University of Virginia Library


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The following abbreviations used in connection with the courses indicate the
buildings in which the classes are held:

A. S.—Art Studio; B. L.—Biological Laboratory; C. H.—Cabell Hall;
C. L.—Chemical Laboratory; G. H.—Graduate House, West Lawn; M. G.—
Memorial Gymnasium; L. B.—Law Building (Minor Hall); M. H.—Madison
Hall; M. L.—Mechanical Laboratory; M. R.—Music Room; P. H.—Peabody Hall
(Education Building); P. H. B.—Peabody Hall Basement; P. L.—Physical
Laboratory (Rouss); R.—Rotunda; R. P.—Romance Languages Pavilion; S. B.—
Social Science Building; W. R.—West Range Laboratory.

A and B courses are credited toward the Bachelor's degree. C courses are
credited toward the Master's degree.

Courses designated by numerical numbers under 100 are of college grade but
are not offered in this University in the regular session. They are accepted as
Electives with a credit value of one session-hour each, and also have this value
toward the Elementary Certificate, Normal Professional and Special Certificates
issued by the Virginia Department of Public Instruction. In taking these courses
students should be careful to see that they may be accepted in whatever program
is being followed whether leading to a degree or a certificate.

Courses designated by numbers above 100 have no credit value.

Credit.—Each A or B course, except courses in Science which have a
double credit value, has a credit value of one session-hour per term of 30 lectures.
If a course is marked "both terms," it is repeated, unless otherwise stated, the
second term, and has a credit value of one session-hour each term. A session-hour
is equal to two semester-hours or three quarter-hours.

The letter s before the number of a course denotes that the course has been
taken in the Summer Quarter. The Roman Numeral I signifies that the course
corresponds to the first term of the course in the regular session; II to the
second, and III to the third term.

Auditors' Tickets may be purchased from the Registrar for $5.00 a term,
for three classes. If any class which has a special fee is chosen, this fee must be
paid in addition to the $5.00. The holder of such a ticket may take no part in the
work of the class, may take no tests or examinations; he is in all cases simply
an auditor.

The University reserves to itself the right to modify or withdraw any course,
or to change instructors, as may seem wise.


The following are typical art school courses. The work will be of special
interest to students who have had training in art, as well as to those who have
had little or no training; to those who intend to continue their studies on a larger
scale and to teachers who wish to broaden their knowledge.

Art sB1-I. Freehand Drawing: First Term. 8:30 to 11:30; Art Studio.
Fee $15.00. Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Makielski.

Drawing and landscape design in black and white.


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Art sB1-II. Freehand Drawing: First Term. 8:30 to 11:30; Art Studio.
Fee $15.00. Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Makielski.

Charcoal drawing from casts.

History of Art sB2-I: Second Term. 8:30; C. H. 11. Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Hammarstrand.

Early Christian and Byzantine Art.

History of Art sB2-II: Second Term. 10:30; C. H. 11. Credit, one

Mr. Hammarstrand.

Romanesque and Gothic Architecture.

History of Art sB2-III. Second Term. 11:30; C. H. 11. Credit, one

Mr. Hammarstrand.

Romanesque and Gothic Sculpture and painting.

Art sB3-I. Painting: First Term. 8:30 to 11:30; Art Studio. Fee $15.00.
Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Makielski.

Freehand Drawing B1 and B2, or equivalent, prerequisite.

Landscape painting from nature in oils and in water color.

Mr. Makielski is a painter of murals and landscapes, with a studio in Detroit, Michigan.
As a member of the Scarab Club of Detroit and The Chicago Art Institute Alumni Association,
the recipient of many important commissions, and active participant in many exhibitions
in recognized art centers, his reputation as a painter of ability is established. He
is an instructor in the Detroit School of Applied Art and is equipped to offer instruction
in Art of the type that may be had in the more progressive schools in the large cities.


Astronomy sB1-I. General Astronomy: First Term. 12:30; P. L. B. 1.
Credit, one session-hour elective.

Mr. Simpson.

A non-mathematical course in the outlines of general astronomy and in modern theories
of the universe. The Solar System will be specially studied.


Biblical Literature sB2-I. New Testament Literature: First Term. 12:30;
C. H. 11. Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Forrest.

The Teaching of Jesus, Its Method and Content as contained in the Gospels.

Biblical Literature sB2-II. The Poetry of the Old Testament: First Term.
11:30; C. H. 11. Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Forrest.

The principles and structure of Hebrew poetry. The Psalms and the Song of Solomon
as the chief books of biblical, sacred and secular poetry.


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Biblical Literature sB2-III. Biblical History and Literature: Second
Term. 12:30; C. H. 11. Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Glueck.

Note—The daily lectures in these courses will be open to all who desire to attend.
Only those wishing credit need take the examination.


These courses have been so constructed as to meet the needs of teachers
who are working in secondary schools, and to enable pre-medical students to fulfill
the entrance requirements as prescribed by the American Medical Association, and
for credit toward undergraduate and graduate degrees.

Pre-medical students must take Courses sB1-I, sB1-II, and s7 or lecture of
sB1-III, in order to meet their full entrance requirements.

Courses sB1-I, sB1-II, sB1-III and s7 are equivalent to three terms' work of
Biology B1, regular session.

Note.—Students are advised to complete the entire three terms of Biology B1
in the Quarter.

Biology sB1-I. Botany: Both Terms. Lecture 2:30; Laboratory 3:30 to
5:30; B. L. 3. Credit when taken with Biology s7, two session-hours. Laboratory
fee $5.00.

Mr. Betts and Mr. Barrett.

Deals with the structure of plants and their vital phenomena. Introduction to the systematic
study of ferns and flowering plants. No text. Biology sB1 and s7 are equivalent
to one term's work in Biology B1 regular session.

Biology sB1-II. Zoölogy: Both Terms. Lecture 8:30; Laboratory 9:30
to 11:30; B. L. 3. Credit, when taken with Biology s7, two session-hours. Laboratory
fee $5.00.

First Term, Mr. Reynolds and Assistant. Second Term, Mr. Reynolds
and Mr. Stewart.

Deals with the structure of animals and their vital phenomena. No text-book. Biology
sB1-II and s7 are equivalent to one term's work in Biology B1 regular session.

Biology sB1-III. Experimental Biology: Both Terms. Lecture 8:30;
Laboratory 9:30 to 11:30; B. L. 12. Credit, when taken with Biology s7, two
session-hours. Laboratory fee $5.00.

Mr. Betts.

A presentation of experimental work on the physiology of plants and animals. The
work of this course will be suggestive and helpful to teachers, and supplements the premedical
student's work in Courses sB1-I and sB1-II. Biology sB1-III and s7, equivalent
to one term's work in Biology B1, regular session.

Biology s7. Biological Seminar: Both Terms. 11:30; B.L.3. Fee $5.00
for those not registered in sB1-I, sB1-II, sB1-III, or sB3-I.

Mr. Reynolds.

Biology s9. Human Physiology: Both Terms. Lecture 12:30; B.L.3.
Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. MacFall.

The fundamentals of Human Physiology will be dealt with and the practical and pedagogical
aspects of the subject will be considered. The lectures will be supplemented by
demonstrations, reference work and text-book assignments.


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Biology sC1-I. Protozoölogy—[7] (1929): Six session-hours in Biology prerequisite.
Whole Quarter. Lecture 9:30; Laboratory 10:30-12:30; B. L. 3.
Credit, four session-hours. Laboratory fee $10.00 for the Quarter. Special fee

Mr. Reynolds and Mr. Robeson.

This course deals with the morphology, physiology, and genetics of protozoa. The free-living
forms will be studied first and then their relatives which have developed a parasitic
mode of existence. In discussing the latter, their life-histories, methods of getting
from one host to another and the effects produced will be dwelt upon. At least one hour
per week will be devoted to a discussion of scientific papers.

Biology sC1-II. Helminthology—[7] (1930): Six session-hours in Biology
Whole Quarter. Lecture 9:30; Laboratory 10:30-12:30; B. L. 3.
Credit, four session-hours. Laboratory fee $10.00 for the Quarter. Special fee

Mr. Reynolds.

Some time will be devoted to the study of free-living helminths, but most of the work
will be concerned with forms parasitic on man and the lower vertebrates. The worms will
be divided into flukes, tape-worms and thread-worms and discussed in the order named.
Special emphasis will be placed on their methods of getting from one host to another and
the effects produced. Scientific papers will be read and discussed by the students at regular

Biology sC1-III. Comparative Anatomy: Whole Quarter. Six session-hours
in Biology prerequisite.
Lecture 9:30; B. L. 17. Laboratory 10:30-12:30;
B. L. 17. Laboratory fee $10.00 for the Quarter. Special fee $5.00. Credit,
four session-hours.

Mr. MacFall.

Beginning with the lower forms, this course consists of a comparative study of the
morphology of all the chordates, up to and including the mammals. Work in the laboratory
includes dissection, demonstration and drawings in preparation for weekly quizzes.

Biology sC12. Research: At least one graduate course in Biology prerequisite.
Whole Quarter. Hours by appointment. B. L. 3. Credit, an entire
C course when paper has been accepted for publication. Laboratory fee $10.00
for the Quarter. Special fee $5.00.

Mr. Reynolds.

Each student will be assigned a problem and required to turn out some work for

Note—It is recommended that candidates for the Master's degree, majoring in Biology,
register for two sC courses during their first Summer Quarter. For each of the remaining
two quarters, they should carry one sC course in addition to work on a problem which
will serve as the basis for a thesis.


Note—These courses alternate with each other, Protozoölogy being given during odd
years and Helminthology during even years.


Chemistry sB1-I. General Chemistry: First twenty days of quarter.
Lecture 8:30-10:30; Laboratory 10:00 to 1:00; C. L. 30. Credit, two session-hours.
Fee $7.00. Deposit for apparatus $5.00.

Mr. Carter and Mr. White.

This course is designed to introduce the fundamental principles and phenomena of
inorganic chemistry, including a brief introduction to organic and analytical chemistry.
The work corresponds to the Fall term of Chemistry B1 of the winter session.

Chemistry sB1-II. General Chemistry: Second twenty days of quarter.
Lecture 8:30 to 10:00; Laboratory 10:00-1:00; C. L. 30. Credit, two session-hours.


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Fee $7.00. Deposit for apparatus $5.00, unless deposit has been made in
connection with sB1-I.

Mr. Carter, Mr. Markham and Mr. White.

This course is a continuation of sB1-I and corresponds to the Winter term of the
winter session. Such topics as electrolytic dissociation, oxidation and reduction, equilibrium,
and the important non-metallic elements are considered.

Chemistry sB1-III. General Chemistry: This course begins about the
tenth day of the Second Term of the Summer Quarter and continues to the end of
the quarter. Lecture 8:30-10:00; Laboratory 10:00-1:00; C. L. 30. Credit,
two session-hours. Fee $7.00. Deposit for apparatus $5.00, unless deposit has been
made in connection with either sB1-I or sB1-II.

Mr. Markham and Mr. White.

This course is a continuation of sB1-II and corresponds to the Spring term of the
winter session. The topics considered are the Chemistry of carbon and the descriptive
chemistry of the important metallic elements.

Note—Students electing any of the above courses will not be allowed to carry any
other courses simultaneously.

Students taking Chemistry sB1-I, II and III will be required to register and pay
registration and tuition fees, in addition to special Chemistry fees, on or before June 17th
and July 29th.

Chemistry sB2-I and II. Qualitative Analysis: Whole Quarter. Lecture
8:30; C. L. 29. Laboratory 9:30-11:30; C. L. 27. Credit, four session-hours for
the whole quarter. Fee $10.00 each term. Deposit $5.00 each term.

Mr. Yoe and Mr. Wirsing.

In the lectures and recitation work special emphasis is given to the theoretical foundations
of analytical chemistry. Some of the topics treated are: Solutions, theory of ionization,
law of mass action, solubility-product principle, hydrolysis, amphoteric substances,
complex ions, types of reactions, oxidation and reduction, colloids, etc. The laboratory
work consists of a systematic study of the common basic and acidic constituents and following
this a number of simple salts, mixtures of salts, alloys, minerals, etc., are given
for analysis.

Note—This course is especially recommended to pre-medical students who wish to
obtain more chemistry than the minimum requirement of the Medical School.

Chemistry sB3-I. Organic Chemistry: First Term. Lecture 8:30; C. L.
28. Credit, see course sB3-II below.

Mr. Bird.

Chemistry sB3-II. Organic Chemistry, Laboratory: First Term. 9:30 to
1:30; C. L. 25. Fee $10.00. Deposit $5.00. Credit, for both sB3-I and sB3-II,
three session-hours. Any one who has received two session-hours college credit
for a lecture course in Organic Chemistry may take the course sB3-II and receive
one more hour of credit. Otherwise no credit is given for either course taken

Mr. Bird and Mr. Pitts.

These two courses, sB3-I, and sB3-II, are together designed to prepare one for a standard
medical course in Biochemistry, and to fulfill the entrance requirements of the Medical
School as regards Organic Chemistry,—30 lectures and 120 hours of laboratory study. About
two hours per day outside study is necessary. No other subject may be registered for
without special permission from Mr. Bird.

Chemistry sB4-I, II and III. Quantitative Analysis: Whole Quarter.
8:30 to 12:30; C. L. 26. Credit, three session-hours for the whole quarter.
Fee $10.00 each term. Deposit $5.00 each term.

Mr. Yoe and Mr. Wirsing.

This course is arranged according to the physico-chemical principles involved instead
of the traditional treatment according to the technique employed, namely, gravimetric and


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volumetric. The important principles around which practically all quantitative methods
may be grouped are: Neutralization, solubility-product, oxidation-reduction, colorimetry,
and evolution and measurement of gases. The laboratory exercises have been selected with
the idea of illustrating these principles, and serve to introduce the student to something
new in laboratory technique each time.

Chemistry sC1-I, II and III. Physical Chemistry: Whole quarter. Lecture
8:30-10:00; Laboratory 10:00-1:00; C. L. 42. Credit, six session-hours for
whole quarter. Fee $10.00 each term. Deposit $5.00 each term.

Mr. Benton, Mr. Spencer and Assistant.

Prerequisites: Chemistry B2 (Analytical Chemistry), Physics B1 (General
), and some knowledge of the Calculus. No other course may be carried
simultaneously. Students are urged to complete the course in a single Summer
Quarter. In special cases permission may be granted to register for the lectures
and recitations only.

