University of Virginia Library



Ye lovely nymphs, whom Nature fram'd
To sooth and soften man untam'd,
Give ear unto my plan;
Who not of Beauty's charms will sing,
While Fancy's wiles such wonders bring
In Richard's happy Nan!
On fam'd St. Andrew's bleaky morn,
Gay Fancy did this maid adorn,
With charms for her blest man;
And o'er each fault in raptures smil'd,
That e'en Deformity beguil'd
His heart to happy Nan!


Fraught with such bliss, behold him glow
On her from whom delights now flow,
Nor think Disdain can fan
Or cool his joys; No, flouting Scorn,
With all her train, can't blast the morn
Which gave him happy Nan.
Thou fragrant balm Contentment, aid
Their nuptial bliss; let not the maid
Or swain taste Sorrow's ban.
Then future pairs in wish shall join,
That Happiness may them entwine,
Like Dick and happy Nan.
Ye maidens who, with patch and paint,
Yet further add to Nature's teint,
Would you be blest with man;
Let Virtue Beauty's wants supply,
For be assur'd false taste must fly,
E'er you be wed like Nan.


Likewise ye nymphs, whom Nature's care
Has grac'd with beauty passing fair,
This wholesome precept scan,
Would you at Hymen's altar shine,
Embrace Humility divine,
Nor envy happy Nan.