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Horace in Homespun by Hugh Haliburton [i.e. J. L. Robertson]

A New Edition with Illustrations by A. S. Boyd

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Hughie's Friend, the Farmer of Westerha'.

“In reducta valle mugientium
Prospectat errantes greges.”
Epod. 2.

Aboon the braes I see him stand,
The tapmost corner o' his land,
An' scan wi' care, owre hill an' plain,
A prospect he may ca' his ain.
His yowes ayont the hillocks feed,
Weel herdit in by wakefu' Tweed,
An' canny through the loan his kye
Gang creepin' to the byre doun by.
His hayfields lie fu' smoothly shorn,
An' ripenin' rise his rigs o' corn;
A simmer's e'enin' glory fa's
Upon his homestead's sober wa's.


A stately figure there he stands,
An' rests upon his staff his hands,—
Maist like some patriarch of eld,
In sic an e'enin's calm beheld.
A farmer he of Ochilside,
For worth respeckit far an' wide;
A friend of justice and of truth,
A favourite wi' age an' youth.
There's no' a bairn but kens him weel,
And ilka collie's at his heel;
Nor beast nor body e'er had ocht
To wyte him wi' in deed or thocht.
Fu' mony a gloamin' may he stand
Aboon the braes to bless the land!
Fu' mony a simmer rise an' fa'
In beauty owre his couthie ha'!
For peacefu' aye, as simmer's air,
The kindly hearts that kindle there;
Wha's friendship, sure an' aye the same,
For me mak's Westerha' a hame.