The course opens with an introductory study of atomic structure theory, kinetic theory
and the principle of the conservation of energy as the foundations of a survey of gases,
liquids, solids, solutions and rates of reaction. A brief study of the energetics of chemical
change is then followed by a consideration of homogeneous and heterogeneous equilibria.

Chemistry sC3-I, II and III. Technical Analysis: Whole Quarter. Hours
by appointment. Credit, three session-hours for the whole quarter. Fee $10.00
each term. Deposit $5.00 each term.

Mr. Yoe.

This course will consist of a study of the application of the principles of quantitative
analysis to technical materials. The work will be selected from such subjects as Rock,
Ore, Steel, Gas, and Coal Analysis. In addition to one or two conferences a week, a
minimum of about 200 hours of laboratory work will be required during the quarter.

Chemistry sC20. Research: Whole Quarter. Hours by appointment.
Laboratory fee $10.00 each term. Deposit for breakage $5.00 each term.

The Staff.

This course is designed to meet the needs of advanced students in chemistry. The
credit given will depend upon the quality of the work and the progress made by the individual
student. The student may elect to do research work leading to the thesis requirement
for the Master's degree.


Note.—The regular tuition fee does not apply to Commercial Education
courses. Each student will be required to pay a registration fee of $5.00, and a
special fee for each course taken.

Commerce s136-I. Bookkeeping—Elementary: First Term. 8:30; L. B.
Library. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Grimes.

An introductory course, designed to acquaint the student with the fundamental principles
of bookkeeping, and with the related business forms and procedure. No previous
training in bookkeeping is required.

Commerce s136-II. Bookkeeping—Intermediate: Second Term. 8:30;
L. B. Library. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Grimes.

A continuation of Commerce s136-I, in which the principles of bookeeping are applied
to the records of a partnership. The lectures are supplemented by the writing of a set
of partnership books.

Commerce s136-III. Methods of Teaching Bookkeeping: First Term.
11:30; L. B. Library. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Grimes.

This course lays emphasis upon the proper balance between classroom presentation


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and laboratory practice in the teaching of bookkeeping, in order that the student may
be prepared to make application of bookeeping principles in employment and at the same
time receive the full educational benefit of the study.

The course is designed for teachers of bookkeeping, and for those preparing to teach
that subject in high schools.

A course in double entry bookkeeping is prerequisite.

Commerce s136-IV. Bookkeeping—General Course: Second Term. 11:301:20;
L. B. Library. Fee $10.00.

Mr. Grimes.

A two-hour course for teachers and prospective teachers of bookkeeping, covering the
subject-matter of the usual two-year high school course. Using one of the popular texts
as a basis, the material will be gone over step by step, the more difficult problems worked
out and outlines and teaching plans set up. The "sets" will be taken up in connection
with the text, portions of each set being worked out by the class. The use of manuals,
keys, objective tests, and publisher co-operation will be discussed.

Commerce s137-I. Shorthand—Elementary: Both Terms. 9:30; L. B.
Library. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Grimes.

A course in Gregg Shorthand, for beginners. The Manual, Lesson I to Lesson X,
inclusive, and corresponding portions of supplementary texts, will be covered.

Commerce s137-II. Shorthand—Intermediate: Both Terms. 10:30; L. B.
Library. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Grimes.

This course begins with Lesson XI and completes the Gregg Manual. The writing of
business letters from dictation is introduced.

Commerce s137-I or its equivalent is prerequisite.

Commerce s137-III. Shorthand—Advanced—Teachers' Course: Both
Terms. 8:30; Jefferson Hall. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Kanady.

A course designed to give teachers and prospective teachers of Gregg Shorthand the
opportunity to extend their knowledge of the system, and to increase speed in writing
and reading shorthand. Approximately two-thirds of the term will be devoted to Manual
review and vocabulary building, and one-third to transcription and related office practice.
The development of a good style of blackboard penmanship will be emphasized.

Prerequisite, a high school or business college course in Gregg Shorthand.

Commerce s137-IV. Methods of Teaching Shorthand: First Term. 10:30;
Jefferson Hall. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Kanady.

A course for teachers of shorthand, and those preparing to teach the subject, in secondary
schools. The course includes: Planning the year's work; classroom organization;
preparation and presentation of lessons; development of speed and accuracy in writing,
reading, and transcription; correlation of shorthand with other commercial subjects and
with English. The problems of the one- and two-teacher commercial department will be
given special attention.

Commerce s137-V. Secretarial Practice: Both Terms. 11:30; Jefferson
Hall. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Kanady.

A course for teachers, commercial graduates, and stenographers, outlining the usual
routine duties of the business secretary, or executive assistant. Some of the topics treated
will be: Stenographic standards; the handling of correspondence; filing; arranging business
itineraries; reference and research work; business statistics. Considerable stenographic
work will be necessary in connection with the course.

Commerce s138-I. Typewriting—Elementary: Both Terms. Hours to be
arranged. Jefferson Hall. Fee $10.00.

First Term, Mrs. Bundy. Second Term, Mr. Kanady.

A course for beginners in typewriting, and for "sight" writers who wish to master the


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touch system. Teachers and others who wish to make a limited use of typewriting in
connection with their work may take this course to advantage.

Commerce s138-II. Typewriting—Intermediate: Both Terms. Hours to
be arranged. Jefferson Hall. Fee $10.00.

First Term, Miss Bradshaw. Second Term, Mr. Kanady.

This course includes: Special exercises for building up typewriting speed; tabulating
and form work; business correspondence; transcription of shorthand notes.

Commerce s138-III. Methods of Teaching Typewriting: First Term.
9:30; Jefferson Hall. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Kanady.

Lectures, classroom discussions, and special assignments will be supplemented by
observation and practice teaching in connection with one or more of the typewriting
classes. Among the topics treated will be: Mechanism of the typewriter; care of the
machine, minor adjustments and repairs; teaching the beginner; building speed and reducing
errors; testing and grading; correlation of shorthand and typewriting. A number
of the popular typewriting texts will be available for study and comparison.

See Commercial Law.


Commercial Law sB1-I. Commercial Law: First Term. 8:30; L. B. 3.
Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Hulvey.

A detailed study of the fundamental principles of contractual liability, with necessary
and incidental reference to non-contractual liability. Practical work in the drafting of
simple contracts. Specially selected cases, dealing with the most important phases of
business law, are carefully studied. Outline: Formation of Contracts—Operation of Contracts—The
Interpretation of Contracts—Discharge of Contracts—Nature and Formation of

Commercial Law sB1-II. Commercial Law: First Term. 11:30; Office
Law Building. Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Hulvey.

A continuation of Commercial Law sB1-I. Outline: Creation and Organization of Private
Business Corporations. Negotiable Instruments—General Nature and History—The
Formation of the Contract—Operation of the Contract—Discharge of Negotiable Paper.

Commercial Law sB1-III. Commercial Law: First Term. 12:30; L. B. 3.
Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Hulvey.

A continuation of Commercial Law sB1-I and II. Outline: The Laws Pertaining to
Market Transactions, Storage and Transportation.


Drawing: See Industrial and Fine Arts.


Dramatic Art s44. Art of Expression: First Term. 9:30; L. B. 11.
Credit, one session-hour elective.

Mr. Gunnison and Miss Dean.

A general course in the Fundamental Principles of Vocal Expression and Pantomime. This
course is designed for students who desire training in right use of the voice and body in the vocal
interpretation of literature as well as in dramatic production. Text-book: Curry's Foundations
of Expression.


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Dramatic Art s45. Advanced Course in Art of Expression: First Term.
10:30; L. B. 11. Credit, one session-hour elective.

Mr. Gunnison.

Dramatic Art s44 prerequisite.

Dramatic Art s46. Art of Make-Up and Costuming: First Term. 11:30;
L. B. 11. Credit, one session-hour elective.

Miss Dean.

A systematic study of make-up for external characterization, the ability to transform
the face into any desired type age or nationality, requires a close study of physiognomy
and skill in the use of make-up material. Costumes and customs of all periods are interpreted
and laws of color explained.

Dramatic Art s47. Dramatic Production: First Term. 3:30; P. H.
Auditorium. Credit, one session-hour elective.

Mr. Gunnison and Miss Dean.

This course offers the fundamentals in acting, staging and presentation of plays. Discussion
of the educational and social values of dramatic work in schools, colleges and
communities. It is to be hoped that the students enrolled in this course will be interested
in preparing several plays for public performance. Plays studied will be modern one-act

Dramatic Art. Play Production for the Country Theatre: First Term.
9:30; P. H. 5. Credit, one session-hour.

Miss Duthie.

See Rural Social Economics, page 81.

Dramatic Art. Staging Problems of the Country Theatre: First Term.
11:30; P. H. 5. Credit, one session-hour.

Miss Duthie.

See Rural Social Economics, page 81.


Economic Geography sB1-I. Elements of Geography: First Term. 9:30;
P. L. B. 1. Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Starnes.

An introductory world-wide survey of the distribution and characteristics of the elements
of natural environment (climate, land forms, soils, surface and ground waters,
natural vegetation and mineral deposits) with particular reference to their influence on
the economic life of social groups.

Economic Geography sB1-II. Geography of North America: First Term.
10:30; P. L. B. 1. Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Starnes.

A survey of the principal economic activities in each of the major geographic regions
of North America from the standpoint of their relation to the natural environmental complex.
Emphasis is placed on the regional equipment for industry in the several divisions
of the continent.

Economic Geography sB1-III. Commercial Geography: First Term.
11:30; P. L. B. 1. Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Starnes.

A survey of present-day overseas commerce and transportation and an analysis of the
underlying geographic and economic principles as applied to the major commercial divisions
and trade regions of the world.


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Economics sB1-I. Survey of the Principles of Economics: Both Terms.
9:30; C. L. 29. Credit, one session-hour.

First Term, Mr. Berglund. Second Term, Mr. Snavely.

Economics sB1-II. Survey of the Principles of Economics: Both Terms.
10:30; C. L. 28. Credit, one session-hour.

First Term, Mr. Johnson. Second Term, Mr. Fagen.

Economics sB1-III. The Bearing of the Principles of Economics upon
Present American Conditions:
First Term. 11:30; C. L. 28. Credit, one

Mr. Johnson.

Note—Economics sB4-I will be given for three hours a day for the first two weeks of the term;
Economics sB4-II will be given for three hours a day for the next two weeks; Economics sB4-III will
be given for three hours a day for the last two weeks of the term. Thus a student may complete a
whole year's work in Accounting in the first term.

Economics sB4-I. Elements of Accounting: First Term. 8:30; C. L. 29.
First two weeks of term. Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Barlow.

Accounting principles and procedure applied to the single proprietorship, partnership,
and corporation. Knowledge of bookkeeping is not prerequisite.

Economics sB4-II. Elements of Accounting: First Term. 10:30; C. L. 29.
Second two weeks of term. Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Barlow.

Economics sB4-III. Elements of Accounting. First Term. 11:30; C. L. 29.
Third two weeks of term. Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Barlow.

Economics sC1-I. Public Finance: First Term. 12:30; C. L. 28. Fee
for graduate students $5.00.

Mr. Johnson.

Equivalent to first term of C1 of regular session.

General principles of public finance, including public expenditures, public revenues and
a survey of state and local taxation in the United States.

Economics sC1-II. Public Finance: Second Term. 10:30; C. L. 29. Fee
for graduate students, $5.00.

Mr. Snavely.

Equivalent to second term of Economics C1 of regular session.

Problems and principles of state and local taxation.

Economics sC1-III. Public Finance: Second Term. 8:30; C. L. 28. Fee
for graduate students $5.00.

Mr. Fagen.

Equivalent to third term of Economics C1 of regular session.

Finance of the Federal Government.

Economics sC2-I. Money and Banking: First Term. 9:30; C. L. 28.
Fee for graduate students $5.00.

Mr. Kincaid.

Principles of money and banking.

This course is equivalent to the first term of Economics C2 but by special arrangement
may be taken by students seeking credit in Economics B3.


Page 48

Economics sC2-II. Money and Banking—Continued: Second Term. 9:30;
C. H. 102. Fee for graduate students $5.00.

Mr. Kincaid.

The Federal Reserve System.

This course is equivalent to the second term of Economics C2 but by special arrangement
may be taken by students seeking credit in Economics B3.

Economics sC2-III. Money and Banking—Continued: Second Term.
12:30; C. H. 102. Fee for graduate students $5.00.

Mr. Kincaid.

The principles of rural credits including the Federal Farm Loan System and the Intermediate
Credits banks.

This course is equivalent to the third term of Economics C2 but by special arrangement
may be taken by students seeking credit in Economics B3.

Economics sC7-I. Business Combinations: First Term. 10:30; C. H. 11.
Fee for graduate students $5.00.

Mr. Berglund.

Economics B1 or its equivalent prerequisite.

A study of the growth of large business organizations, commonly called trusts, in this
country and in Europe in recent times. Special emphasis is given to the causes of this
growth, the various forms, legal status and relationship to business efficiency, and the
social problems arising out of this formation. The organization of pools, cartels, holding
companies, mergers, etc., is investigated particularly with reference to price policies.

Economics sC7-II. Business Combinations: First Term. 11:30; C. H. 12.
Fee for graduate students $5.00.

Mr. Berglund.

Economics sC7-III. Business Combinations: Second Term. 11:30; C. L.
29. Fee for graduate students $5.00.

Mr. Fagen.


Education sB1-I. History and Philosophy of Education: First Term.
9:30; P. H. 3. Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Zehmer.

A study of the chief educational ideals of mankind prior to the Christian Era. An
attempt is made to relate these educational ideals to their social and historical conditions
and to present them as the expression of corresponding philosophies of life.

Education sB1-II. History and Philosophy of Education in Modern Times:
Second Term. 9:30; P. H. 3. Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Zehmer.

Education sB1-III. Public Education in the United States: Both Terms.
8:30; P. H. 3. Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Weldon.

Education sB2-I. Elementary Educational Psychology: Both Terms.
11:30; M. L. 17. Credit, one session-hour elective.

First Term, Miss Coppedge. Second Term, Miss Barrett.

This course is designed to meet the needs of the primary teacher who has had no work
in Educational Theory or Psychology. It will serve as an introductory course to the field
of Education.


Page 49

Education sB2-II. Educational Psychology: First Term. 11:30; M. L. 11.
Credit, one session-hour.

Miss Barrett.

A course in General or Educational Psychology prerequisite.

Original nature and the principles underlying its development.

Education sB2-III. Section I. Principles of Teaching for the Grades:
Both Terms. 8:30; M. L. 11. Credit, one session-hour.

Miss Barrett.

A course in General or Educational Psychology prerequisite.

