—475
Coxe, T.—60
Culberson, C. A.—338, 361
Culbreth, D. M. R.—168, 169, 240*
Culbreth, R. B.—172*
Culbreth, S. G.—172*
Curry, J. L. M.—257
Dabney, C. W.—292
Dabney, R. L.—292
Dame, W. M.—333
Daniel, J. W.—361, 435
Davis, C. A., Jr.—310, 312, 315, 319,
330, 335, 432, 456Davis, J.—185, 345
Declaration House—47
Declaration of Independence—35,
47, 152Delaware College—158, 165, 169
Democratic Corresponding Societies
—61Depew, C. M.—417
Diary Excerpts—241-244
Dickinson College—169
Downing, H. H.—318, 323
Duke, Miss M.—330, 359
Duke, R. T. W., Jr.—261, 359
Duncan, J. A.—279
Dwight, T.—93
Edgehill—23, 39, 308, 422
Ellison, J. F.—338
Emerson, R. W.—323, 327, 412
Embargo Act—71
Emory and Henry College—383
Episcopal High School—345
Eppes, J. W.—70
Excise Law—61
False Views of Life, etc.—288
Farish, Miss E.—A.—J.—359
Farish, F. P.—338. 360
Farish Hotel—308, 333
Fawsett, G. D.—337, 339, 465
Fauquier, F.—41
Felton Seminary—170
Fenno's Gazette—56
Fitzpatrick, B.—292, 294
Franklin, B.—51, 52, 140
Fraternities, Secret—225, 468
Freneau's National Gazette—56
Fredericksburg—187, 189, 190
Galt's Statue—22
General, Banks—186
Beauregard—184, 185, 186
Early—282, 297
Ewell—186, 188
Grant—177, 186, 188, 189, 209, 444
Hampton—273, 276, 334
Hill, A. P.—161, 186
Hunter, D.—356, 357
Jackson—182, 184, 185, 186, 189,
191, 345, 346Johnston, B. T.—376
Johnston, J. E.—185, 377
Hooker—186, 189
Lee, G. W. C.—345, 354
Lee, R. E.—185, 187, 188, 189,
190, 191, 343, 348, 377Lee, W. H. F.—188
McClellan—186, 187
McDowell—184, 185
Longstreet—186, 191, 345
Meade—186, 188, 189, 190
Pope—184, 185, 186, 187
Sheridan—352, 435
Smith, F. H.—345, 354
Gilmer, F. W.—124, 127, 131, 133
Goode, J.—281
Gordonsville—191, 193
Goshen Pass—350, 352, 358
Government Removed from Philadelphia—68
Government Arrears—113, 126, 132
Graham, F. R.—247
Grave of Gen. Lee—355
Grave of Gen. Jackson—354
Green Ticket—206
Guyot, A.—215
Gymnasium Association—317, 466
Hall, Lieutenant—88
Hamilton, A.—55, 56, 57, 64, 67
115, 264Hampden-Sidney College—112, 120
Hanckel, Rev. Dr.—273, 309
Harding, E. C.—315, 449
Harris, John E.—335
Hartford Convention—75
Henry, P.—44, 45, 87
Hoge, M. D.—322
Holliday, F. W. M.—327
Home-letters—204, 224, 272, 276,
277, 278, 309, 310, 311, 313, 316,
318, 319, 329, 330, 331, 333, 337,
339, 359Hunter, R. M. T.—144, 280, 297,
412Invitations to Receptions—280
Irby, J. R. McD.—465
Italian Stone Cutters—106
Ives, F. B.—466
Jasper, J.—320
Jay Treaty—61, 63
Jeff (erson) Society—225, 231, 247,
285Jefferson College—154, 165, 169
Jefferson, Jane—41, 42
Jefferson, Martha—32, 34, 44, 46,
51, 59, 219Jefferson, Mary—42, 46, 59, 70, 219
Jefferson, Peter—39
Jefferson, Thomas—21, 153, 196,
218, 263, 297:Adams' eulogy—45
ablest State paper—56
aiding new French government—
54at school and college—40
characteristics—25, 30
correspondence—53, 76
crippled wrist—75
death, funeral—142
devoured by visitors—33
description of Hamilton—55
diffusion of knowledge—49, 77,
79Donaldson's eulogy—151
drafted Declaration of Independence—47
educational bill—97
elected to Congress—51
elected to Continental Congress
—45envoy to France—47
fight for reform—48
financial depletion—31, 138
fine scholar—42
greatness and impress upon mankind—144
idea of nullification—65
last report—140
library sold to Congress—86
Louisiana Territory—70
member of Burgesses—43
member of House of Delegates—
47Minister to Europe—51
Minister to France—51
Northwestern Territory—51
principles—36, 69
public acts—35
rector of University—105
reconciliation with Adams—74
re-elected President—70
religious freedom and slavery—
49religious belief—108, 114
retires to Monticello—59, 72
Secretary of State—54
