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My Soul, come let us go,
In Sodom longer linger not:
Look not behinde thee so,
But call to minde the wife of LOT.
Let nothing here
To thee be dear,
Or captive thy desires:
GOD will thereon,
When we are gon,
Rain down consuming Fires.


Though with a glorious light,
The SUN thereon begins to rise,
A dreadful Storm ere night,
Her careless Dwellers will surprize.
Come, come away,
Without delay;
Quite cast her out of mind:
For worth thy thought
In her there's nought,
VVhich thou shalt leave behind.


GOD's mercies they contemn;
His Kindness with despights repay;
Still when he speaks to them,
They turn their heads another way.
VVhen he intreats,
Reproves, or threats,


To heed it they disdain;
Or with a scoff
They put it off,
And obstinate remain.


GOD here hath pitch'd his Tent;
And here, had they his counsel took,
To dwell for ever meant;
But they, alas! have him forsook.
This, which a place
Like EDEN was,
Is now defil'd with sin;
Still Fruit it bears,
That fair appears;
But 'tis all dust within.


Then from this cursed Plain
Flee, to those Everlasting Hills,
Where safe thou may'st remain,
And whereon thy Redeemer dwells.
Here make no stay:
For though there may
In ZOAR safety seem,
VVhen such Storms be,
Secure are we
No where, except in him.


This is their fatal day,
Which day, perhaps, may last a year;
And true Repentance may
Avert the DOOM approaching near.
But, I much doubt,
That trifled out


This Day of Grace will be.
Therefore in fear,
And danger here,
Our stay, will always be.