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A neaste of vvaspes latelie fovnd out and discouered in the Law-countreys

yealding as sweete hony as some of our English bees [by William Goddard]

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[Ther'es three thinges makes me think that cittie wiues]

Ther'es three thinges makes me think that cittie wiues
Are least infected with these papiste liues
The firste is this; they keepe noe hollidaies
For then they are most occupyde men saies
The second is, to see them croste t'is rare
For Townsmens wiues but sildom crossed are
The third is this (this often hath beene tryde)
Fastinge, and prayers they cannot well abide
Ill Nunns they'd make, for who of late did see
A London girll that did vowe chastetee?