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German 162. R. A. Elementary German A.—8:30; P. H. 10. 2
hours. Mr. Kelly.

Beginners may take this course. Pronunciation, the declension of
articles, demonstrative, and nouns, the conjugation of verbs in the
indicative, active and imperative; reading, conversation, and
composition. About equivalent to first half session of first year
German in the high school.

Text-Book.—Zinnecker's Deutsch für Anfänger. (Lessons 1-20).

German 163. H. A. Elementary German.—9:30; P. H. 10. 2
hours. Mr. Kelly.

Course 162 or its equivalent pre-requisite for admission. Elementary
grammar completed, pronunciation, reading, composition, and
conversation. About equivalent to second half of first year German
in high school.

Text-Book.—Zinnecker's Deutsch für Anfänger. (Lessons 21-40).

German 38. H. A. Methods of Modern Language Teaching.
10:30; P. H. 10. 2 hours (one session-hour). Mr. Faulkner.

Open to all students of modern languages. Students desiring
credit must pass, in addition to the examination on the course,
units A, B, C of the University Entrance Examinations in German.
A course of thirty lectures on methods of modern language teaching
with especial reference to German. Collateral reading in various
books on methods.

German 39. H. A. Goethe's Faust, Parts I and II.—12:15; P.
H. 10. 2 hours (one session-hour). Mr. Faulkner.

Open to all students of language and literature. Students desiring
credit must present certificates before admission showing not
less than three years of German in an accredited school or college,
and must pass an examination in translation and interpretation
of the German text. Lectures, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday,
commentary and interpretation of Goethe's Faust, with readings
in the Swanwick or Bayard Taylor translation; Tuesday and
Thursday, translation and discussion of selected passages of the
German text.

Text-Books.—Calvin Thomas' Goethe's Faust, I. and II. Teil;
Goethe's Faust, translated by Anna Swanwick, or Goethe's Faust,
translated by Bayard Taylor.

Deutscher Verein.—This club will meet weekly. The programs
include German conversation; games; picnics; easy lectures on customs
and travel in Germany; ex tempore speech-making; speaking
from notes; current events; debates; parliamentary drill; music,
singing of folksongs; story telling.