This course is designed for teachers in the grades. The main types of lessons, with
the principles underlying them.

Education sB3-I. Elementary School Supervision: First Term. 10:30;
Washington Hall. Credit, one session-hour.

Miss McLester.

A study of the curriculum of the elementary school with special emphasis upon curriculum
construction for the primary grades. An attempt is made to discover the trends
and to forecast the future development of the elementary school curriculum in Virginia
and the South. Observation in Education sB3-II is also advised.

Education sB3-II. An Observation Class for Teachers and Elementary
First Term. 8:30-10:30; Washington Hall. Credit, one session-hour.

Miss McLester and Assistant.

A special study is made of the various types of lessons, proper methods of learning,
and the function of the teacher as a supervisor of learning. Special emphasis will be
placed upon the teaching of reading and arithmetic, the use of the supervised study
period, adaptation of instruction to individual needs of special cases, constructive and
occupational work, and methods of securing the right kind of freedom in the classroom.

Education sB3-III. Measurement in Elementary Education: Both Terms.
11:30; P. H. 4. Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Acker.

A study is made of the instruments of measurement now available, their uses and
limitations. Practice is afforded in the use of scientific measures. Objective examinations
are constructed.

Education sB4-I. Elementary School Administration: Second Term.
8:30; P. H. 4. Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Hill.

Organization of the elementary school. Schedule making, time allotments, records and
reports, classification of pupils, marking, etc.

Education sB4-II. Organization of Subject-Matter and Learning Situations
in the Elementary School:
Both Terms. 10:30; P. H. 4. Credit, one

Mr. Acker.

Education sB4-III. Supervised Teaching in the Elementary School: First
Term. Credit, one session-hour.

Miss von Schilling.

Midway School. (Meets for consultation. Library, P. H.)

Prerequisite—18 session-hours' credit in Normal Professional Course. Registration
for the course must be made in advance.

Two session-hours' credit are required in this course. Only one session-hour's
credit can be secured in any one summer.


Page 50

Students taking this course must consult the supervisor before registering for
any classes.

This course consists of a series of lessons prepared and taught by the student under
the guidance of experienced, trained teachers and the supervisor. It offers opportunity
for teachers with some experience in the class-room and training in psychology to work
out practical experiments in teaching and to measure the results. Individual conference
hours are provided and a general conference is held once a week.

Education sB5-I. School Administration: Both Terms. 11:30; P. H. 3.
Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Weldon.

For superintendents, principles and teachers. Will consider contemporary tendencies
and problems in school organization and administration in state, city and county; duties
and powers of central and local educational authorities, with special reference to conditions
in Virginia and the South.

Education sB5-II. School Administration: First Term. 8:30; P. H. 4.
Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Hill.

City School Systems.

Education sB5-III. Public School Administration: Both Terms. 9:30;
P. H. 4. Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Bennett.

County school systems. A detailed study will be made of county school systems with
special emphasis upon county school organization and administration in Virginia.

Education sB7-I. High School Administration: Both Terms. 2:30; P. H.
4. Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Jarman.

The Principal and his School; principles and present tendencies of secondary education
organization, administration, and supervision of the modern high school.

Text-books: Koos: The American Secondary School; Monroe-Weber: The High School.

Education sB7-II. The Junior High School: Both Terms. 3:30; P. H. B. 1.
Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Jarman.

Origin, aims, organization, program of studies, methods of teaching and control of the
junior high school.

Text-book: Touton and Struthers: Junior High School Procedure.

Education sB7-III. Program of Studies of Modern Secondary School:
Both Terms. 12:30; P. H. 2. Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Phippins.

The program of studies, subject matter, and types of teaching for various groups of
subjects in the modern high school.

Text-books: Koos: The American Secondary School; Williams: The Making of High School Curricula.

Education sB8-I. Social Principles of Secondary Education: Both Terms.
8:30; P. H. B. 16. Credit, one session-hour.

First Term, Mr. Trimble. Second Term, Mr. Brown.

Principles of sociology that most concern various types of secondary education as determined
by the needs of dynamic society, modern economic life, and present-day culture.
The application of these principles to the program of the modern high school.

Text-book: Smith: Principles of Educational Sociology.

Education sB8-II. Modern Methods of High School Teaching: Both
Terms. 9:30; P. H. B. 4. Credit, one session-hour.


Page 51

First Term, Mr. Trimble. Second Term, Mr. Brown.

This course deals with the principles of technique of high school instruction.

Text-books: Douglas: Modern Methods of High School Teaching; Thomas: Principles and Technique
of Teaching.

Education sB8-III. High School Guidance and Supervision: Both Terms.
10:30; P. H. B. 4. Credit, one session-hour.

First Term, Mr. Trimble. Second Term, Mr. Brown.

This course is intended for high school principals and teachers, supervisors, superintendents,
and others interested in understanding the guidance movement and in the
possibility of applying its principles to their own work.

Text-book: Proctor: Educational and Vocational Guidance.

Education sB9-II. Measurement in Secondary Education: Both Terms.
8:30; P. H. 2. Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Phippins.

The status, uses, limitations, and selection of secondary school tests; available high
school tests; objective examinations; high school testing program.

Texts: Symonds: Measurement in Secondary Education; Ruch and Stoddard: Tests and Measurements
in High School Instruction.

Education sB9-III. History of Modern Secondary Education: First Term.
11:30; P. H. B. 4. Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Ivy.

A brief survey of secondary education beginning with the Renaissance, as an introduction
to the development of American High School. Consideration will be given to the
Latin grammar schools and academies of both Europe and America. Particular emphasis
will be placed upon the changing character of the High School during the last century,
and the influences responsible for the recent reorganization of secondary schools. Emphasis
will be placed upon the modern secondary school as a social institution to meet the needs
of modern democratic society. For superintendents, high school principals and teachers.

Education sB10-I (a). Teaching of High School English: Both Terms.
3:30; P. H. B. 4. Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Alvey.

This course deals with the selection and the organization of curriculum materials,
methods of teaching and available means for measuring the results of teaching in the
field of high school English.

Education sB10-I (b). The Teaching gof High School Mathematics: Both
Terms. 3:30; P. H. B. 16. Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Wingfield.

This course presupposes a knowledge of elementary algebra and geometry, it seeks to
establish principles for the selection and organization of curriculum material for high
school algebra and geometry, and aims to present the best modern practice in the teaching
of high school mathematics.

Education sB10-I (c). The Teaching of High School Latin: Both Terms.
2:30; P. H. B. 4. Credit, one session-hour.

Miss Jones.

This course presents a detailed study of the curriculum as prescribed for the high
school; it seeks to establish principles for curriculum organization; and aims to present
the best modern practice in the teaching of high school Latin.

Education sB10-I (d). The Teaching of High School Social Science:
Both Terms. 2:30; P. H. B. 16. Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Swindler.

The place of social science in the high school program of studies. The principles for
the selection of curriculum materials, modern methods of teaching, measuring the results
of instruction in the social sciences.


Page 52

Education sB12-I. Hygiene and Sanitation: Both Terms. 8:30; P. H.
5. Credit, one session-hour.

Mrs. Spicer.

This course deals with practical application to local conditions of the hygiene of posture, nutrition,
ventilation, nose and throat, ears, eyes, nervous system, and sleep, and the prevention of contagious
diseases. Assigned readings will be made and written reports required. Text-books: Laws
of Health,
Winslow and Williamson, and the Bulletins of the Virginia Board of Health.

Education sB12-II. Sex Character Education: Both Terms. 10:30; P. H.
5. Credit, one session-hour.

Mrs. Spicer.

This course is designed to acquaint teachers with the fundamental facts of sex in their
biological, psychological, social, and humanitarian aspects.

Emphasis will be put on the methods of teaching sex information in the different grades
of elementary and secondary schools. This course is also open to parents who desire to
acquaint themselves with the facts. Certificate and renewal credit will be given.

Education sC1-I. The Problem of Learning: Second Term. See
Psychology sC1-I, page 80.

Education sC1-II. The Psychology of the Emotions: Second Term.
See Psychology sC1-II, page 80.

Education sC1-III. Principles of Psychology: Second Term. See Psychology
sC1-III, page 80.

Education —. Clinical and Abnormal Psychology: First Term. See
Psychology sC4-I, page 80.

Education —. Clinical and Abnormal Psychology: First Term.
See Psychology sC4-II, page 81.

Education —. Handicapped Children: First Term. See Psychology
sC4-III, page 81.

Education sC2-I. Educational Surveys: Both Terms. 10:30; P. H. 7.
Fee $5.00.

Mr. Hill.

For graduate students only. Education sB5 prerequisite.

Study of school surveys—state, city and county. Will consider the organization, aims,
scope, methods, limitations and possibilities of school surveys. A detailed study of select
and special problems in school administration will be made.

Education sC2-II. Problems in School Administration: Both Terms.
11:30; P. H. 7. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Hill.

Open only to graduate students with credit for Education sC2-I. A detailed study of
the problems of public school finance, including budget making, unit costs, etc.

Education sC2-III. Seminar in School Administration: Both Terms.
12:30; P. H. 7. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Weldon.

Open only to graduate students with credit for Education sC2-I.

Education sC3-I. Standard Tests in Elementary School Subjects: Both
Terms. 8:30; P. H. 7. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Manahan.

Education sB5 prerequisite.

Problems in the derivation, standardization, application and interpretation of results of
standard tests.


Page 53

Education sC3-II. Problems in Elementary School Supervision: Both
Terms. 9:30; P. H. 9. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Acker.

Open only to students having credit for Education sC3-I. A detailed study will be
made of the problems of supervision in relationship to elementary school instruction.

Education sC3-III. Seminar in School Administration: Both Terms.
9:30; P. H. 7. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Manahan.

Open only to students having credit for Education sC3-I. A course designed to offer
students in school administration an opportunity for continued constructive educational
research in the application of testing programs or the derivation and standardization of
new tests.

Education sC4-I. Problems of Secondary Education: Both Terms. 12:30;
P. H. 8. Fee $5.00.

First Term, Mr. Ivy.

For graduate students only. Education sB7 prerequisite.

Special problems of reorganization and control of the high school.

Education sC4-II. Problems of Secondary Education: Both Terms.
9:30; P. H. 8. Fee $5.00.

First Term, Mr. Ivy.

For graduate students only. Education sB7 prerequisite.

Problems of the junior high school. Problems of incorporating the junior high school
idea in standard four-year high schools.

Education sC4-III. Problems of Secondary Education: Both Terms.
11:30; P. H. 8. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Windes.

For graduate students only. Education sB7 prerequisite.

Curriculum problems.

Education sC5-I. Problems of Secondary Education: Both Terms. 9:30;
P. H. 2. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Smithey.

For graduate students only. Education sB7 prerequisite.

Problems of the High School teacher; problems of educational and vocational guidance.

Education sC5-II. Problems of Secondary Education: Both Terms.
8:30; P. H. 8. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Windes.

For graduate students only. Education sB7 prerequisite.

Problems of high school supervision; problems of the high school supervisor; kinds of
supervision; a program of supervision.

Education sC5-III (a). Seminar in High School Administration: Both
Terms. 10:30; P. H. 2. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Smithey.

For graduate students only. Education sB7 prerequisite.

This course is intended for graduate students majoring in secondary education and is
concerned with problems of high school administration suitable for theses.


Page 54

Education sC5-III (b). Seminar in High School Supervision: Both
Terms. 10:30; P. H. 8. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Windes.

For graduate students only. Education sB7 prerequisite.

This course is intended for graduate students majoring in secondary education and is
concerned with problems of high school supervision suitable for theses.

Education sC6-I. Statistical Method in Education and Psychology:
Second Term. 9:30; S. B. 4. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Ferguson.

A course in General or Educational Psychology prerequisite.

The elements of statistical method, with special reference to educational and psychological

Education s30. The Teaching of General Science: Both Terms. Lecture;
2:30 to 3:30, Monday, Wednesday and Friday; Laboratory, 2:30 to 4:30, Tuesday
and Thursday. C. L. 28. Credit, one session-hour elective.

Mr. Hayes.

The purpose of this course is to prepare teachers to meet the demands peculiar to the
teaching of a general course in science. Attention will be given to objectives, content
and organization, laboratory technique, conduct of field trips and trips to study applications
of science to local industries and public utilities, text and reference readings.

Education s31. Nature Study: Both Terms. 8:30; L. B. 11. Credit,
one session-hour elective.

Mr. Hayes.

Consideration will first be given to the objectives in Nature Study.

Outdoor study of some common flowers, trees, insects, and birds of the campus and
nearby woodlands will give an indication of the vastness of the material; furnish illustration
of method in selection and use of material; and develop resources for lesson-unit

Education s32. Child Literature: Both Terms. 10:30; M. L. 17. Credit,
one session-hour elective.

Miss Barrett.

In this course a study is made of literature appropriate for the first four grades, with
discussions of the principles underlying the selection and presentation of stories to
children. Topics: origin and value of story telling; the origin of folk tales, fairy tales
and myths; the requisites of a good story teller; the preparation of a story for telling;
the adaptation of stories; selection and grading of stories and poems.

Education s35. The Teaching of Geography: First Term. 12:30; M. L.
17. Credit, one session-hour elective.

Miss Coppedge.

Education s46(a) prerequisite.

A professionalized course in the teaching of geography. This course will include a
study of the general principles underlying the organization of the subject matter in the
various grades, the application of geography to the immediate problems of life and the
influence of geography in the study of literature, history, civics, etc. Large units of work
will be discussed.

Education s36. The Teaching of Reading in Primary Grades: First
Term. 9:30; M. L. 17. Credit, one session-hour elective.

Miss Wyatt.

This course is designed to cover the work of the first three grades.

Topics: Objectives in reading; the evolution of primary methods; criticism of present-day
methods; place and importance of oral and silent reading in these grades; place of
phonics in reading; diagnostic and remedial work; analysis and criticism of reading books;
standardized tests; other topics of individual interest arising in class.

Note—Students are requested to bring any texts on teaching of reading which they may have.


Page 55

Education s36-38. The Teaching of Reading, Language, and Spelling in
Primary Grades:
Second Term. 8:30; C. H. 101. Credit, one session-hour

Miss Wyatt.

This course will combine, as much as possible, the work of Education s36 and s38. A
student will not receive credit for either Education s36 or s38 in addition to this course.

Education s37. The Teaching of Reading in Grammar and Upper Grades:
Both Terms. 10:30; M. L. 15. Credit, one session-hour elective.

Miss Wyatt.