students' appreciation—25, 36
wanted for President third term
—74wife's sickness and death—50-51
versatile worker—53
Jocose letter of American Citizen
—137Johnson, R.—278
Johnston, G. B.—292, 294
Jones, J. W.—247, 291
Junkin, G.—345
Kemper, Gov.—301, 302
Kennard, Judge—283
Kent, W. P.—363
Kirkpatrick, Rev. Dr.—346, 354
Knox, H.—55, 57, 115, 182
Knox, Dr. S.—84, 92
Lamb, J. C.—339
Lawrence, A.—154
Lawrenceville—211, 212
Lawton, Mr.—208
Lee, R. E.—348
Lee, R. H.—47
Lee, Mrs. M. R. C.—350
Legislature—112, 113, 137, 138
L'Engle, W. J.—339
Levy, J. M.—223
Levi, Leo. N.—292, 294, 327
Lewis Brooks Museum—130, 463
Lexington, Ky.—162, 165, 167
Lexington, Va.—93, 101, 102, 340
Libby Prison—167
Letter (Jefferson's) to:
Adams, John—60, 87, 88, 107,
109, 114, 115, 122Adams, J. Quincy—140
Breckenridge, Gen.—111
Cabell, J. C.—90, 98, 99, 105, 110,
118, 130, 137, 366Cooper, Dr. T.—85, 86
Johnson, Judge—121
Jones, Dr.—87
Madison—61, 62, 63, 65, 138
Monroe—57, 68, 123
Lafayette—53, 123
Priestley, Dr. J.—81
Rush, Dr. B.—74
Smith, J.—117
Sparks, Jared—124
Taylor, J.—88
Utley, Dr.—29
Van Buren, M.—126
Waterhouse, Dr.—114
Lincoln, A.—275
Lincoln, Mrs. A.—167
Literary Fund—90, 92, 94, 100, 103,
107, 110Lives of Jefferson:
Randolph—23, 278
Randall—23, 25
Tucker—21, 23, 142
Lord North's Conciliatory Proposition—45,
46Lucas, D. B.—280, 284, 285, 295
Lynchburg—363, 377
Macfarland, J. M.—339
McBryde, R. J.—312, 322, 323, 360,
361McGary, Major—164
McCosh, J.—214, 275
McKim, R. H.—288
McPherson, Dr.—211
Manassas,—Gap—184, 185, 186
Madison, J.—50, 72, 101
Martin, H.—457
Marshall, Charles—199
Marshall, Chief Justice—41, 57, 69,
71Massachusetts Institute of Technology—388
Maury, J.—40
Maury, M. F.—341, 345, 350
Maury, R. H.—247
May Queen—223, 278
Medalists—226, 228
Meikleham, Septima Randolph—
151Mercer, C. F.—Bill—90, 92, 93, 95,
96, 97Milburn, W. H.—284
Miller, S.—448
Minister, Genet—56, 57, 58
Minister, Morris—56
Minor, Mrs. M. M.—419
Minstrel Troupe—334
Mitchell, Dr. S.—93
Monroe, J.—63, 72, 88, 93, 101, 200
Monroe Doctrine—123, 264
Monticello—31, 32, 33, 43, 194, 215,
310Monticello Guards—333
Mosby, J. S.—186, 187
Murkland, W. U.—317
National University—81, 82
Nation's bad credit abroad—52
Natural Bridge—341
Natural and Permanent Function
of the Scholar—325Navy—Jefferson's child—52, 115
Nemours, Mons. Dupont de—82
Nicol, C. E.—292, 294
Nicholas, Gov. W. C.—33, 91, 92,
93, 94, 99Notes on Virginia—51
Novels disapproved—89
Orange and Alexandria R. R.—181
Orators—226, 228
Palladio, A.—128
Peaks of Otter—217, 357
Penn National Bank Building—47
Pennsylvania Revolts—61
Pendleton, W. N.—345
Perry, J.—91, 105
Peyton, B.—318, 323, 457
Peyton, Miss Champe—456
Peyton, M. G.—198, 201, 280, 455
Piedmont Valley—195, 351
Pierce, F.—244
Poe, E. A.—24, 299, 454, 144
Portraits in Library—22
Powell, J. E.—278, 280
President of University—349
Preston, John S.—144, 273, 302, 313
Preston, Margaret J.—345, 350, 354
Preston, T. L.—273
Priestley, Dr. J.—81, 84, 107
Princeton—85, 110, 210
Professors—137, 366:
Adams, H. B.—94, 127
Allen, George—154
Blatterman—24, 133
Bledsoe—275, 347
Boeck—313, 442
Bonnycastle—22, 131, 133
Cabell, J. L.—416
Davis, J. S.—197, 351, 412, 434
Davis, N. K.—272, 436
De Vere—389
Dunglison—22, 131, 133, 143
Dunnington—351, 407, 439
Emmet—22, 133
Garnett, J. M.—382
Gildersleeve—331, 382, 397, 450
Harrison, Gessner—22, 250, 252,
384Harrison, J. F.—351, 420
Holmes, G. F.—408
Horsford, Eben N.—154
Howard, H.—276
Key—22, 131, 133
Lomax—133, 140
Long—133, 299, 452
Mallet, J. W.—351, 404
Maupin, S.—22, 435
McCabe, W. G.—380
McGuffey—200, 244, 423
Minor, J. B.—431
Nelson, A. L.—346
Norton, W. A.—154
