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[No. VI. That I'm the vilest Sinner, Lord! I own]

That I'm the vilest Sinner, Lord! I own
In penitent Prostration at Thy Throne;
Worthy an endless Monument to be
To thousand Worlds not to revolt from Thee:


But did not Jesus die? This is my Plea;
And has that charming Name no Force with Thee?
Insult my Groans, reject my loudest Cries;
But Oh! canst Thou the Saviour's Blood despise?
Say, are my Crimes to such a Vastness grown,
That ev'n the Blood of Jesus can't atone?
O no! then let Thy boundless Mercy shine
With Splendors equal to these Crimes of mine.
But if Thou doom me from Thy blissful Sight,
And frowning say, “I've in him no Delight;
Lo, here I am!” —But oh! the most undone
And wretched Thing Omniscience e'er has known.
The Thought is Death! 'tis Hell! my Spirits break!
I'm overwhelm'd!—I'm lost!—I cannot speak!

Sam. xv. 26.