University of Virginia Library


Page 43


Prof. Dunnington.

In this School two distinct courses of instruction are offered to students
of Medicine:

I. A course, intended to supplement the instruction in General Chemistry,
consisting of sixteen lessons in the laboratory upon the practical
applications of Chemistry to Medicine. Students are taught the methods
of detecting poisons and of examining animal products (blood, urine, etc.),
chemically and under the microscope.

For this course, if taken, a fee of $15 is charged; the cost of material
is $5 additional.

II A course in practical Pharmaceutical manipulations. This instruction
is offered to those members of the regular Medical classes who desire
to avail themselves of it, without extra charge for tuition, provided
they engage to attend throughout the course. The benefit of such instruction
to physicians, who may often be obliged to put up their own
prescriptions, is obvious. The charge for material consumed is $5.

Both the courses in this School are optional, no examination in them
being required for the Medical degree.