Page, J. R.—448
Peters—250, 278, 372, 379
Porter, John A.—154
Preston, J. T. L.—345
Price, T. R.—363, 444, 449
Rogers, W. B.—307, 327, 387
Smith, F. H.—384, 394, 427, 431
491Southall—268, 283, 445
Thornton—250, 313, 435
Tucker—131, 133
Venable—171, 198, 199, 201, 373,
Purviance, Judge—156
Quesnay French Academy—80
Randolph, Edmund—43, 55, 57, 60
Randolph, Jane—40
Randolph, J. T.—359, 360
Randolph, Miss Julia S.—318, 359
Randolph, Peyton—44, 45
Randolph, T. J.—28, 31, 142, 144,
221, 308Randolph, T. M.—59, 70, 144
Randolph, J., of Roanoke—70, 71,
72Randolph, W.—40, 59
Rapidan—189, 190
Ransom, M. W. Jr.—278, 280
Raymond, T. L.—278, 280
Reese, F. F.—278, 280
Regatta—360, 363
Religious Fanaticism—116
Religious Seminaries—117, 118
Resolution establishing University
—92Reynolds Brothers—158, 159
Reynolds, Frances—341
Reynolds, L. M.—154, 174, 175
Reynolds, R. J.—261
Reynolds, R. W.—160
Reynolds, T. G.—342
Rhoads, L. T.—164
Richmond Statehouse—53
Rives Boat Club—339
Rives, F. R.—338
Robinson, A. M.—292, 294
Rockbridge Alum Springs—415
Rotunda—117, 118, 120, 121, 122,
140Rockfish Gap, Assembly—102, 110,
357Rush, Dr.—70, 74, 107
Russell, Sol Smith—465
Ryan, Father—281
Savage, J.—388
Saulsbury, R. S.—278, 280
Semi-Centennial Catalogue—283, 293
Semi-Centennial Poem—295
Senate—112, 113
Shadwell—39, 43, 193, 194
Sheffield, J. E.—154
Shameful Latinists—136
Sheckelford, G. S.—337
Skelton, Mrs. M.—44
Sledd, R. N.—292
Slavery—49, 125
Slaves captured by Tarleton—50
Small, Dr. W.—40
Smith, A. K.—143
Smith, Mrs. S. H.—28, 29
Smith, J. A.—93
Southall, J. A.—361
Spencer, S.—444
Squibb, E. H., Gymnasium—316,
466States' Rights—124, 136
Staunton—93, 101, 102, 104, 339, 352
Stephenson, J. W.—247
Stephens' "War Between the
States"—178Stuart, A. G.—272, 338, 339
Stuart, A. H. H.—361
Stuart, H. C.—292, 294
Steele, Charles—331, 339, 382
Steel, S. A.—250, 262, 280, 286, 294,
301, 312Student Discipline—133, 137
Swann, T.—247, 261, 262, 266, 269
Summary View of the Rights of
British America—44Swiss (Geneva) College—80, 82
Tarleton's Raid—50
Taylor, Bayard—284
Thom, A. P.—318, 323
Thom, De Coursey W.—339
Thum, W. W.—283, 446
Thoroughfare Gap—185, 186
Tilden and Hayes Campaign—331
Tobacco City Club—339
Todd, L.—164
Todd, R.—164
Tucker, J. R.—354
Tyler, Lyon G.—272, 292, 294, 318
Tyler, S.—155
Typhoid Fever Epidemic—292
United States Bank—55
University of Virginia:
annual endowment—107
bill passed—100
buildings, finished—91, 117, 127
chartered seal—104
conversion from Central College
favorable conditions—461, 477
gains favor—119, 133
location—101, 102
original painting—112
religious denomination—116, 118
University Life:
duties vs. pleasures—460
criticism—474, 481, 484
rules and regulations—469
University Life:
selection—472, 476
training—470, 472
Venable, Mrs. C. S.—275, 276
Virginia Military Institute—341,
344, 357Voice of Warning—66
Walker, Gov.—266
Warrenton Junction—186
Washington College—99, 120, 341,
349Washington, George—54, 57, 64, 81,
115, 126Washington and Lee University—
339, 340, 344Wash (ington) Society—225, 285
Wayles, J.—44
Webster, Daniel—26
Wertenbaker, W.—22, 24, 44, 141,
452White House—68, 177
White, W. S.—345
Whiteley, B. D.—338, 466
Wickes, B. C.—230, 241, 248
Wickes, Judge J. A.—230, 241
Wickham, H.—285
Wiggins, Dr. T.—213
Williams, Nathaniel J.—329, 330,
333Williams, E.—360
Williams, John Sharp—248
William and Mary College—40, 80,
83, 103, 112, 120, 131, 387Wilson, H.—207
Wilson, M. C.—310, 330, 335
Wilson, Woodrow—435
Wirt, W.—140
Witherspoon, T. D.—279, 295, 302,
312, 337, 417, 425Woods, Rev. E.—276, 425
Wright, C. B.—336
Wythe, G.—41, 49
Yale College—169
The University of Virginia | ||