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Page 483


Absence from Examinations  154, 259 
Absence from Lectures  153, 260 
Absence from the University  453 
Academic Faculty  179 
Academic Schools  187 
Academic Year  153 
Accounting  201 
Accredited School Scholarships  163 
Administration, Officers of  16 
Administrative Council  16 
Administrative Committees of Faculty  26 
Admission (See Entrance Requirements). 
Admission, Subjects Accepted for  150 
Advanced Standing— 
In College  255 
In Engineering  305 
In Medicine  369 
Agriculture  192 
Alabama Federation of Women's
Clubs Scholarships 
Alpha Chi Sigma Fraternity  327 
Alpha Kappa Psi Scholarship Medallion  176 
Alpha Omega Alpha Society  380 
Alumni, Association of  15 
Alumni Scholarships  163 
Appointments, Bureau of  285 
Archaeology  189 
B. S. in  266 
Courses in  213 
Armenian Students' Association of
America Scholarships 
Art  212 
Assistants  24 
Astronomy  190 
Athletic fee  157 
Athletics  447, 450 
Attendance (See Absence). 
Attendance, Summary of  97 
Bachelor of Arts— 
Requirements for  262 
Recipients of, 1932  120, 127 
Bachelor of Laws— 
Requirements for  351 
Recipients of, 1932  113 
Bachelor of Science— 
Requirements for  262 
Recipients of, 1932  118, 126 
Bachelor of Science in a Special Subject  265 
Barksdale Memorial Fund  327 
Bayly-Tiffany Fellowships  172 
Bayly-Tiffany Scholarships  164 
Bennett Loan Fund  175 
Bennett, Louis, Scholarship  164 
Bible Study  448 
Biblical Literature  192 
Biology  192 
Biology, Service Fellowships in  174 
Bireley, Valentine, Scholarship  164 
Blackford, Charles Minor, Prize  176 
Blandy Experimental Farm  195 
Blandy Fellowships  172 
Blue Ridge Sanatorium  394 
Board  160 
Botany  194 
Brooks Museum  222 
Brown, Thompson, Scholarship  165 
Bryan Prize  177 
Bryan Scholarship  165 
Bureau of Appointments  285 
Bureau of Tests and Measurements  284 
Business (See Commerce). 
Cabell, Henry Coalter, Scholarship  165 
Calendar, University 
Cameron, George, Scholarship  165 
Cary, Isaac, Scholarship  165 
Certificate, Admission by  151 
Certificates, Teachers'  283 
Chapel, University  449 
Charges, University  157 


Page 484
Chemistry  196 
Chemistry, Bachelor of Science in  265 
Chemistry, Service Fellowships in  174 
Christmas Recess  153 
Christmas Recess, Registration After  153 
Cincinnati, Society of the, Prize  177 
Clark Hall  348 
Class Standing (See Grades). 
College of Arts and Sciences, The  255 
College Credit  256 
College Fellowships  172 
College Students, Register of  27 
College Topics  447 
Colonial Dames Prize  177 
Commerce, Bachelor of Science in  267 
Commerce, McIntire School of  201 
Commercial Law  202 
Committees of the Faculty  26 
Commons, University  160 
Conditioned Students— 
In College  256 
In Engineering  304 
Conduct  154 
Convocation, Date of 
Corks and Curls  447 
Corporation, The  14 
Council, Administrative  16 
Cox, Kate Cabell, Scholarship  165 
Credit, Prohibition of  154 
Daughters of the Confederacy Scholarships  169 
Dawson's Row  160 
Deans, List of  16 
Dean's List, Students on  103, 107, 109 
Dean's List, The  261, 281, 339, 360 
Degrees, Recipients of, 1932  112 
Degrees Conferred by University  13 
Degrees, Requirements For— 
College  261 
Graduate Studies  272 
Education  287 
Engineering  305 
Law  351 
Medicine  375 
Departments  13 
Dining Hall  160 
Dissertation for Ph.D.  274 
Distinguished Students  103 
Doctor of Medicine— 
Requirements for  375 
Recipients of, 1932  112 
Doctor of Philosophy— 
Requirements for  273 
Recipients of, 1932  125 
Dormitories  158 
Drafting Rooms  340 
Dramatic Art  218 
duPont, Philip Francis, Fellowships  172 
du Pont, Philip Francis, Loan Fund  175 
duPont, Philip Francis, Scholarships  165 
East Lawn, Rooms on  159 
East Range, Rooms on  159 
Economic Geography  203 
Economics  204 
Economics, Service Fellowships in  174 
B. S. in, Requirements for  287 
Recipients of, 1932  116, 126 
Department of  276 
School of  206 
Education Students, Register of  73 
Education Club  285 
Endowment Fund, Alumni Trustees
Engineering Buildings  344 
Engineering, Department of  301 
Engineering Degrees, Recipients of,
Engineering Students, Register of  76 
English  208 
Entrance Examinations  152 
Entrance Requirements  149 
College  255 
Graduate Studies  271 
Education  286 
Engineering  303 
Law  351 
Medicine  365 


