University of Virginia Library



Upon a Tree, with whose sudden Fall he was dangerously oppressed: No Man surely knows what to avoid: the Praises of Sappho and Alcæus.

That Churl, false Tree, by whom thou first didst stand,
On hapless Day with sacrilegious hand,
To th' whole Town's shame implanted thee;
And ruine of Posterity.
I could believe, he brake his Father's Neck;
Strow'd Lodging-rooms by Night (as meant to deck)
With slaughter'd Strangers crimson Gore;
Yea Cholchis-poysons us'd before.
All good renounc'd with Mischief still combin'd,
Who, doleful Log, thee for my Field design'd:
Tumbling down from Earthen bed
Upon thy guiltless Master's head.
None can all Hours full Caution us'd beware,
Know what t'avoid; the Penian Mariner,
For blind dark Fates nought scrupulous,
Dreads only foaming Bosphorus.
Our Souldier fears the Parthian Shaft in flight;
Rude Parthians Roman strength and Chains affright:
Various, as unlook'd-for, Death
Hath seiz'd, will seize our mortal breath.
How did we view those Under-Realms (as t'were)
Black Proserpine's, Æacus judging there,
Bow'rs of pious Souls portrai'd
By SAPPHO'S verse whose plaints upbrai'd
Her Country-Girls, on Greek Æolian strings:
ALCÆUS to resound more lofty things
On golden Harp, those Ills in War,
Banishment, Seas sustained are!
Both Ghosts admir'd; whose chanted strains, excelling
(Worth sacred Silence still) though Kings expelling,
By horrid fight, the burly Croud
Drank through their Ears, as most allow'd.
What wonder? when that hundred-headed Beast
Let fall (amaz'd) black Ears and lofty Crest
At those sweet sounds? when wreathed Snakes
'Bout Furies locks the Pleasure takes.


Prometheus self, with Tantalus esteem'd
Their pains deceiv'd, this Charm so pow'rful deem'd:
Nor ORION wish'd to view
Scar'd Lynx, stern Lyoness pursue.