This course is designed to cover the work of grades four to eight inclusive. The major
stress will be on the best and most recent methods of teaching reading. Topics: Brief
survey of the history of reading methods and materials; importance of reading in life;
oral and silent reading; diagnostic and remedial work; present poems; analysis and criticism
of present day textbooks; study of eye-movement standardized tests. Students taking
this course will have the opportunity of discovering their own rate and comprehension
through informal and standard tests given by instructor.

Note—Students are requested to bring any tests they may have on the teaching of reading.

Education s38. Methods in Language and Spelling; Primary Grades:
First Term. 12:30; P. H. 4. Credit, one session-hour elective.

Miss Wyatt.

The first five weeks are devoted to the study of language method and material. The
last week of the course is used in developing methods of teaching spelling. Methods in
Language; topics: purposes; materials for language lessons; motivation of language; course
of study in language for primary grades; relative importance of oral and written language
for primary grades; the amount of formal language expected of each grade. Methods in
Spelling: topics: the relation of spelling to other subjects; causes of incorrect spelling;
methods of teaching spelling in primary grades; selection of spelling material; study of
standard tests.

Note—Students are requested to bring any language text-book for the primary grades.

Education s41. Constructive Projects for Kindergarten and Primary
First Term. 11:30 to 1:30; Washington Hall. Credit, one session-hour
elective. Fee $1.50.

Miss McLester.

Projects will be developed with paper, wood, clay, textiles and other materials adaptable
to use in the early grades, in which will be shown the relation of fine and industrial
arts. The aim of the course is to show how to clarify and enrich the course of study
and at the same time meet the child's play needs.

Education s42. Methods in Civics and History: Both Terms. 12:30;
M. L. 15. Credit, one session-hour elective.

First Term, Mr. Krebs. Second Term, Mr. Hayes.

Topics: The relation of history and civics; how to arouse civic consciousness; suggestive
lessons in civics; how to select important topics in American history; correlation
of history with geography, with literature; the visual appeal in history, dramatization
as a method of teaching history; use of current history.

Education s43. Methods in Literature, Language and Spelling; Grammar
Both Terms. 11:30; M. L. 15. Credit, one session-hour elective.

First Term, Mr. Krebs. Second Term, Miss Wyatt.

Topics: The study of type selections in literature for grammar grades; the material
for language lessons, motivation, usage drills, the story, outlines, oral and written composition;
the psychology and pedagogy of spelling.

Education s45. The Teaching of Arithmetic: Both Terms. 8:30; M. L.
15. Credit, one session-hour elective.

First Term, Mr. Krebs. Second Term, Miss von Schilling.

This course is designed for teachers of arithmetic in the first six grades. There will be
a consideration in detail of the best ways and means of meeting the various problems
as they arise from grade to grade.


Page 56

Education s46. General Geography: Both Terms. 9:30 M. L. 15. Credit,
one session-hour elective.

First Term, Miss Coppedge. Second Term, Miss von Schilling.

This course offers a comprehensive survey of the geographic data covered in the elementary
grades and in the high school, with special emphasis on fundamental principles. Text: Huntington
and Cushing: Principles of Human Geography.

Education s48. Parent-Teacher Training: First Term. 8:30; M. L. 17.
Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Weller.

This course, given in co-operation with the National Congress of Parents and Teachers,
will consider the fundamental significance of the parent-teacher movement; its place in
education, how to organize, the problems, opportunities, and achievements of association
in all parts of the country, and how the national and state organizations may help the
local groups. An exhibit of the many varieties of free, published helps of the national
and state association will be open to superintendents, principals, teachers and parents.

The course is open to students of education and to parent-teacher workers. The demand
for instructors in state normal schools, colleges, and universities, to conduct parent-teacher
courses has become so great that the National Congress of Parents and Teachers
has been unable to supply the number of trained workers needed.

Education s102. Institute for Doctors' Helpers: August 5 to 9th, inclusive.
Washington Hall.

An intensive course in Home Nursing, Maternity and Infant Care, Personal Hygiene
and Community Health, conducted by the State Department of Health. Each day's session
will consist of five hours divided into three periods, two hours for demonstrations in
Home Nursing, two hours for Maternity and Infant Care, and one for Personal Hygiene
and Community Health.

The aim of this course is to give women an opportunity to learn simple nursing care
which will aid them in looking after their own families, in assisting a doctor, or in giving
service outside of their homes where the highest trained skill is unattainable or not absolutely

Education s103. Junior Red Cross Education: Week of June 24th. Cabell
Hall. Officials from the American Red Cross National Headquarters.

A study of the educational values of the Junior Red Cross; the correlation of the program
with the regular school curriculum; the educational opportunities afforded by this
large international organization of children; individual experiences of a city teacher, a
rural community teacher, and a public school pupil, showing the results achieved through
Junior Red Cross activities; Round Table conference.

Note—All students registered in the Summer Quarter are invited to attend these meetings.

Education —. Short Course for Superintendents of Schools: From
July 15th to July 27th.

Upon the recommendation of a committee from the Superintendents' Conference of Virginia
and with the approval of State Superintendent Harris S. Hart, a short course for
division superintendents will be conducted for two weeks from July 15 to 27. It will be an
intensive course of study and research. Three sessions of one hour each will be held daily
during the two weeks period. One hour will be devoted to Administration, another to
Supervision and a third to Curriculum. An eminent specialist in each of these three fields
will be secured as instructor. The course, therefore, will be made a very practical and
helpful one. Such additional conferences as may be agreed upon by the instructor and
those in attendance may be held. An announcement of the instructors and the complete
program will be mailed later to superintendents.


Note.—Any A courses which are not repetitions of courses previously taken,
may be substituted for any A courses of the regular session.

Likewise, any B courses which are not repetitions of courses previously taken
may be substituted for any B courses of the regular session.

English sA1-I. Composition: Both Terms. 9:30; L. B. 2. Credit, one

First Term, Mr. Lawrence. Second Term, Mr. Ewing.

Equivalent to one term of English A1 or A2 or A3. Narration will receive special


Page 57

English sA1-II. Survey of English Literature: First Term. 11:30; L. B.
2. Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. MacLeod.

Chaucer to Dryden.

English sA1-III. Survey of English Literature: Second Term. 10:30;
L. B. 2. Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Ewing.

Dryden to Tennyson.

English sA2-II. Survey of American Literature: First Term. 10:30;
L. B. 2. Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. MacLeod.

American Literature to 1870.

English sA2-III. Survey of American Literature: Second Term. 8:30;
L. B. 1. Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Lawrence.

American Literature since 1870.

English sB1-I. Recent Poetry, British and American: First Term. 11:30;
L. B. 3. Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Ramsay.

One year of college English prerequisite for credit.

A study of representative poets and poetical movements in England and America
since 1890.

English sB1-II. The American Novel: First Term. 10:30; L. B. 3.
Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Harrison.

One year of college English prerequisite for credit.

English sB1-III. The American Short Story: Both Terms. 9:30; L. B.
1. Credit, one session-hour.

First Term, Mr. Ramsay. Second Term, Mr. Gordon.

One year of college English prerequisite for credit.

English sB2-I. Shakespeare—Tragedies: First Term. 8:30; L. B. 1.
Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Harrison.

One year of college English prerequisite for credit.

The origin and development of Tragedy will be discussed, and Shakespeare's central
tragedies will be critically considered, with especial emphasis upon Hamlet.

English sB2-II. Shakespeare—Comedies: Second Term. 10:30; L. B. 1.
Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Hench.

One year of college English prerequisite for credit.

Reading Shakespeare's comedies for the sake of mental play, and a new awareness of
the possibilities of language.

English sB2-III. The European Short Story: Second Term. 11:30;
L. B. 2. Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Oliphant.

One year of college English prerequisite for credit.


Page 58

English sB3-I. The Romantic Poets—Wordsworth, Byron and Coleridge:
First Term. 11:30; L. B. 1. Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Sledd.

One year of college English prerequisite for credit.

English sB3-II. Tennyson: First Term. 12:30; L. B. 1. Credit, one

Mr. Sledd.

One year of college English prerequisite for credit.

English sB3-II. Browning: Second Term. 12:30; L. B. 1. Credit, one

Mr. Sledd.

One year of college English prerequisite for credit.

English sB3-III. The Romantic Poets—Shelley and Keats: Second Term.
11:30; L. B. 1. Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Sledd.

One year of college English prerequisite for credit.

English sB6-II. Advanced Composition: First Term. 12:30; L. B. 2.
Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Lawrence.

One year of college English prerequisite for credit.

English sB6-III. Advanced Composition: Second Term. 8:30; L. B. 3.
Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Gordon.

One year of college English prerequisite for credit.

English sC1-I. The Contemporary English Novel: First Term. 8:30;
G. H. 1. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Ramsay.

Three years of college English prerequisite; for graduate credit, an approved
degree is prerequisite.

It is recommended that at least one novel be read in advance from each of the following
writers: Thomas Hardy, George Gissing, George Moore, H. S. Wells, Arnold Bennett,
and Joseph Conrad.

English sC1-II. Shakespeare: Second Term. 10:30; G. H. 1. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Oliphant.

Three years of college English prerequisite; for graduate credit, an approved
degree is prerequisite.

The relationship of the dramatist to his period, and the influence upon his work of
contemporary literary and social conventions; a study of typical comedies, histories, and
tragedies, with some introduction to problems of Shakespearean scholarship. The course
will be conducted mainly by the seminar method.

English sC1-III. The Elizabethan Drama: First Term. 9:30; G. H. 3.
Fee $5.00.

Mr. Gordon.

Three years of college English prerequisite; for graduate credit, an approved
degree is prerequisite.

The development of the Tudor and Stuart drama from 1558 to 1642; racial, social, and


Page 59
political backgrounds; publications and stage production; problems of scholarship; dramatic
types; classical and contemporary foreign influences; literary relationships of the dramatists;
reading and analyses of typical plays. The course will be conducted mainly by the
seminar method.

English sC2-I. The Rise of the Drama: Second Term. 8:30; G. H. 1.
Fee $5.00.

Mr. Ramsay.

Three years of college English prerequisite; for graduate credit, an approved
degree is prerequisite.

The rebirth of modern drama in the services of the medieval Church, and its development
in the English miracle plays, moralities, and interludes.

English sC2-II. The Nineteenth Century Drama: Second Term. 9:30;
G. H. 1. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Ramsay.

Three years of college English prerequisite; for graduate credit, an approved
degree is prerequisite.

English drama before 1890, with some contemporary dramatic movements on the Continent
which influenced its course.

English sC2-III. Modern British Drama: First Term. 12:30; G. H. 1.
Fee $5.00.

Mr. Gordon.

Three years of college English and an approved degree are prerequisite
for credit.

The chief characteristics of the drama of the past thirty-five years will be examined,
and material for class study will be provided from the plays of Galsworthy, Shaw, Barrie,
Pinero, the Irish Theatre, etc.

English sC3-I. Nineteenth Century Prose: First Term. 10:30; G. H. 1.
Fee $5.00.

Mr. Hench.

Three years of college English prerequisite; for graduate credit, an approved
degree is prerequisite.

A survey of non-fiction prose, particularly essays and letters, in the principal prose
writers of the Nineteenth Century.

English sC4-I. The English Lyric throughout the Ages: Second Term.
9:30; G. H. 3. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Oliphant.

Three years of college English prerequisite; for graduate credit, an approved
degree is prerequisite.

English sC4-II. Milton: Second Term. 12:30; G. H. 1. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Ramsay.

Three years of college English prerequisite; for graduate credit, an approved
degree is prerequisite.

Milton as man, poet, and thinker, in the light of recent investigation.

English sC5-I. Chaucer: First Term. 11:30; G. H. 2, upstairs. Fee

Mr. Hench.

Three years of college English and an approved degree are prerequisite
for credit.

The reading of Chaucer's principal works, a sketch of life in the fourteenth century,
and a survey of some types of medieval literature.


Page 60

English sC7-I. Old English—Old English Grammar and Prose Reading:
First Term. 8:30 to 10:30; G. H. 2, upstairs. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Shannon.

Three years of college English prerequisite; for graduate credit, an approved
degree is prerequisite.

This course will not be given for fewer than six students.

English s41. Survey of English Grammar: Both Terms. 11:30; L. B. 5.
Credit, one session-hour elective.

Miss Andrews.

A comprehensive study of the indispensable features of present-day English grammar,
in which language is considered chiefly from the functional side, or service in thinking
and expression. Especial emphasis is given to sentence structure, analysis, practical sentence
improvement, educated usage, and punctuation.

Text: Buhler's Modern English Grammar. Revised Edition.

English s42. The Teaching of Composition: Both Terms. 8:30; L. B. 5.
Credit, one session-hour elective.

Miss Andrews.

This course organizes language study upon a social basis as it immediately affects the
success of students as participants in and contributors to school life, the home group, and
community activities. Foundation problems growing out of the need of good English for
life uses furnish incentives and materials for expression and appeal to both group spirit
and individual striving for skill in language.

English s43. The Teaching of Literature in the High School: Both
Terms. 10:30; L. B. 5. Credit, one session-hour elective.

Miss Andrews.

This course makes each selection studied a concrete and suggestive example, through
demonstration of desirable subject matter and class procedure in high school literature. It
employs the group plan of reading and seeks a modern approach to literature without losing
the value of older standard literature.

The work will include selection of literature best adapted to High School Librarians,
with a comprehensive discussion of publishers, the checking of book lists and the best
methods of ordering.

See Library Science s82.

The Teaching of High School English: Both Terms. See Education
sB10-I (a).

For courses in New and Old Testament Literature and Biblical History and Literature,
see page 39.


French: See Modern Foreign Languages.


General Science: See Education s30.


Geography: See Economic Geography, Education s35, Education s46.


Geology sB1-I. General Geology: First Term. Lecture Monday, Wednesday,
Friday, 8:30; Laboratory, Monday and Wednesday, 9:30 to 10:30; Geology
Laboratory. Credit, one session-hour. Laboratory fee $2.00.

Mr. Pegau.

This course is designed to introduce the fundamental principles of dynamical geology. Textbook:
Geology, Physical and Historical, Cleland.


Page 61

Geology sB1-II. General Geology: First Term. Tuesday, Thursday,
8:30; Friday, 10:30; Laboratory, Tuesday, Thursday, 9:30 to 10:30; Geology
Laboratory. Credit, one session-hour. Laboratory fee $2.00.

Mr. Pegau.

This course is designed to introduce the fundamental principles of mineralogy and
petrography. Same text as Geology sB1-I.

