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An extract from a report of Mr. Jefferson to the Directors of
the Literary Fund, of the 7th October, 1822.
In the same report of the commissioners, of 1818, it was stated
by them that "in eonformity with the principles of our constitution,
which place all sects of religion on an equal footing, with
the jealousies of the different sects in guarding that equality from
encroachment or surprise, and with the sentiments of the legislature
in favor of freedom of religion, manifested on former occasions,
they had not proposed that any professorship of Divinity
should be established in the University; that provision, however,
was made for giving instruction in the Hebrew, Greek, and Latin
languages, the depositories of the original, and of the earliest and
most respected authorities of the faith of every sect, and for
courses of ethical lectures developing those moral obligations in
which all sects agree. That proceeding thus far without offence
to the constitution, they had left at this point to every sect to take
into their own hands the office of further instruction in the peculiar
tenets of each.
It was not, however, to be understood that instruction in religious
opinions and duties was meant to be precluded by the public
authorities as indifferent to the interests of society. On the contrary,
the relations which exist between man and his Maker, and
the duties resulting from those relations are the most interesting
and important to every human being, and the most incumbent
on his study and investigation. The want of instruction in the
various creeds of religious faith existing among our citizens, presents
therefore a chasm in a general institution of the useful
sciences. But it was thought this want and the entrustment to
each society of instruction in its own doctrines, were evils of less
danger than a permission to the public authorities to dictate modes
or principles of religious instruction, or than opportunities furnished
them of giving countenance or ascendency to any one sect
over another. A remedy, however, has been suggested of promising
aspect, which, while it excludes the public authorities from
the domain of religious freedom, would give to the sectarian
schools of divinity the full benefit of the public provisions made
for instruction in the other branches of science. These branches
are equally necessary to the divine as to the other professional or
civil characters, to enable them to fulfil the duties of their calling
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and suggested by some pious individuals, who perceive
the advantages of associating other studies with those of religion,
to establish these religious schools on the confines of the University,
so as to give to their students ready and convenient access
and attendance on the scientific lectures of the University. Such
establishments would offer the further and great advantage of enabling
the students of the University to attend religious exercises
with the professor of their particular sect, either in the rooms of
the building still to be erected, and destined to that purpose under
impartial regulations, as proposed in the same report of the commissioners,
or in the lecturing room of such professor. To such
propositions the Visitors are disposed to lend a willing ear, and
would think it their duty to give every encouragement by assuring
to those who might choose such a location for their school, that
the regulations of the University should be so modified and accommodated
as to give every facility of access and attendance to
their students, with such regulated use also as may be permitted
to the other students of the library, which may hereafter be acquired
by public or private munificence, but always understanding
that these schools shall be independent of the University and
of each other. Such an arrangement would complete the circle
of the useful sciences embraced by the Institution, and would fill
the chasm now existing on principles which would leave inviolate
the constitutional freedom of religion, the most inalienable and
sacred of all human rights, over which the people and authorities
of this State, individually and publicly, have ever manifested the
most watchful jealousy; and could this jealousy be now alarmed
in the opinion of the legislature by what is here suggested, the
idea will be relinquished on any surmise of disapprobation which
they may think proper to express.
On the 4th October, 1824, the Board of Visitors agreed to the
following resolutions:
Should the religious sects of this State, or any of them, according
to the invitation held out to them, establish within or
adjacent to the University, schools for instruction in the religion
of their sect, the students of the University will be free and expected
to attend religious worship at the establishment of their
respective sects in the morning, and in time to meet their school
in the University at its stated hour.
The students of such religious school, if they attend any school
of the University, shall be considered students of the University,
subject to the same regulations, and entitled to the same rights
and privileges.
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