The new purchase, or, Seven and a half years in the far West | ||
The greatest care has been taken in selecting the works of which
the collection is composed, so that nothing either mediocre in
talent, or immoral in tendency, is admitted. Each volume is
printed on the finest paper, is illustrated with an elegant
frontispiece, and is bound in a superior manner, tastefully ornamented.
The following are comprised in the series, uniform in size and style:—
THE POPLAR GROVE; or, Little Harry and his Uncle Benjamin,
By Mrs. Copley. 37½ cents.
EARLY FRIENDSHIPS. By Mrs. Copley. 37½ cents.
THE CROFTON BOYS. By Harriet Martineau. 37½ cents.
THE PEASANT AND THE PRINCE. By Harriet Martineau. 37½ cts.
NORWAY AND THE NORWEGIANS; or, Feats on the Fiord. By
Harriet Martineau. 37½ cents.
MASTERMAN READY; or, the Wreck of the Pacific. Written for
Young People. By Captain Marryatt. Three volumes; each 37½ cents.
THE LOOKING-GLASS FOR THE MIND; or, Intellectual Mirror.
An elegant collection of Delightful Stories and Tales: many plates 50 cts.
HOPE ON, HOPE EVER; or the Boyhood of Felix Law. By Mary
Howitt. 37½ cents
STRIVE AND THRIVE; a Tale. By Mary Howitt. 37½ cents.
SOWING AND REAPING; or, What will Come of It? By Mary
Howitt. 37½ cents.
WHO SHALL BE GREATEST? a Tale. By Mary Howitt. 37½ cts.
WHICH IS THE WISER? or, People Abroad. By Mary Howitt. 37½ cts.
LITTLE COIN MUCH CARE; or, How Poor People Live. By Mary
Howitt. 37½ cents.
WORK AND WAGES; or, Life in Service. By Mary Howitt. 37½ cts
THE DANGERS OF DINING OUT; or, Hints to those who would
make Home Happy. To which is added the Confessions of a Maniac.
By Mrs. Ellis. 37½ cents.
SOMERVILLE HALL; or, Hints to those who would make Home
Happy. To which is added the Rising Tide. By Mrs. Ellis. 37½ cents.
FIRST IMPRESSIONS; or, Hints to those who would make Home
Happy. By Mrs. Ellis. 37½ cents.
MINISTER'S FAMILY; or, Hints to those who would make Home
Happy. By Mrs. Ellis. 37½ cents.
THE TWIN SISTERS; a Tale. By Mrs. Sandham. 37½ cents.
TIRED OF HOUSE-KEEPING; a Tale, By T S. Arthur. 37½ cents.
“Messrs. Appleton & Co. deserve the highest praise for the excellent
manner in which they have `got up' their juvenile library, and we sincerely
hope that its success will be so great as to induce them to make continual
contributions to its treasures. The collection is one which should
be owned by every parent who wishes that the moral and intellectual improvement
of his children should keep pace with their growth in years, and
the development of their physical powers”
—Boston Times.
The new purchase, or, Seven and a half years in the far West | ||