Geology sB1-III. General Geology: First Term. Lecture, Monday,
Wednesday, Friday, 12:30; Laboratory, Tuesday, Thursday, 11:30 to 1:30;
Geology Laboratory. Credit, one session-hour. Laboratory fee, $2.00.

Mr. Pegau.

This course is designed to introduce the principles of structural and historical geology.
Same text-book as Geology sB1-I.


German: See Modern Foreign Languages.


Government: See Political Science.


History sB1-I. Ancient History: First Term. 8:30; C. H. 101. Credit,
one session-hour.

Mr. Fox.

Oriental and Greek History.

History sB1-III. Medieval History: First Term. 10:30; C. H. 101.
Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Fox.

History sB2-I. European History: First Term. 9:30; C. H. 11. Credit,
one session-hour.

Mr. Barr.

European History from the Middle of the 15th century to 1789.

History sB2-II. European History: First Term. 8:30; C. H. 11. Credit,
one session-hour.

Mr. Barr.

European History from 1789 to 1815.

History sB2-III. European History: Both Terms. 11:30; C. H. 100.
Credit, one session-hour.

First Term, Mr. Barr. Second Term, Mr. Ehrmann.

European History from 1815.

History sB3-I. American History. (Section I): Both Terms. 12:30; C.
H. 100. Credit, one session-hour.

First Term, Mr. Flippin. Second Term, Mr. Pearson.

From the beginning of the colonial period through the election of 1800.


Page 62

History sB3-II. American History: First Term. 8:30; C. H. 100. Credit,
one session-hour.

Mr. Simms.

From the inauguration of Jefferson through the Civil War.

History sB3-III. American History: Second Term. 9:30; C. H. 11.
Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Pearson.

From the end of the Civil War to the present.

History sB6-I. Latin American Culture: First Term. 10:30; C. H. 10.
Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Belaunde.

A general survey of South American Sociology including a study of the territorial and
racial factors; description of the principal institutions; the state, the church, the family,
education, economic evolution, literature, and the fine arts; both in the colonial and in
the present times.

History sB6-II. Latin American History: First Term. 12:30; C. H. 10.
Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Belaunde.

A synthetic presentation of the pre-Hispanic civilization, the conquest, the consolidation
of the Spanish civilization and institutions in Spanish America; with especial attention to
the independence; a survey of the evolution of the different countries distributed in large
groups; in Mexico and Central America, the Greater Colombia, and River La Plata countries,
and the Pacific group; Peru, Bolivia, and Chile.

History sC2-I. American Revolution, 1763-1789: Second Term. 8:30;
G. H. 3. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Pearson.

History sC3-I. American History: First Term. 9:30; G. H. 1. Fee, $5.00.

Mr. Simms.

From 1815 to 1850.

History sC10-I. Diplomatic and Political History of Europe, 1871-1914:
Second Term. 10:30; G. H. 1, upstairs. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Ehrmann.

History sC11-III. American Colonial History, 18th Century: First Term.
10:30; G. H. 3. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Flippin.

History sC14-I. Latin American Diplomatic Relations: Second Term.
9:30; C. L. 28. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Belaunde.

A study of the diplomatic history of Latin America including the relations between
Latin America and Europe, and Latin America and the United States, and the relations
of Latin American countries among themselves; special emphasis to be placed on the Pan
American movement since the Congress of Panama to the present day, and the evolution
of the Monroe Doctrine.

The Teaching of High School Social Science: Both Terms. See Education
sB10-I (d).


Page 63


Household Arts s30. Nutrition Work with Children: Both Terms. 11:30;
P. H. 2. Credit, one session-hour.

Miss Brinton.

This course deals with the causes and effects of malnutrition: methods of judging nutrition:
and the height and weight standards. It will consider methods for teaching health
throughout the school. The course will be of value to any who are interested in the health
of children.

Household Arts s31. Economics of the Household: First Term. 12:30;
P. H. 3. Credit, one session-hour.

Miss Brinton.

The economic problems of the modern household will be considered in this course. The
discussion will include an analysis of the changes which have taken place in the economic
basis of family life; the factors determining the family income; and the problems of buying
in the present day markets.

Household Arts s32. Consumers' Marketing: Both Terms. 3:30; P. H. 4.
Credit, one session-hour.

Miss Brinton.

A study of the economic principles of marketing with special reference to consumers'


Industrial and Fine Arts s1. Introduction to Industrial and Fine Arts:
First Term. P. H. B. 3. Studio fee $2.00. Credit, one session-hour. 2:30 to

Miss Roberts.

For primary grades. A study will be made of the early manifestations of the art tendency
together with the best methods of guiding these toward more purposeful and artistic
ends. Practical work with clay, crayon, paint, paper, wood, etc. Selection, ordering, and
care of materials. Industrial group projects worked out.

Sympathetic study of industries through problems within ability of children. Twofold
aims of course:

1. To develop artistic feeling.

2. To study handwork correlating with other school subjects, and busy work for school

Industrial and Fine Arts s2. Industrial and Fine Arts in the Grammar
Both Terms. P. H. B. 3. Studio fee $2.00. Credit, one session-hour.
First Term. P. H. B. 3; 8:30 to 10:30.

Miss Wilburn.

Second Term. P. H. B. 3; 2:30 to 4:30.

Miss Wilburn.

This course will consider the relation of the industrial and fine arts in the grammar
grades to each other and to the other elementary school subjects. Principles and methods
of teaching.

Practical work with wood, textiles, paper, clay, paint, etc.

Selection, ordering and care of materials.

Industrial and Fine Arts s3. Drawing and Painting. (Art Structure):
First Term. 9:30 to 11:30; Fayerweather Gym. Studio fee $2.00. Credit, one

Miss Roberts.

Advanced course for high school and normal school teachers.

Open to those who have had Industrial and Fine Arts s1 and s2, or the equivalent.
Study of the structural elements of art—line, dark and light and color and their applications
in composition and design.


Page 64

Industrial and Fine Arts s5. Costume Design: First Term. 12:30;
Fayerweather Gym. Credit, one-half session-hour. Studio fee $2.00.

Miss Wilburn.

Course for teachers of fine and domestic arts. Planning of simple costumes in line,
dark and light and color. Brief history of costumes and making of original costume designs.

Industrial and Fine Arts s6. Interior Decoration: Both Terms. 11:30;
Fayerweather Gym. Credit, one-half session-hour. Studio fee $2.00.

Miss Wilburn.

Courses for teachers of fine art or domestic science. Study of designs for furniture,
textiles and interiors. Brief history of periods.

Industrial and Fine Arts. Constructive Projects:

For Kindergarten and Primary Grades. See Education s41.


Latin sA1-I. Sallust: First Term. 8:30; C. H. 13. Credit, one session-hour.

Mrs. Meade.

Latin A, B, C, and D, of the entrance requirements, prerequisite. Grammar
and prose composition. Sallust, Jugurthine War and Conspiracy of Catiline
Ancient history down to Rome.

Text-books: Gildersleeve-Lodge: Latin Grammar and Latin Composition. Butler: Sallust's
and Penick: Catiline. Westermann: Story of the Ancient Nations.

Latin sA1-II. Virgil VII-XII: Both Terms. 9:30; C. H. 13. Credit,
one session-hour.

First Term, Mr. Wagener. Second Term, Mr. McLemore.

Latin A, B, C, and D, of the entrance requirements, prerequisite. Grammar
and Prose Composition. Virgil, Aeneid VII-XII, and Ovid, Metamorphoses.
History of Rome.

Text-books: Gildersleeve-Lodge: Latin Grammar and Latin Composition. Knapp: Virgil-Ovid.
Westermann: Story of the Ancient Nations.

Latin sA1-III. Cicero: Both Terms. 10:30; C. H. 13. Credit, one session-hour.

First Term, Mr. Wagener. Second Term, Mr. Peebles.

Latin A, B, C, and D, of the entrance requirements, prerequisite. Grammar
and Prose Composition. Cicero, De Senectute and De Amicitia. Private Life of
the Romans.

Text-books: Gildersleeve-Lodge: Latin Grammar and Latin Composition. Bowen: De Senectute
and De Amicitia.
Johnston: Private Life of the Romans.

Latin sB1-I. Livy-Tacitus: First Term. 9:30; C. H. 101. Credit, one

Mrs. Meade.

Latin A1 prerequisite. Grammar and prose composition. Livy, Book I and
Tacitus, Agricola. The religion of the Romans.

Text-books: Gildersleeve-Lodge: Latin Grammar and Nutting: Advanced Latin Composition.
Greenough: Livy I and Gudeman: Agricola. Fowler: Religious Experience of the Roman People.


Page 65

Latin sB1-II. Catullus and Horace: Second Term. 8:30; C. H. 13.
Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Peebles.

Latin A1 prerequisite. Grammar and prose composition. Horace, Odes III-IV;
Catullus, 1-63.

Text-books: Gildersleeve-Lodge: Latin Grammar. Merrill: Catullus. Horace: Odes, Books 3
and 4.

Latin sB1-III. Cicero and Quintilian: Both Terms. 11:30; C. H. 13.
Credit, one session-hour.

Mrs. Meade. Second Term, Mr. Peebles.

Latin A1 prerequisite. Grammar and prose composition. Cicero, Brutus;
Quintilian, Training of the Orator.

Text-books: Gildersleeve-Lodge: Latin Grammar and Latin Composition. Peterson: Quintilian,
Training of the Orator.
Kellogg: Cicero, Brutus. Bullfinch: The Age of Fable.

Latin sB2-I. Livy—Tacitus: First Term. 9:30; R. P. 4. Credit, one

Mr. Lehman.

Latin A1 prerequisite. Grammar and prose composition. Livy, Book XXI,
and Tacitus; Germania. History of ancient art.

Text-books: Gildersleeve-Lodge: Latin Grammar and Nutting: Advanced Latin Composition
Greenough-Peck: Livy X XI and Gudeman: Germania. Reinach: Apollo.

Latin sB2-II. Horace: First Term. 10:30; R. P. 4. Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Lehman.

Latin A1 prerequisite. Grammar and prose composition. Horace, Odes
and Epodes.
History of Greek Art.

Text-books: Gildersleeve-Lodge: Latin Grammar and Latin Composition, (Second Half). Smith
Horace's Odes and Epodes. Tarbell: History of Greek Art.

Note.—This class will be repeated in the second term if there is sufficient demand for it. Studen:
wishing to take this class in the second term should leave their names with the Registrar before July

Latin sB2-III. Seneca-Cicero: First Term. 12:30; C. H. 101. Credit,
one session-hour.

Mr. Wagener.

Latin A1 prerequisite. Grammar and prose composition. Seneca, Ad Polybium
and Ad Helviam, and Cicero, De Officiis: Book I. Latin Literary History.

Text-books: Gildersleeve-Lodge: Latin Grammar and Latin Composition (Second Half). Duff:
Dialogues of Seneca and Rockwood: Cicero's De Officiis: Book I. Mackail: Latin Literature.

Latin sC1-II. Plautus-Seneca-Horace: First Term. 11:30; R. P. 4. Fee

Mr. Lehman.

Latin B1 and B2 prerequisite.

Text-books: Bennett: The Latin Language. Elmer: Plautus's Captivi. Kingery: Seneca's Tragedies.
Greenough: Horace's Satires and Epistles. Duff: Literary History of Rome.

Latin sC1-III. Cicero and Tacitus: Second Term. 8:30; C. H. 100. Fee

Mr. McLemore.

Latin B1 and B2 prerequisite.

Text-books: Bennett: The Latin Language. Nobbe: Cicero's Orator. Friedrich: Cicero's De
Gudeman: Tacitus's Dialogue on Oratory. Duff: Literary History of Rome.


Page 66

Latin sC2-I. Tacitus and Pliny: Second Term. 11:30; C. H. 103. Fee

Mr. McLemore.

Latin B1 and B2 prerequisite.

Text-books: Grandgent: Vulgar Latin. Moore: Tacitus's Histories. Merrill: Pliny's Letters.
Mayor: History of Ancient Thought.

The Teaching of High School Latin: Both Terms. See Education
sB10-I (c).


Officers of Instruction

Harry Clemons, Librarian, University of Virginia, and Advisor of the Courses in
Library Science.

Mary Louise Dinwiddie, Assistant Librarian, and Professor of Library Science.

Lula O. Andrews, Instructor in English, Extension Division, University of

The courses in Library Science are planned for persons wishing to prepare
for library positions and for teachers.

Those wishing to prepare themselves to fill positions in libraries are advised
to take Library Science s79, s80, and s81.

Teachers who are preparing to become teacher librarians should take Library
Science s79, s80, and s82.

s79, s80, and s82 will be repeated in the second term.

Library Science s79. Cataloguing and Classification: Both Terms. 9:30;
L. B. 3. Credit, one session-hour elective.

Miss Dinwiddie.

This course covers the essential rules of cataloguing in accordance with the A. L. A.
catalogue rules, and practice work is given throughout the term to enable the students
thoroughly to understand all points covered. The work in classification is based on the
Dewey Decimal Classification System with a comparison of other systems.

No text-book is required.

Library Science s80. Reference Work, Bibliography and Administration:
Both Terms. 8:30; L. B. 2. Credit, one session-hour.

Miss Dinwiddie.

In this course a study is made of the chief books of reference—dictionaries, encyclopedias,
cyclopedias of special subjects, biographical works, atlases, bibliographies, and
indexes to periodical literature. Practice problems in each subject are given.

Library organization and arrangement will be studied from the standpoint of the school
library, special attention being given to the management of the high school library.

Text-book: Mudge: New Guide to Reference Books.

Library Science s81. U. S. Government Documents: First Term. 12:30;
P. H. B. 4. Credit, one session-hour.

Miss Dinwiddie.

Lectures on the U. S. Government Documents covering their acquisition, arrangement,
and use as reference material. The system of classification used by the Superintendent
of Documents, Washington, D. C., is studied. Practical Problems are given.

No text-book is required.

Library Science s82. Book Selection and High School Literature: Both
Terms. 10:30; L. B. 5. Credit, one session-hour.

Miss Andrews.

This course makes each selection studied a concrete and suggestive example, through


Page 67
demonstration of desirable subject matter and class procedure in high school literature.
It employs the group plan of reading and seeks a modern approach to literature without
losing the value of older standard literature.

The work will include selection of literature best adapted to High School Librarians,
with a comprehensive discussion of publishers, the checking of book lists and the best
methods of ordering.

See English s43.

Teachers who are interested in book selection for the lower grades see Education s32.


Mathematics sA1-I. Section I. Trigonometry: Both Terms. 9:30; C. H.
10. Credit, one session-hour.

