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The Discovery of the Little World, with the government thereof. By Iohn Davies

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To the most faire, most fortunate, and no lesse famous Magdalen Colledge in Oxford.

To the most faire, most fortunate, and no lesse famous Magdalen Colledge in Oxford.

And can I seeme, much lesse then can I be
Grateful, if I should thee, or thine forget,
Whose Head, and Members bind me so to thee,
That thou maist giue or take me as thy debt?
Thy discreete head's a Bond that bindes my head,
My hart, my hand, and vvhat besides is mine
To him for thee, to thee for him, in Deede;
So being bound in Deede, in deede am thine.
The Members of thy body (not of stone
Squar'd by the cunning of a mortall hand,
But living, loving, made by Loue alone)
Haue by their loue, in ever-lasting Band
So tide me to them, that as they doe moue,
So moue I, forc'd by force of mutuall loue.