University of Virginia Library


  • 1. Why did the colonists object to the veto power of the king?

  • 2. Relate the Parsons' Case.

  • 3. What was the Stamp Act, and why was it repealed?

  • 4. What was the Non-Importation Agreement, and why was it adopted?

  • 5. Why was the tea destroyed at Boston?

  • 6. When and where did the first Congress meet?

  • 7. Give an account of Lord Dunmore's war.

  • 8. When and where was the first clash of arms that marked the
    beginning of the Revolution?

  • 9. How did the royal government come to end?

  • 10. Describe Dunmore's ravages.

  • 11. What battle settled the question as to war?

  • 12. Who was appointed commander in chief of the colonial troops,
    and why was his appointment a political necessity?

  • 13. What was the object of the colonists at first, and what active part
    did Virginia take in the war?

  • 14. Tell of Virginia's action for independence, of her Bill of Rights, and
    her Constitution.

  • 15. What was the Declaration of Independence, by whom written, and
    when adopted?

  • 16. In what ways did Virginia take the lead for independence?

  • 17. Describe the seal adopted.

  • 18. Give an account of the controversy for religious liberty.

  • 19. What was the Law of Primogeniture, and through whose influence
    was it abolished?

  • 20. Why was a dictator proposed, and with what result?

  • 21. Give an account of Burgoyne's invasion.

  • 22. What is said of Morgan and his riflemen?

  • 23. When and where did Burgoyne surrender, and what is said of it?