The Minor Poems of John Lydgate edited from all available mss. with an attempt to establish The Lydgate Canon: By Henry Noble MacCracken |
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The Minor Poems of John Lydgate | ||
Noble princesses and ladyes of estate,And gentilwomen lower of degre,
Lefte vp your hertes, calle to your aduocate
Seynt Margarete, gemme of chastite.
And alle wymmen that haue necessite,
Praye this mayde ageyn syknesse and dissese,
In trayvalynge for to do yow ese.
And folkes alle that be disconsolatIn your myschief and grete aduersite,
And alle that stonde of helpe desolate,
With devout hert and with humylite
Of ful trust, knelyng on your kne,
Pray this mayde in trouble and alle dissese
Yow to releve and to do yow ese.
Now, blissed virgyne, in heuene hy exaltat,With othir martirs in the celestialle se,
Styntith werre, the dredfulle fel debat
That vs assailith of oure enemyes thre,
From whos assaute inpossible is to fle,
But, chaste gemme, thi servauntes sette at ese
And be her shelde in myschief and dissese.
The Minor Poems of John Lydgate | ||