University of Virginia Library

thane eftir þat al þis ves done,
þe apostil & abnes alsone
of Innere Inde com to þe kynge,
þat blith ves grettumly of his cumynge,
& namly for þat manis sak,
þat suld þe palace to hym mak.
þane led he thomas but abad,
quhare þat þe pal[a]ce suld be mad,
þat tuk a lange red in his hand,
as man of craft þat vare cunnand;


þane þare-vith al þe palace can merk,
quhare þat þe kinge vald haf his vark.
& þar a palace one sic vyijs
sa craftly he cane dewyse,
þat þar ves nane sic in-to rome
be Iugment of manis dome.
þe kinge, þat hard his dewice,
& persavit þat he ves vyise,
sad: “richt wele It feris þe
seruand to kingis fore to be.
þar-fore, as þu dewisise now,
mak furth myn wark, & trevly trew,
þat þi trawel sal be þe quet
ful wele, fra þu haf endit It!”
þane gert þe kinge gyf hym in hy
siluere and gold plentuisly,
& a fere cunctre passit to,
quhare he sa gretly had to do,
þat twa ȝeris he dwel[i]t þare.
& þe apostile in þat sychware,
vith þat tresoure he had tane,
pouer men relewit mony ane;
& prechit sa faste, þat he
nere al þe folk of þat cunctre
had conuertit, & but abade
gert kirkis fele & gret be made,
& of baptisme þe sacrament
gert þam tak in gud entent.
bischopis syne ordanyt he,
to serwe god in þare degre
In haly kirke, & clerkis bath,
þat suld þe puple kepe fra wath
of þe fals fend vith þare prechinge,
& eke þe treutht vith þar techinge.
& in sic oys quhen he had all
spendit þe tresoure gret & smal,


þe kinge com hame, & ferly thocht
þat he fand nocht his palace wrocht,
& hard how þe apostil had done
vith his tresoure. for-þi rycht sone
he gerte cal hym & abnen bath,
& in fel presone put þame rath,
& in þare bandis bundyne be,
til he thocht quhat vyse he
micht torment þam maste felloun[l]y.
þane rane hym in mynde in hy
þat he vald firste quyke þam fla,
& bryne þame syne in doile & va.
& one þe thrid day, quhen he
had maste thocht of sic cruelte,
his brothire deit, þat hechte gad,
fore quham þe puple gret dule mad,
& foure dais, vith gret cure,
þai vare makand his sepulture.
bot gad, þe ferde day, rase fra ded
before al þat vare in þat sted,
quha var ab[a]ysit gretumly,
quhen þai saw þat grete ferly.
nocht-þane wele sone þai hym clad,
& to þe kynge, his bruthire, hym led.
to quhome sad he: “bruthire, but hone
I tel þe, þu has mysdone;
fore hyme þat þou thinkis to fla,
or do hym bryne ore ony wa,
Is godis frend, to quham ay
angelis serwys nycht & day,
þat me in paradice has lede,
& schawyt me þe welful stede,
quhare he þe fare palace has mad,
as he before hycht had to þe glad.
na is nocht vndir þe ayre he


palace tendparte so fare to se;
for ma na gold be mar brycht
þane It is to se with sycht;
& set oure all is þat vanis
with brycht & schenand preciuse stanys,
as sardiane, topias fyne, Iaspis,
Iape, crissolit, & onix fyne is,
saphir of assay, & berial clere,
& charbunckile of price ful dere,
& adamant, þat her of gene,
þat mekil helpis to þe ewine.
& quhen I faste musand ves
one þe beute of þat place,
þe angel sad to me, thomas had
to myn bruthir þat palace mad.
& [I] sad: ‘ful fane wald I
þare-of be portare anerly.’
& he sad me þane but abad:
‘þi bruthyre has hym-selwine mad
vnworthi þare-in fore to be;
bot I to god prais fore the,
þat þu mycht ryse & luf vith oþ[i]re,
til þu had boucht It fra þi bruthire,
gyfand hym of þi gud fre
þe coste of It þat mad [h]as he,
þat he vend vele [þat] he had tynte,
& þare-fore to sla men had mynte.’”
& quhen he had sad þis resone,
he rane rycht rath to þe presone,
quhare þe apostil bundyn ves set,
& fel one kneis til his fet,
askand pardonne pytuisly
til his bruthire þat wes gylty,
& lystly lousit sone þe band,
þat thomas had in fwte & hand,


& prait hym þat he vald take
a riche clethinge for his sake.
& sancte thomas til hym can say:
“me þu kennis ȝet be na way,
þat þai þat ȝarnis for to be
In hewyne & þare-In hafe pouste,
ȝarnis til hafe na temporale gud,
ovtane anerly clath & fud.”