University of Virginia Library



Hereby know we that we dwell in Him and He in us, because He hath given us of His Spirit. —1 John iv. 13.

For this commandment which I command thee this day, it is not hidden from thee, neither is it far off. . . . But the word is very nigh unto thee, in thy mouth and in thy heart, that thou mayest do it. —Deuteronomy xxx. 11–14.

How shall I free my soul from doubt?
How with clear eye discern
The God I cannot live without,
Yet tremble to mislearn?
Deep in my inmost heart I look,
The Written Word I see;
And I must blot the Holy Book,
Or mar my thought of Thee.


But though I sadly should forego
All that therein is said;
Far sweeter truths mine heart doth know
Than e'er mine eyes have read.
My God I should not therefore lose,
Deep-learnèd from within,
My trembling heart the heavenly news
By hearsay did not win.
Thou dwellest not in temple wall
Of written human speech;
Thou art a living Breath to all,
A Love new-wrought for each.
Fresh vision to fresh op'ning sight
Thou ever dost unfold;
The sunset dyed for us to-night
No other eyes behold.
Sweet commune hadst Thou with thine own
In happy early days;
Thy children walked by faith alone,
They asked not of thy ways.


True is the trust of childish eyes;
But, when the child doth grow,
Love's passion in diviner wise
Deep-probing youth doth know.
We doubt, we question, we desire;
Lord, do we love Thee less?
We would have brain and heart conspire
Full worship to express.
But while in fading record sought,
Thou wilt be ever dumb:
We crave the life-bloom of thy thought,
Thou God who art to come!
We ask to learn Thee, Lord, so well,
By glad communion free,
That our love-lighted souls may tell
Each word false-writ of Thee.