First Term, Mr. Page. Second Term, Mr. Luck.

Mathematics sA1-I. Section II. Trigonometry: First Term. 11:30; C.
H. 10. Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Michie.

This course embraces all topics usually covered in the standard text-books. Text: Conant:
Plane Trigonometry.

Mathematics sA1-II. Solid Geometry: Both Terms. 11:30; C. H. 101.
Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Wells.

This course covers the usual subject matter of Solid Geometry. Attention is given to the logical
development of the subject, the proof of the leading propositions, their relationship to each other and
to analogous theorems of plane geometry, and to the solution of original exercises. Text: Hart and
Feldman: Solid Geometry.

Mathematics sA1-III. Section II. Advanced Algebra: Both Terms.
8:30; C. H. 10. Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Michie.

This course embraces the topics usually covered in college algebra for freshman—quadratics
and the progressions, the binomial formula, partial fractions, logarithms and the
theory of equations.

Text: Reitz and Crathorne: Treatise on Algebra.

Mathematics sB1-I. Analytic Geometry of Two Dimensions: First Term.
8:30; C. H. 12. Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Page.

Mathematics A prerequisite.

Text: Loney: Co-ordinate Geometry.

Mathematics s106-II. Co-ordinate Geometry. (Beginner's Class): First
Term. 10:30; C. H. 12. Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Wells.

Equivalent to the second term or course 106 in the regular first year of Engineering

Course embraces straight line, circle and parabola.

Text: Fine and Thompson's Co-ordinate Geometry.

Mathematics s107-III. Co-ordinate Geometry: Second Term. 10:30; C. H.
12. Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Luck.

Equivalent to the third term or course 107 in the regular first-year Engineering Mathematics.

Course continued from the point reached in s106-II.

Mathematics sB2-I. Differential Calculus: First Term. 9:30; C. H. 12.
Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Michie.

Equivalent to the first term of Mathematics B2 or 108 given to engineering students.

Elements of the differential calculus, maxima and minima, and rates.

Text: Granville: Calculus.


Page 68

Mathematics sB2-II. Differential Calculus: Second Term. 9:30; C. H.
12. Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Michie.

Equivalent to second term of Mathematics B2 or 109, given to engineering students.

Change of variable, curvature, theorem of mean value and its application, envelopes,
infinite series, etc.

Text: Granville: Calculus

Mathematics sB2-III. Integral Calculus: Second Term. 8:30; C. H. 12.
Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Wells.

Equivalent to the third term of Mathematics B2 or 110.

Elements of the integral calculus, definite integrals and their application to areas,
length of arcs, volumes, surfaces, etc.

Mathematics s58. Differential Equations: First Term. 12:30; C. H. 12.
Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Simpson.

A study of the more common types of ordinary differential equations, especially those
of the first and second orders, with application to geometry, physics and mechanics.

Text: Murray: Differential Equations.

The Teaching of High School Mathematics: Both Terms. See Education
sB10 (b).


Courses in the medical sciences are offered primarily for medical students who
are deficient in these subjects and desire to make a review. All matriculants pay
a registration fee of $5.00 in addition to tuition and laboratory fees. No courses
will be given in any group if less than six students apply for the courses. Applications
should be sent in as far in advance as possible in order that it may be
determined whether or not the course will be given.

Group A.

Histology: First Term. Lectures, recitations and laboratory work. Daily
except Saturdays. Hours to be announced later. Tuition fee $50.00. Laboratory
fee $7.50. Credit, two session-hours.

Dr. Jordan.

After a brief survey of cytology, this course presents the microscopic anatomy of the
tissues and of the viscera.

Embryology: First Term. Lectures, recitations and laboratory work.
Daily except Saturdays. Hours to be announced later. Tuition fee $40.00.
Laboratory fee $5.00. Credit, one and one-half session-hours.

Dr. Jordan.

Group B.

Anatomy: First Term. Lectures, recitations and laboratory work. Daily
except Saturdays. Hours to be announced later. Tuition fee $60.00. Laboratory
fee $10.00. Credit, two session-hours.

Dr. Bean.

Dissections of parts of the human body to be arranged to meet the needs of students
who wish to review Anatomy I of the Medical Department, and others who wish to take
a course equivalent to Anatomy I.

Topographical Anatomy: First Term. Lectures, recitations and laboratory


Page 69
work. Daily except Saturdays. Hours to be announced later. Tuition fee
$40.00. Laboratory fee $5.00. Credit, one and one-half session-hours.

Dr. Bean.

This course is a review of Anatomy III in the Medical School and consists of a systematic
study of cross sections, regional anatomy and applied anatomy.

Anatomy of the Human Nervous System: First Term. Lectures, recitations,
and laboratory work. Daily except Saturdays. Hours to be announced
later. Tuition fee $40.00. Laboratory fee $5.00. Credit, one and one-half session-hours.

Dr. Bean.

A review of Anatomy II of the Medical School. This course consists of a laboratory
study of the anatomy of the human nervous system with study of gross dissections and
microscopic sections, similar to Anatomy II of the Medical Department.

Group C.

Biochemistry: First Term. Lectures, recitations and laboratory work.
Daily except Saturdays. Hours to be announced later. Tuition fee $60.00.
Laboratory fee $10.00. Credit, two session-hours.

Dr. Chanutin.

A review course covering the general field of the subject as taught in the Medical
School. It is designed to cover the chemical structures and reactions of carbohydrates,
lipins, proteins and other compounds occurring in the body and in its secretions and excretions.
Special attention is given to the chemical physiology of digestions, metabolism
and nutrition. For admission the student must have completed the standard medical
school entrance requirements.

Group D.

Pharmacology: First Term. Lectures, recitations and laboratory work.
Daily except Saturdays. Hours to be announced later. Tuition fee $50.00.
Laboratory fee $7.50. Credit, two and one-half session-hours.

Dr. Waddell.

This course is planned primarily for medical students who are deficient in the subject
or desire a review. The topics usually dealt with in the medical curriculum will be covered,
particular attention being given to the mechanism and points of action of representative
drugs and to the interpretation of effects observed. Open only to those who
have received training in biochemistry and medical physiology.

Group E.

Bacteriology: First Term. Lectures, laboratory work, recitations. Daily
except Saturdays. Hours to be announced later. Tuition fee $50.00. Laboratory
fee $7.50. Credit, one and one-half session-hours.

Dr. Marshall.

The course is planned as a review of medical bacteriology. Attention will be given to
public health and preventive aspects in lectures and recitations.

The lectures (without laboratory), are offered to any students wishing to get a general
perspective of medical bacteriology. Credit, one session-hour.

Tuition fee for lectures alone $30.00. No laboratory fee.

The course will not be given unless there are at least ten applicants enrolled for the
full course with laboratory by June 15, 1929.


Faculty in Modern Foreign Languages—Summer Quarter 1929.

French  German  Spanish 
Mr. Graham  Mr. Faulkner  Mr. Bardin 
Mr. Abbot  Mr. Rhodes 
Mr. Wood  Mr. Hershey 

The following regulations govern all A1 and B1 courses in Modern Foreign


Page 70

Students taking an A1 course are required to attend three hours a day of
lectures for five days in each week.

Students taking a B1 course are required to attend two hours a day of lectures
for four days of the week and one hour a day of lectures one day of the week.

The work in these courses is divided into three terms, beginning June 17th,
and no term will be repeated. Students desiring to register for the first term are
required to do so on or before June 17th. Those who wish to register for the
second term will be required to do so on July 10th. Those who wish to register
for the third term will be required to do so on August 3rd.

Students having no knowledge of the language may register for the first term
of the A1 course. Students who have completed the first term's work, or its
equivalent, of the A1 course may register for the second term. Students who
have completed the first and second terms' work of the A1 course, or their
equivalent, may register for the third term.

Students who have completed the entire A1 course in a language, or its
equivalent, may register for the first term of the B1 course of that language.
Students who have completed the first term's work, or its equivalent, of a B1
course may register for the second term. Students who have completed the first
and second terms' work, or their equivalent, of a B1 course may register for
the third term.

Under no circumstances will a student be admitted to the second or third
term classes in any language until the prerequisites have been completed.

Three session-hours credit is given for each A1 or B1 course; but no session-hours
credit will be granted to be counted toward a degree in the University of
Virginia until the full three terms' work in an A1 or B1 course is successfully

French AI: For students offering less than three units of French for
entrance. This course comprises dictation, pronunciation, conversation, composition,
and a thorough study of the French verb. French is spoken in the classroom
during the latter part of the session. (B.A. and B.S. credit, three session-hours
for those who have offered less than three units of French for entrance.)

French sA1-I: 8:30, 10:30, 12:30, R. P. 2. Every day except Saturday.
Term commences June 17th, examination July 10th.

French sA1-II: 8:30, 10:30, 12:30; R. P. 2. Every day except Saturday.
Term commences July 11th, examination August 3rd.

French sA1-III: 8:30, 10:30, 12:30; R. P. 2. Every day except Saturday.
Term commences August 5th, examination August 29th.

French B1: French A1 or three entrance units of French prerequisite.

In this course there are studied the Roman d'Aventure; Verne; Dumas; About; etc.
(B.A., or B.S. credit, three session-hours.)

French sB1-I: 9:30, 11:30 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday;
9:30 on Friday; R. P. 2. Term commences June 17th, examination July 10th.

French sB1-II: 9:30, 11:30 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday;
9:30 on Friday; R. P. 2. Term commences July 11th, examination August


Page 71

French sB1-III: 9:30, 11:30 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday;
9:30 on Friday; R. P. 2. Term commences August 5th, examination August

French B2: French A1 and English B1, or their equivalents, prerequisite.

In this course the study of French literature as such is begun. The more important
phases of literary expression are investigated. (B.A. or B.S. credit, three session-hours.)

French sB2-I: 10:30 and 11:30 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday; 11:30 on Friday; R. P. 3. Term commences June 17th, examination
July 10th.

French sB2-II: 10:30 and 11:30 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday; 11:30 on Friday; R. P. 3. Term commences July 11th, examination
August 3rd.

French sB2-III: 10:30 and 11:30 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday; 11:30 on Friday; R. P. 3. Term commences August 5th, examination
August 29th.

French s66. A course in Phonetics: First Term. 12:30; R. P. 4. Credit,
one session-hour for teachers.

Mr. Graham.

This course is designed for teachers only; the purpose being a better pronunciation.

German A1: For students offering less than three units of German for
entrance. Elementary grammar, composition, dictation, reading and conversation.
(B.A. or B.S. credit, three session-hours for those who have offered less than
three units of German for entrance.)

German sA1-I: 8:30, 10:30, 12:30; C. H. 103. Every day except Saturday.
Term commences June 17th, examination July 10th.

German sA1-II: 8:30, 10:30, 12:30; C. H. 103. Every day except Saturday.
Term commences July 11th, examination August 3rd.

German sA1-III: 8:30, 10:30, 12:30; C. H. 103. Every day except Saturday.
Term commences August 5th, examination August 29th.

Spanish A1: For students offering less than three units of Spanish for
entrance. This course comprises dictation, pronunciation, composition and conversation,
and a thorough study of the verb. Spanish is spoken in the classroom
during the latter part of the session. (B.A. or B.S. credit, three session-hours for
those who have offered less than three units of Spanish for entrance.)

Spanish sA1-I: 8:30, 10:30, 12:30; R. P. 1. Every day except Saturday.
Term commences June 17th, examination July 10th.

Spanish sA1-II: 8:30, 10:30, 12:30; R. P. 1. Every day except Saturday.
Term commences July 11th, examination August 3rd.

Spanish sA1-III: 8:30, 10:30, 12:30; R. P. 1. Every day except Saturday.
Term commences August 5th, examination August 29th.


Page 72

Spanish B1: Spanish A1 or three entrance units of Spanish prerequisite.

The work of this course consists of a detailed study of Spanish grammar, unseen dictation,
reading of advanced texts, correspondence and conversation. During the latter part
of the session the course will be conducted mainly in Spanish. (B.A. or B.S. credit, three

Spanish sB1-I: 9:30, 11:30 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday;
9:30 on Friday; R. P. 1. Term commences June 17th, examination July 10th.

Spanish sB1-II: 9:30, 11:30 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday;
9:30 on Friday; R. P. 1. Term commences July 11th, examination August

Spanish sB1-III: 9:30, 11:30 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday; 9:30 on Friday; R. P. 1. Term commences August 5th, examination
August 29th.


I. Public School Music Courses.

Music Education. Chorus—Entire School of Music: Both Terms. M. R.;
12:30 daily.

First Term, Mr. Fickenscher. Second Term, Mr. Acker.

One-half session-hour credit is given for this work if satisfactory.

In order to obtain credit for courses in Music, all music students will be required to
attend this course.

Music Education. Choir: First Term, Mr. Rath. Rehearsals at 7:30 to
8:30 P. M. each Wednesday. M. H.

One-half session-hour credit is offered to members for efficient work and regular attendance.

Music s6A. Music Reading and Ear Training: Both Terms. 8:30; M. H.
Credit, one session-hour.

First Term, Mrs. Hilker. Second Term, Mr. Acker.

Reading from the material used in the grades. Two-part reading introduced. Ear training
by use of devices and exercises. Dictation both oral and written.

Music Education s12A. Principles of Music—Suited to Rural and Intermediate
Both Terms. 8:30; M. H. Credit, one session-hour.

First Term, Miss Baird. Second Term, Mr. Acker.

Study of the rote-song, the musical scale, rhythm and measure. Use of the pitch-pipe,
corrective devices, appreciation, correlation of music with other subjects. How to direct a
class in song. Discussion of problems and use of materials suited to town as well as rural
schools. Songs for all seasons and occasions will be studied.

Music Education s2B. Material and Methods: First Term. 11:30; M. H.
Credit, one session-hour.

Miss Baird.

Development of materials and methods to be used in both rural and town schools.
Students develop and present various phases of school music to the class. Songs, tonal and
rhythmic problems emphasized.

Music s10B. Harmony: First Term. 10:30; M. R. Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Fickenscher and Mr. Wilkinson.

Students taking this course are required to have had ear training and a preliminary
knowledge of musical notation, intervals and scale formation. Also to have sufficient piano
technic to play simple chord successions.


Page 73

Scales, intervals, triads, chords of the seventh harmonic relationships and their tendencies,
voice progressions, dissonances, suspensions, sequences, cadences, pedal point and
modulation. This course will be divided into two sections if there is any demand for
advanced work.

Music s11B. Appreciation Songs—Analysis and Interpretation: First Term.
9:30; M. H. Credit, one session-hour.

