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The Discovery of the Little World, with the government thereof. By Iohn Davies

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To my much honored, and intirely beloued Patronesse, the most famous Vniversitie of Oxford.

To my much honored, and intirely beloued Patronesse, the most famous Vniversitie of Oxford.

To mount aboue Ingratitude (base crime)
With double lines of single-twisted Rime;
I will (though needlesse) blaze the Sun-bright praise
Of Oxford, where I spend some gaining daies:
Who entertaines me with that kinde regard,
That my best words, her worst deedes should reward:
For like a Lady full of roialtie,
Shee giues me Crownes for my Charactery:
Her Pupils crowne me for directing them,
Where like a King I liue, without a Realme:
They praise my precepts, & my Lessōs learne,
So doth the worse the better wel governe.
But Oxford, ô I praise thy situation
Passing Pernassus, Muses habitation!
Thy Bough-deckt-dainty VValkes, with Brooks beset
Fretty, like Christall Knots, in mould of Iet.
Thy sable Soile's like Guians golden Ore,
And gold it yeelds, manur'd; no mould can more.
The pleasant Plot where thou hast footing found,
For all it yeelds, is yelke of English ground.
Thy stately Colledges like Princes courtes,
Whose gold-embossed high-embattl'd Ports
With all the glorious workmanshippe within
Make Strangers deeme they haue in Heaven bin,
When out they come from those celestiall places,
Amazing them with glorie and with graces.
But, in a word to say how I like thee,
For place, for grace, and for sweete companee,
Oxford is Heav'n, if Heav'n on Earth there be.
John Davies.