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O, hie thee to these peaceful shades
Where ne'er ambition treads;
Sweet meditation haunts these glades,
Where art no trammel spreads.
Unscar'd the linnet sits and sings,
Uncull'd the flow'rets blow;
The timid hare her brood here brings,
Where untrac'd streamlets flow.
Then, hither to these shades away
To pure affection dear;
What modest tenderness may say
Shall reach no busy ear.
And I will whisper how I love,
And when you answer me,
With words that shall my fears remove,
Your blushes none will see.


And while enraptur'd here I sit,
Where wild flow'rs scent the air,
And linnets sing, and gold-birds flit,
And, by me plac'd my fair,
While lilacs solar heat assuage,
And beams o'erpow'ring screen—
O, I shall think it Time's first age
And Paradise the scene.