Mrs. Hilker.

Study of song forms, historic and geographic setting of songs. Classification of the
voice, of instruments and of musical organizations. Study of structure of Opera and other
classic forms. Rhythmic forms, enunciation, phrasing and interpretation. Study of songs
for all seasons suited to the upper grammar grades and to rural schools.

Open to those who have completed Music s12A.

Music Education s4C. Principles of Music Education: First Term. 10:30;
M. H. One session-hour.

Mrs. Hilker.

Careful application of Psychological principles applied to Public School Music, including
use of materials suited to the grades and rural schools. This course studies the classification
of voices—and how to preserve the natural beauty of the child voice; the scope of the
Music Supervisors work, his necessary attainments, et cetera.

Music s16. The Study of the Orchestra—Lectures and Laboratory Course:
First Term. Two one and one-half hour periods per week. 4:30 to 6:30; M. R.
Credit, one-half session-hour.

Mr. Fickenscher and Mr. Wilkinson.

This course comprises a study of the principal orchestral instruments and practical demonstration
of their usage in orchestral ensemble. Special attention given to conducting with
practice in the same for music supervisors and teachers. Instrumental players are invited
to join the orchestra whether the course is taken for credit or not.

Music s17. Counterpoint: First Term. 9:30; M. R.

Mr. Wilkinson and Mr. Fickenscher.

Counterpoint from the First to the Fifth Species; combined counterpoint. In order to
accommodate beginners and those who are more advanced, both strict and free counterpoint
(the latter if there are students capable of this development) will be given. It is advised
that this course be taken before Harmony-Music s10B. Both courses may be taken concurrently.

II. Applied Music Courses.

For the accommodation of students of Applied Music (Piano, Voice, Violin)
a cottage, located behind the University Chapel and known as "The Chateau," has
been equipped with pianos, and practice periods may be arranged for immediately
after registration in one of the classes listed below.

Terms: $5.00 for one daily practice hour during the first term of six weeks,
$2.50 for each additional hour.

Music s24. Piano: Hours to be arranged. The Chapel. First Term.

Mr. Rath.

Course in Technic and Interpretation.

Fee for course, $36.00 for two half-hour lessons a week. $20.00 for one half-hour lesson
a week.

Music s25. Piano: Hours to be arranged. The Chapel. First Term.

Mr. Rath.

Course in sight reading and ensemble playing.

Fee for course, $36.00 for two half-hour lessons a week. $20.00 for one half-hour lesson
a week.

Music s26. Piano: Hours to be arranged. The Chapel. First Term.

Mr. Rath.

Course in teaching methods.

Fee for private lessons $36.00 for two half-hour lessons a week.

Fee for class lessons according to the size of the class.


Page 74

Music s27. Violin: Hours to be arranged. M. R. First Term.

Mr. Wilkinson and Assistant.

Courses for beginners, advanced students and teachers, based upon the most modern
acquisitions of violin technique as exemplified in the performances of our present day master

Fundamental subjects, of interest to teachers as well as students, such as the correct
principles of holding the violin and bow, basic forms of left and right hand technique, best
methods of practicing, study material, the vibrato as a requisite for the production of a
beautiful tone, the study of tone colors, theory of applied technique, etc., are included.

Private lessons: Two half-hour lessons per week, fee $48.00. One half-hour lesson per
week, fee $30.00 per term.

Music s28. Organ: Hours to be arranged. The Chapel. First Term.

Mr. Rath.

Course in practical Church music. The splendid organ in Cabell Hall will be available
for instruction.

Fee for course, $36.00 for two half-hour lessons a week. $20.00 for one half-hour lesson
a week.

Music s29. Organ: Hours to be arranged. The Chapel. First Term.

Mr. Rath.

Course in artistic organ playing. The splendid organ in Cabell Hall will be available
for instruction.

Fee for course, $36.00 for two half-hour lessons a week. $20.00 for one half-hour lesson
a week.

Music s30. Voice: Hours to be arranged. First Term.

Mr. Fickenscher.

Voice building, interpretation, song and opera repertoire.

Private lessons: Two half-hour lessons per week, fee $48.00 per term. One half-hour
lesson per week, fee $30.00 per term.

Class lessons: Two-hour lessons per week, three in class, fee $35.00 each per term; four
in class, fee $28.00 each per term.

Music s31. Voice: Hours to be arranged. First Term.

Mrs. Fickenscher.

Breath control, diction; standard songs used as basis for instruction.

Private lessons: Two half-hour lessons per week, fee $36.00. One half-hour lesson per
week, fee $20.00.

Class lessons: Two-hour lessons per week, three in class, fee $25.00 each per term;
four in class, fee $19.00 each per term.

Note.—Music 30 and 31 will be given in the second term if a sufficient number of
students apply for such courses.


The following courses are open only to registered nurses, graduates of schools
of nursing of approved standards.

Nursing Education sB2. The Curriculum in Schools of Nursing: First
Term. 8:30, 9:30, 11:30; New Medical Building. Credit, three session-hours.

Miss Oates.

This course deals with the construction of curricula for schools of nursing of varied
types, the aims that determine the content, the selection and arrangement of subjects and
a consideration of method suitable to different subjects. It includes also discussion of
classroom management and equipment, text and reference books, types of examinations
and ways of grading.

Nursing Education sB3. Methods of Teaching Nursing Practice: First
Term. 9:30, 10:30, 12:30; New Medical Building. Credit, three session-hours.

Miss Mayo.

A study of the aims and scientific principles underlying nursing procedures, the proper
teaching methods, and the selection and organization of subject matter for a course for
student nurses. Each student will be expected to do some independent planning and demonstration
within the group.


Page 75

Nursing Education sB4. Supervision in Hospitals and Schools of Nursing:
First Term. 9:30, 10:30, 12:30; New Medical Building. Credit, three session-hours.

Miss Mayo.

A course designed primarily for supervisors and head nurses giving a general knowledge
of hospital and nursing school management and organization. It will deal with the
more common problems encountered in the direction of ward or department, with the principles
underlying effective supervision and with the teaching of student nurses through the
proper correlation of classroom and ward experience.

Note—The courses N. Ed. sB3 and N. Ed. sB4 will not both be given during the summer of
1929. The one meeting the greater demand will be given.


(Attention is called to the explanatory notes given below.)

Philosophy sB1-I. Deductive Logic: First Term. 9:30 to 11:30; C. H. 102.
Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Swertfeger.

After an introductory discussion of the standpoint, problems, and methods of logic and a brief
survey of the historical development of the science, the class will be engaged with detailed study of
deduction or the logic of proof.

Text-books: Creighton: Introductory Logic; and, Introduction to Reflective Thinking by Columbia
Associates in Philosophy.

Philosophy sB1-II. Inductive Logic: First Term. 9:30 to 11:30; C. H.
102. Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Swertfeger.

This course will be devoted to a study of inductive methods of reasoning as illustrated in scientific

Text-books: Creighton: Introductory Logic; and, Introduction to Reflective Thinking, by Columbia
Associates in Philosophy.

Note.—The course in Deductive Logic will be taught two hours a day, from 9:30 to 11:30, during
the first half of the first term. The examination in Deductive Logic will then be given, and Inductive
Logic will be taught two hours a day, from 9:30 to 11:30, for the second half of the first term.

Philosophy sB1-III. Logic: First Term. 12:30; C. H. 102. Credit, one

Mr. Swertfeger.

A critical examination of various theories of knowledge.

Note.—This course will be given an hour a day throughout the first term of the Summer Quarter.

Philosophy sB2-I. Ethics—The Ethics of Sensibility: Second Term.
9:30 to 10:30, 10:30 to 11:30, and 12:30 to 1:30; C. H. 101. Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Swertfeger.

Philosophy sB2-II. Ethics—The Ethics of Reason: Second Term. 9:30
to 10:30, 10:30 to 11:30, and 12:30 to 1:30; C. H. 101. Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Swertfeger.

Philosophy sB2-III. Ethics—The Ethics of Personality: Second Term.
9:30 to 10:30, 10:30 to 11:30, and 12:30 to 1:30; C. H. 101. Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Swertfeger.

Note.—The Ethics of Sensibility will be given three hours a day during the first third of the term.
The examination will then be held and the Ethics of Reason will be given three hours a day for the
middle third of the term. After the examination in this course, the Ethics of Personality will be
taught for the final third of the term. The student will note that the three courses are not taught
simultaneously, but one after the other.


Page 76

Philosophy sC1-I. History of Philosophy: First Term. 8 to 9:30; G. H.
1, upstairs.

Mr. Dent.

Six undergraduate hours in Philosophy prerequisite.

An historical and critical study of the development of philosophy from its beginnings with the
Greeks to the Renaissance.

Philosophy sC1-II. History of Philosophy: Second Term. 8 to 9:30;
G. H. 1, upstairs.

Mr. Dent.

Six undergraduate hours in Philosophy prerequisite.

Note.—The student taking the History of Philosophy in both terms will receive credit for Philosophy
C1, the History of Philosophy of the regular session.

The lectures will begin at 8 and close at 9:30.


No course offered in Physical Education unless there is an enrollment of
at least twelve students.

Physical Education s92. Elementary School (Primary and Grammar
Both Terms. 9:30; M. G. Credit, one-half session-hour. Fee
$1.50. Open to all students.

Miss White.

This course will consist of Story Plays, Formal Gymnastics including Mimetics, Marching
Tactics, Three-minute Drills, and Posture Tests. Singing Games, Gymnastic Games,
Stunts, Competitive Athletics and Folk Dancing suited to the different school grades. The
material can be used also for Playground Work. State syllabus required as text-book.

Students are required to wear gymnasium suits and tennis shoes.

For an Elementary Certificate, Physical Education s94 is required in connection with
this course.

Physical Education s93. Junior High and High School: Both Terms.
11:30; M. G. Credit, one-half session-hour. Fee $1.50. Open to all students.

Miss White.

This course will consist of Formal Gymnastics including Marching Tactics, Three-minute
Drills, and Posture Tests, Gymnastic Games, Organized Team Games, Tumbling, Stunts,
Field and Track Athletics, and Folk Dancing suited to the Junior High School and High
School. The material can also be used for Playground Work. State syllabus required as

Students are required to wear gymnasium suits and tennis shoes.

For Elementary Certificate, Physical Education s94 is required in connection with this

Physical Education s94. Theory, Methods and Practice: Both Terms.
10:30; M. G. Credit, one-half session-hour. Fee $1.50. Open to all students.

Miss White.

This course deals with Methods, Technique, and Practice of Teaching Physical Education
for School Children. Emphasis is on Pedagogy.

This course in conjunction with Physical Education s92 and s93 is required of candidates
for the Elementary Certificate. This course may be taken either along with or following
Physical Education s92 or s93. It may not precede either of these courses. State syllabus
required as text-book.

Physical Education s95. Natural Dancing: Both Terms. 8:30; M. G.
Credit, one-half session-hour. Fee $3.00. Open to all students (not children).
No previous training required.

Miss Pohl.

Credit necessitates tests in performing the dances. Students not desiring credit are not
required to take the tests.

This course aims to present a type of dancing based on free and natural movements.

A special costume is required.

If the students desire it, some simple clogging will be included in this course.


Page 77

Physical Education s96. Clog and Character Dances: Both Terms. 9:30;
M. G. Credit, one-half session-hour. Fee $3.00. Open to all students. (No
children under 12 years of age.) No previous training required.

Miss Pohl.

Credit necessitates tests in performing the dances. Students not desiring credit are
not required to take the tests.

The course presents clog, athletic and character dances suitable for girls and women,
boys and men.

Physical Education s97. Coaching of Basket Ball, Indoor Baseball, and
Volley Ball for Women:
First Term. M. G. 7:00 A. M. Credit, one-half
session-hour. Fee $1.50.

Miss Rath.

This course is intended for Physical Directors, Public School Teachers and others who
are called upon to teach Girls' Basket Ball, Indoor Baseball, and Volley Ball.

If the students desire it, some of the time will be given to the coaching of tennis.

Swimming for Women: (Not open to children.)

A regulation suit, costing about $1.25, procurable from the Physical Education Department,
will be required for all swimming classes. Swimming caps must be worn.

Students who can qualify may take the Red Cross Life Saving Test.

Physical Education s98-I. Swimming for Women (Beginners): First
Term. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sec. I, 11:30 to 12:30; Sec. II, 2:30 to
3:30; Sec. III, 3:30 to 4:30. Second Term. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sec. I,
12:30 to 1:30; Sec. II, 2:30 to 3:30. M. G. Credit, one-half session-hour. Fee
for instruction $5.00. Fee for towels and laundering of suits $1.50.

Miss Rath and Miss Lewis.

This course consists of instruction in correct breathing, overcoming fear of the water,
simple exercise for body balance, floating, preliminary strokes, beginner's back stroke, and
the technique of the side stroke.

Students requiring credit must pass tests.

Physical Education s98-II. Swimming for Women (Intermediate): First
Term. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sec. I, 12:30 to 1:30; Sec. II, 4:30 to 5:30.
Second Term. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sec. I, 3:30 to 4:30. M. G. Credit,
one-half session-hour. Fee for instruction $5.00. Fee for towels and laundering
of suits $1.50.

Miss Rath and Miss Lewis.

This course is a continuation of Beginners' Swimming, including side stroke, single
over arm side stroke, trudgeon, preliminary crawl, rudiments of diving.

Students requiring credit must pass tests.

Physical Education s98-III. Swimming for Women (Advanced): First
Term. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sec. I, 10:30 to 11:30. Second Term.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sec. I, 4:30 to 5:30. M. G. Credit, one-half session-hour.
Fee for instruction $5.00. Fee for towels and laundering of suits $1.50.

Miss Rath.

This course is a continuation of the Intermediate Swimming including crawl, breast
and racing back strokes, diving, endurance tests, and life saving practice.

Students desiring credit must pass tests.

Physical Education s99. Teaching of Swimming for Women: First Term.
Lecture, Tuesday and Thursday; practice, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 9:30;
M. G. 3 hours practice teaching to be arranged. Credit, one session-hour. Fee
for instruction $10.00. Fee for towels and laundering suits $1.50.

This course will not be offered unless sufficient number apply.

This is a professional course for training swimming instructors. It provides the theory,


Page 78
practice and practice teaching of swimming, diving, and life saving. Ability to swim the
elementary back stroke, side stroke, trudgeon or crawl in good form, execute a plain dive
and some knowledge of life saving are required for entrance to this course.

