University of Virginia Library


HAVING selected an educational institution, the next requisite is a suitable equipment. Girls who live in other parts of the United States are often surprised to discover that the clothes which they have purchased at the best store in their home town are totally unsuited for the rough climate of the East. I would, therefore, recommend the following


list, subject, of course, to variation in individual cases.

  • 1 Dress, chine, crêpe de, pink, for dancing.
  • 1 Dress, chine, crêpe de, pink, for petting.
  • 1 Dress, Swiss, Dotted, blue, or
  • 1 Dress, Swiss, undotted, white.
  • 15 yards Tulle, best quality, pink.
  • 4 bottles perfume, domestic, or
  • 1 bottle, perfume, French.
  • 12 Dozen Dorine, men's pocket size.
  • 6 Soles, cami, assorted.
  • 1 Brassière, or riding habit.
  • 100 boxes aspirin, for dances and house-parties.
  • 1 wave, permanent, for conversation.
  • 24 waves, temporary.
  • 10,000 nets, hair.
  • 100,000 pins, hair.
  • 1 bottle Quelques Fleurs, for knockout.