University of Virginia Library


"I. The first defensive line taken will be south of the Willtown and Rantowles
Road—the entrenchment at Kings Creek being the right, those at
Yongues Island being the center and the Church Flats batteries the left—
the reserves being held in the vicinity of Adams Run. An attack by a
single column upon this position will be obstinately resisted. A general
attack along the whole line in strong force will compel its abandonment
after holding it merely long enough to ascertain the strength and designs
of the enemy. The line is too long and too near the enemy's base of operations.
It is also liable to be turned by an advance from Edisto Island
across to Dawhoo in the neighborhood of Pinebury.

"II. The second line taken will be behind the Caw Caw Swamp. This
swamp, commencing at Rantowles, runs westward for five miles when it
divides into two main branches, one continuing westward to the Edisto
River, a further distance of five miles, the other running a little west of


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north toward Givhans Ferry, higher up on same river. The left of this line
will be the batteries at Rantowles, the center where the new road crosses
the swamp half a mile east of its bifurcation, and the right will follow the
north branch. The west branch of the swamp will be held by an advanced
force of mounted men. The object of taking this line is to delay the
enemy and gain time for re-enforcements from the Third Military District
by way of Givhans Ferry. It is objectionable from its length and from the
fact that the north branch of the swamp is practicable almost anywhere
to an enterprising enemy. The enemy will attack its left at Rantowles,
seeking the most direct route to the city, in which case the cavalry on the
right will operate offensively on his flank and rear, and the point of attack
will be obstinately defended with the best means at disposal. In the event
of the lines being carried at Rantowles, the troops massed there for its
defense will retire within the lines proper of the city by the most direct
route, and the troops on the right will retire towards Bacon's Bridge on
the Ashley. Or, the enemy will attack the right of the line, where it is
much weaker, and seek a more circuitous but safer route to the city. In
this case this line can only be held long enough to make him concentrate
and prepare for carrying it. It is hoped that time sufficient for the junction
of the troops from the Third District can be thus obtained. When the line
is thus carried, the troops at Rantowles will, as before, retire by the
shortest route behind the city lines across the Ashley and proceed up the
eastern bank of the river to unite their command at Bacon's Bridge. The
troops on the right will fall back direct to Bacon's and Slann's bridges on
the Ashley.

"III. The third line taken will be behind the Ashley to protect the
South Carolina and North-Eastern Railroads. The troops from the Second
and Third Districts united will hold the fordable portion of the river, viz.;
from Shultz's Lake, a mile above Slann's Bridge, down to old Fort Dorchester.
The crossings below where pontoon bridges may be thrown across
will also be looked after by them, but these should be held by troops from
the garrison of the city. A battle will be fought in defense of this line
without orders to the contrary. The line of retreat hence will be down the
peninsular into Charleston, or if this should be impracticable from the
enemy's effecting a passage of the river near the city, then by way of Summerville
and the Twenty-Two Mile House around the head waters of Cooper
and down its eastern bank to a point near the city, where the troops can be
thrown into the garrison.

"A depot of provisions for ten days for 5,000 men and 3,000 horses has
been ordered to be established at White Church behind the second line of

"A depot of at least twice the amount should be established at Summerville
behind the third line."

General Hagood caused the country embraced in his district
to be thoroughly surveyed and mapped, and made himself personally


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acquainted with all its intricacies. He required his staff
to do the same, as well as certain trusty and reliable mounted men
whom he kept about his headquarters as couriers and guides.

The country west of Edisto and to the Ashepoo was watched
by a cavalry company[22] encamped near Jacksonboro on the
Charleston and Savannah Railroad, which picketed Bear's Point,
the junction of the two rivers and a landing on the Ashepoo.
They were subsequently re-enforced by a field battery[23] of artillery;
and were sometimes supported by infantry, when the
number of the latter arms in the district permitted. This was,
however, seldom the case. Walpole's company of fifteen or twenty
men, known as the Stono Scouts, and composed exclusively of late
planters upon the island, were kept upon Johns Island. The
Ashepoo and Johns Island pickets reported direct to headquarters.
The line of pickets from Rantowles to Edisto on the main was
placed under the charge of a permanent superintendent and
reported through him. He was furnished with the following
instructions, which were also promulgated in General Orders:


This company was Company B, Sixth South Carolina Cavalry, and picketed
Bennett's Point on Bear's Island.—Editor.


This battery was Walter's Horse Artillery.—Editor.