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Prof. Mallet.

For the course in General Chemistry, see page 32. Throughout the
course the attention of medical students is particularly drawn to the
physiological, medical and sanitary relations of the subject.

Text-book:—Fownes's Chemistry.

N. B.—In addition to the above, two special courses of instruction
will be given by the Professor of Analytical Chemistry, as follows:

1st, Twelve lessons in practical pharmaceutical manipulations, free of
extra charge for tuition to members of the regular medical class who desire
to take it, and engage to attend throughout the course. For the
charge for material consumed, see page 53.

2nd, Sixteen lessons in the practical applications of Chemistry to


Page 39
Medicine; as, the detection of poisons, chemical and microscopical examination
of animal products, urine, blood, etc. For fees, see page 52.

Neither of these special courses is required for the degree of Doctor of
Medicine. A satisfactory examination upon the former course and payment
of the tuition fee is required for the Proficiency in Pharmacy.