The theory will consider laws of learning and principles of education applied to the
teaching of swimming.

The practice will consist of the practical application of methods of teaching beginners
to swim, of the technique of teaching the various strokes, diving, life saving, games, stunts
and the study of special problems related to swimming.

Physical Education s100. Recreational Swimming (For Women): Recreational
swimming tickets covering ten admissions will be sold for $2.50; single
admissions 35 cents. All persons except members of faculty purchasing these
tickets must pay a registration fee of $5.00 in addition to the price of the tickets.
No tickets sold to persons under fifteen years of age. Women pay $1.50 extra fee
for sterilization of towels and bathing suits. Hours for Recreational Swimming.
Both Terms. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday—3:30 to 5:30. M. G.

Physical Education s101. Recreational Swimming (For Men): Recreational
swimming tickets covering ten admissions will be sold for $2.50; single
admissions 35 cents. All persons except members of faculty purchasing these
tickets must pay a registration fee of $5.00 in addition to the price of the tickets.
No tickets sold to persons under fifteen years of age. Both Terms. Tuesday,
Thursday, Saturday—2:30 to 3:30.

Physical Education s102. Swimming for Men (Beginners): First Term.
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday—10:30. M. G. Credit, one-half session-hour. Fee
for instruction $5.00. Fee for towels and sterilization of suits $1.50. Regulation
suit required.

Mr. —.

This course consists of instruction in breath control, body balance, preliminary strokes,
deep water emergency tests, crawl and elementary diving. Must be an enrollment of
twelve or more.

Physical Education s103. Swimming for Boys and Girls (Beginners):
Ages 8 to 16 years.

Miss Lewis.

Section for boys, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 11:30; section for girls, Tuesday, Thursday,
Saturday, 12:30. Must be an enrollment of twelve or more in each section. Fee $10.00
for instruction and matriculation. $1.50 addition for towels and sterilization of suits. Regulation
suits required.


Physics sB1-I. General Physics: First nineteen days of the quarter.
Lectures and problem work, 8:30 to 11:30; P. L. Laboratory every day, 11:30 to
1:30 and one day in the week after 2:30. Credit, two session-hours. Fee $10.00.

Mr. Hoxton and Mr. Street.

A knowledge of plane trigonometry through the right triangle, and of the use
of logarithms is prerequisite.

Physics sB1-II. General Physics: Second nineteen days of the quarter.
The schedule of hours is the same as that for Physics sB1-I. Credit, two session-hours.
Fee $10.00.

Mr. Hoxton, Mr. Allison and Mr. Street.

This course is a continuation of Physics sB1-I, which is prerequisite.

Physics sB1-III. General Physics: This course begins about the middle


Page 79
of the second week of the second term of the quarter and continues to the end of
the quarter. The schedule of hours is the same as in the above. Credit, two
session-hours. Fee $10.00.

Mr. Allison and Mr. Street.

This course is a continuation of Physics sB1-II, which is prerequisite.

Note.—Students electing any of the above courses will not be allowed to carry any other courses

Note.—Upon the successful completion of two of the above courses, a credit of four session-hours
will be allowed for entrance into the study of medicine in compliance with the minimum requirements
prescribed by the American Medical Association. Upon the completion of all three, a credit of six
session-hours will be allowed toward the baccalaureate degrees of this University. Credits of a
smaller number of session-hours toward the degree will not be allowed.


Government sB1-I. The National Government of the United States: Both
Terms. 8:30; C. H. 102. Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Dimock.

Government sB1-II. State Government: Both Terms. 9:30; C. H. 100.
Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Spicer.

Government sB1-III. Parliamentary Government: Both Terms. 11:30;
C. H. 102. Credit, one session-hour.

First Term, Mr. Maddox. Second Term, Mr. Gooch.

Government sC1-II. Current Problems in Government and Citizenship:
First Term. 8:30; G. H. 3. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Spicer.

Government sC1-III. Constitutional Law: First Term. 11:30; G. H. 3.
Fee $5.00.

Mr. Spicer.

Government sC3-I. American Foreign Policies: First Term. 9:30; G.
H. 1, upstairs. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Maddox.

Government sC3-II. American Political Ideas: First Term. 12:30; G.
H. 1, upstairs. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Maddox.

Government sC3-III. Political Parties: Second Term. 8:30; G. H. 2.
Fee $5.00.

Mr. Spicer.

Government sC7-II. Government in Business: Both Terms. 10:30; G.
H. 2. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Dimock.

Government sC7-III. Comparative Foreign Government: Second Term.
9:30; G. H. 2. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Gooch.


Page 80


Note.—Psychology sB1-I will be given for three hours a day, for the first
two weeks of the term, Psychology sB1-II will then be given for three hours a
day, for the next two weeks. Psychology sB1-III will be given for three hours a
day for the last two weeks of the term. Thus a student may complete a whole
year's work in Psychology in the first term.

Psychology sB1-I. General Psychology: First Term. 9:30, 10:30, 12:30;
first two weeks of term. M. L. 11. Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Geissler.

A survey of the main principles of psychology either as a part of a liberal education or as preparation
for professional study.

Psychology sB1-II. General Psychology: First Term. 9:30, 10:30, 12:30;
second two weeks of term. M. L. 11. Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Geissler.

Psychology sB1-III. General Psychology: First Term. 9:30, 10:30,
12:30; last two weeks of term. M. L. 11. Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Geissler.

Psychology sB1-I and Psychology sB1-II, or their equivalent, prerequisite.

Educational Psychology: See Education sB2-I, sB2-II, and sB2-III.

Psychology sC1-I. The Problem of Learning: Second Term. 8:30;
P. H. B. 1. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Geldard.

A critical and experimental study of the outstanding problems of learning and memory.
Particular attention will be paid to the bearing of the psychological facts of habit formation
and memory on more general educational problems.

Psychology sC1-II. The Psychology of the Emotions: Second Term.
10:30; P. H. B. 1. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Geldard.

A systematic study of the more important aspects of emotional life. As well as a discussion
of the chief experimental facts of emotion and the relation of these to general
psychology, the course will include such topics as: social aspects of emotional behavior,
abnormalities of emotion, psycho-analytic interpretations, and clinical methods of examining
the emotions.

Psychology sC1-III. Principles of Psychology: Second Term. 11:30;
P. H. B. 1. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Geldard.

A rapid resumé of the current systematic positions in psychology. Emphasis will be
placed upon an understanding of the various viewpoints in modern psychology and the
consequences of their application to fundamental problems of psychology and education.

Psychology sC2-I. Statistical Method in Education and Psychology:
Second Term. See Education sC6-I.

Psychology sC4-I. Clinical and Abnormal Psychology: First Term. 8:30;
P. H. B. 1. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Wallin.

The field of clinical psychology; developmental deviations; aims and methods of psycho-clinical
examination; general intelligence and its measurement by group and individual tests; specific intellectual
abilities and disabilities in sensation, observation, attention, memory, association, etc.; mental
disorders; psycho-analysis. Lectures, assignments, reports, and, if possible, visits to institutions.
Text: Wallin: Clinical and Abnormal Psychology.


Page 81

Psychology sC4-II. Clinical and Abnormal Psychology (Continued): First
Term. 10:30; P. H. B. 1. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Wallin.

The measure of motor competency; motor abilities and disabilities; abnormal motor traits; emotional
development; problems and methods of studying temperamental and character traits; pathological
character disturbances; educational, environmental, nervous, and physical conditions; stigmata
of degeneration; anthropometric measurements; developmental and hereditary factors. Both of the
above courses will be of interest to regular and special class teachers, principals, superintendents,
social workers, and psychological and medical students. Lectures, assignments, reports, and, if
possible, visits to institutions. Text: Wallin: Clinical and Abnormal Psychology.

Psychology sC4-III. Handicapped Children: First Term. 11:30; P. H. B.
1. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Wallin.

The classification of subnormal children; causative factors; history of care and training; prevalence
of; needed educational provisions; special and ungraded classes; classes for the physically handicapped;
the social menace, and preventive, eugenical, and custodial control of the feeble-minded.
While designed particularly for teachers and examiners of mentally and socially deviating children,
the course will interest grade principals, superintendents, social workers, psychologists, and medical
students. Lectures, text-book assignments, reports, discussions, and, if possible, visits to institutions,
schools, and special classes. Text: Wallin: Education of Handicapped Children.


Rural Social Economics sB1-I. Rural Sociology: First Term. 9:30;
S. B. 4. Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Zimmerman.

A study of rural and urban relationships. The principles of sociology applied to the
position of an agricultural class in an industrial society; the contributions and obligations
of farmers to the larger society and vice versa. The theories of general sociology as they
apply to rural life.

Rural Social Economics sB1-II. Rural Economics: First Term. 8:30;
S. B. 2. Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Gee.

An economic approach to the problems of agriculture. Economic principles are employed
to analyze the more immediate and important of the problems confronting the farm industry
today. The effort is made, also, to discover the principles and policies underlying a sound
national development in agriculture.

Rural Social Economics sB2-I. County Geography Supplements: First
Term. Hours to be arranged. S. B. 2. Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Gee.

A course dealing with the preparation of county geography supplements for use in the
schools of the various counties of the State.

Equivalent to one term of Rural Social Economics sB1. Can be counted as course in
Education for Certificate Credit.

Rural Social Economics sB4-I. Play Production for the Country Theatre:
First Term. 9:30; P. H. 5. Credit, one session-hour.

Miss Duthie.

The object of this course is an analysis of problems and methods of play production
for rural communities. Selection of plays and problems of rehearsal will be discussed.
Time will be given to practice in rehearsal and some time to make-up. The course is
especially designed to meet the needs of rural school teachers, supervisors and others desiring
special training in the field of rural recreation.

Rural Social Economics sB4-II. Staging Problems of the Country
First Term. 11:30; P. H. 5. Credit, one session-hour.

Miss Duthie.

This course will consider the problems of staging plays in schools, churches, and other
rural meeting places; types of scenery, arrangement of stages and kinds of lighting equipment.
Excursions will be made to rural auditoriums and practical problems in planning
equipment assigned.


Page 82

Rural Social Economics sC3-I. Rural Organization: First Term. 11:30;
G. H. 1, upstairs. Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Zimmerman.

A discussion of the forms of rural social organization as factors in human behavior.
Analysis of simple and cumulative rural groups in their relation to personality. Chief
characteristics of the social organization of rural and farmer groups.

Attempts to control rural life through various organizations. Contributions of the
farmer peasant class as a factor in the organization of an industrial society.

Rural Social Economics sC3-II. Rural Organization: Second Term.
9:30; G. H. 1, upstairs. Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Zimmerman.

Rural Social Economics sC3-III. Rural Organization: Second Term.
11:30; G. H. 1, upstairs. Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Zimmerman.


Sociology sB1-I. Introduction to Sociology: Both Terms (repeated).
8:30; P. H. B. 4. Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. House.

A study of the fundamental principles and ideas of scientific sociology, with special emphasis
upon those which are of greater practical utility in solving problems hinging upon the relations of
person to person. Text-book: Hart: The Science of Social Relations.

Sociology sB1-II. Social Problems: Both Terms. 10:30; P. H. B. 16.
Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Hoffer.

The study of a selected list of major social problems such as poverty, crime, delinquency, vice,
family disorganization, and personal disorganization and insanity. The attempt is made to discover
the processes through which social maladjustments are created by the operation of natural factors
and forces. Text-book: Queen and Mann: Social Pathology.

Sociology sB1-III. The Human Community: First Term. 12:30; P. H.
B. 16. Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. House.

Social forces and social problems in the local community, with special reference to the early
rural neighborhood and village, the contemporary rural community, and the evolution of modern
urban communities.

Sociology sB2-I. Public Welfare Agencies and Their Administration:
First Term. 9:30; P. H. B. 16.

Mr. Hoffer.

A historical and factual survey of public welfare agencies and institutions, with special reference
to the development and status of welfare conditions and welfare agencies in Virginia. Dependency
and its sources and treatment; crime and the conditions from which it arises; courts, jails, and prisons;
juvenile delinquency and the juvenile court; health problems and conditions and the public and private
agencies for the treatment of public health; feeble-mindedness and insanity, their significance
and treatment. Text-book: Kelso: The Science of Public Welfare.

Sociology sB2-II. The City: Second Term. 12:30; P. H. B. 1. Credit,
one session-hour.

Mr. House.

The structure, growth, functions, and problems of modern urban communities, and the influence
of urban conditions upon the formation of personality. Text-book: Anderson and Lindeman:
Urban Sociology.

Sociology sB2-III. Problems of Child Welfare: Second Term. 9:30;
P. H. B. 16. Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Hoffer.

A study of the standards of child welfare, of community and legislative measures for child care,
and of existing problems and of the movements under way to care for dependent and delinquent children.


Page 83

Sociology sC1-I. Sociological Theories: First Term. 9:30; P. H. B.
(Office). Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. House.

The application of the general principles of scientific method in the study of social organization
and social processes, and the social aspects of human nature and personality. This course, with
sC1-II, is intended as the normal introductory course in sociology for graduate students.

Sociology sC1-II. Sociological Theories: Second Term. 9:30; P. H.
B. (Office). Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. House.

Continuation of sC1-I.

Sociology sC1-III. Community Organization: First Term. 8:30; P. H.
B. (Office). Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Hoffer.

The processes of community growth and organization; the history and problems of
character-building, recreational, and educational agencies, such as scouts, Y. M. C. A. and
Y. W. C. A., and playgrounds. Regional and community planning and programs.

Sociology sC5-III. Case Studies in Community Organization: Second
Term. 8:30; P. H. B. (Office). Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Hoffer.

The study of selected cases to illustrate the principles and problems of community
organization and community planning.


Spanish: See Modern Foreign Languages.


Writing s113a. Muscular Movement Writing. Section I: Both Terms.
9:30; L. B. 5.

First Term, Miss Bishop. Second Term, Miss Speer.

Writing s113b. Muscular Movement Writing. Section II: First Term.
10:30; L. B. 1.

Miss Bishop.

Writing s113c. Muscular Movement Writing. Section III: Both Terms.
12:30; L. B. 5.

First Term, Miss Bishop. Second Term, Miss Speer.

This course in writing will cover the principles of execution and methods of teaching
muscular movement writing, as set forth in the Locker Easy Method Writing system, including
blackboard writing and illustrations. Every phase of the subject will be thoroughly
treated in theory and practice. The application will extend to all writing. The Locker
Teacher's Certificate will be issued to those who meet the requirements.

Note—A course in Writing in required for the Elementary and Normal Professional Certificate.
Such a course carries only certificate credit.

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