University of Virginia Library



Will you accept of an apology for my not seeing you safely to Minor Hall last evening, with my umbrella, whilst raining. I did not mean to leave you exposed, but another young lady said that “We would not get wet,” and I thought she had reference to you and herself, though she meant another person.


Therefore you were not slighted,
Not in the least degree;
Although, when not a thinking,
I turned aside from thee.
I thought it was a token
That A. G. spoke for all,
And feared myself to ask your
Permission to the hall.
Then I, with this impression,
Kind Miss, what could I do?
Could I escort you safely,
Without consent from you?
And then, too, shamed to venture
Or linger by your side,
And this explains the reason
Why thus I turned aside.
Therefore, you will excuse me,
For I have made it plain,
And sorry that I left you,
Last night within the rain.
Now, when the night grows darker,
And rain shall harder fall,
Then you shall have my presence
From prayer to Miner Hall.
Or when the moon is shining,
And stars shall fill the sky,
I will not then forsake you,
Nor let you pass me by.