Page 485
Eppes, Richard, Memorial Scholarship  166 
Ethics  228 
Examinations, Admission by  151 
Examinations, Schedule of— 
Engineering  335 
Entrance  152 
Examinations, Special  259 
Expenses  155 
In College  161 
In Graduate Studies  161 
In Education  161 
In Engineering  161 
In Law  161 
In Medicine  161 
In Summer Quarter  403 
Extension, Division of  423 
Extension Services  430 
Academic  179 
Education  277 
Engineering  301 
Extension  424 
General  17 
Law  346 
Medical  363 
Summer Quarter  397 
In the Regular Session  157 
In the Summer Quarter  403 
Fellowships  171 
Fellowships, Holders of, 1932-33  145 
Final Honors  264 
Fine Arts, McIntire School of  212 
Fleming Prize  177 
Folkes, Wm. C., Scholarship  166 
Forestry  219 
Franco-American Scholarship  166 
French  239 
Garrett, Elizabeth B., Fellowship  172 
Geography, Economic  203 
Geology  220 
German  222 
Government  237 
College  258 
Graduate Studies  274 
Engineering  339 
Medicine  372 
Graduate Clubs  270 
Graduate House  270 
Graduates (see Degrees, Recipients
Graduate Students, Register of  61 
Graduate Studies, Department of  269 
Greek  187 
Green, Bennett W., Fellowships  173 
Hall, F. S., Scholarship  166 
Halls, The, Dormitories  159 
Harmon, Daniel, Scholarship  166 
Harris Loan Fund  175 
Harrison Loan Fund  175 
Harvard Loan Fund  175 
Health Education  291 
Heck Memorial Library  279 
Hennessy, D. J., Scholarship  167 
Herndon, Wm. A., Scholarships  167 
Historical Sketch 
History  224 
Holidays  153 
Homes, William E., Scholarship  167 
Honor System  12 
Honors, Degrees with  264 
Horsley, John, Prize  177 
Hospital Staff  392 
Howard, E. V., Scholarship  167 
Humphrey Scholarship  167 
Institute for Research in the Social
Instructors  23 
Intermediate Honors  264 
Iota Sigma Society  380 
Italian  240 
Jefferson Day 
Jones Memorial Fund  327 
Journal Clubs— 
Biological  195 
Chemical  200 


Page 486
Geological  222 
Physical  237 
Kiwanis Loan Fund  176 
Laboratory Fees  157 
Biological  195 
Chemical  200 
Engineering  340 
Geological  222 
Medical  370 
Physical  237 
Latin  188 
Law Building  348 
Law, Commercial  202 
Law Library  349 
Law, Department of  346 
Law Review  349 
Law Students, Register of  81 
Lectures, Schedules of— 
Engineering  329 
Graduate Romance  244 
Law  357 
Lee, Robert E., Loan Fund  176 
Libraries  442 
Licentiateships  174 
Literary Societies  447 
Loan Funds  175 
Lodging  158 
Logic  228 
Lynchburg Loan Fund  176 
McCormick Scholarship  167 
McCormick Observatory  191 
McIntire School of Commerce  201 
McIntire School of Fine Arts  212 
MacDonald, Captain C. R., Fellowship  173 
Madison Hall  449 
Magazine, The University of Virginia  447 
Magruder Medical Scholarship  167 
Mason, John Y., Fellowship  173 
Master of Arts— 
Requirements for  272 
Recipients of, 1932  123, 127 
Master of Science— 
Requirements for  273 
Recipients of, 1932  121, 127 
Mathematics  225 
Medical Attendance  155 
Medical Students, Register of  89 
B. S. in  377 
Department of  363 
Miller Fund, Trustees of  15 
Miller Scholarships  167 
Ministerial Students, Free Tuition to  156 
Ministers, Free Tuition to  156 
Minor Hall  348 
Museum of Natural History  222 
Music  215 
Names, Index of  455 
Netherland-American Scholarship  168 
Noyes, LeVerne, Scholarship  300 
Nurses, Training School for  395 
Nursing Education  294 
Observatory  191 
Officers of Administration  16 
Organization  13 
Out-Patient Department of the Hospital  394 
Peabody Hall  279 
Phelps-Stokes Fellowship  173 
Phi Delta Kappa Fraternity  285 
Philosophy  228 
Physical Education  232 
Physician, University  16 
Physics  235 
Physics, Service Fellowships in  174 
Pledge on Examinations  12 
Political Science  237 
Predental Course  268 
Prelegal Course  268, 352 
Premedical Course  268, 366 
President and Visitors' Prize  177 
Prizes, University  176 
Probation  258 
Psychology  230 
Public Health, Courses in  392 
Public Speaking  239 


Page 487
Publications, Student  447 
Publications, University  Inside Cover 
Randall Building  160 
Randall-MacIver, J. D., Scholarship  168 
Recipients of Degrees, 1932  112 
Recipients of Honors  103 
Rector and Visitors  14 
Rector and Visitors' Fellowships  173 
In College  259 
In Law  360 
In Medicine  376 
Register of Students  27 
Registration  153 
Regulations  153 
College  257 
Engineering  338 
Law  358 
Medicine  372 
Religious Work  448 
In College  259 
In Engineering  338 
Research Fellowships, Biology  172 
Research in Social Sciences  434 
Research Staff, General Science  22 
Research Staff, Social Science  22, 434 
Return of Fees  155 
Rinehart, Hollis, Scholarship  168 
Rives, Wm. Cabell, Fellowship  174 
Robb, Isabel Hampton, Memorial
Romanic Languages  239 
Roper, Bartlett, Scholarship  168 
Rural Social Economics  245 
Ryan, Thos. F., Scholarships  168 
Sampson, Isabella M., Scholarship  168 
Schedules of Lectures, and Examinations
(See Lectures and Examinations). 
Scholarships  163 
Scholarships, Holders of, 1932-33  130 
Selden Memorial Scholarship  169 
Self-Help for Students  162 
Senate, University  16 
Service Fellowships in Biology  174 
Service Fellowships in Chemistry  174 
Service Fellowships in Economics  174 
Service Fellowships in Physics  174 
Session, Regular, Length of  153 
Session, Summer Quarter, Length of  402 
Session-Hour  257 
Seven Society Loan Fund  176 
Seven Society Scholarship  169 
Seward Scholarships  169 
Sinclair, Cephas H., Scholarship  169 
Skinner, Jas. H., Scholarships  169 
Social Science Building  435 
Society of the Cincinnati, Prize  177 
Sociology  246 
Southern Woman's Educational Alliance
Spanish  239 
Special Students— 
In College  257 
In Education  286 
In Engineering  305 
In Law  353 
State Teachers' Scholarships  170 
Stevenson, John White, Prize  178 
Strong Foundation Fund  176 
Student Activities  447 
Student Branches of Engineering Societies  326 
Students on the Dean's List  103, 107, 109 
Students, Register of  27 
Students Registered after January 1,
Summary of Degrees Awarded, 1932  129 
Summary of Students— 
By Departments  98 
By Geographical Divisions  97 
By States  97 
Summer Quarter  396 
Tau Beta Pi Fraternity  326 
Certificates for  283 
Free Tuition to  156 


Page 488
Recommendations of  285 
Scholarships for  170 
Theta Tau Fraternity  327 
Training School for Nurses  395 
Trigon Society  327 
Trustees of Endowment Fund  15 
Trustees of Miller Fund  15 
Tuition Fees  157 
Units (See Entrance Requirements). 
United Daughters of the Confederacy
University Fee  157 
Vanderbilt Fellowships  174 
Virginia Div., United Daughters of
the Confederacy, Scholarship 
Virginia Law Review  349, 447 
Virginia Law Review Scholarship  170 
Virginia Players  219 
Virginia State Medical Scholarships  170 
Virginia State Teachers' Scholarships  170 
Virginia Students, Expenses of  157 
Virginia Students' Loan Fund  176 
Visitors of the University  14 
Watts Scholarship  170 
West Lawn, Rooms on  159 
West Range, Rooms on  159 
White Lecture Foundation  354 
Whitehead Scholarships  170 
Williams, Jesse Parker, Scholarship  170 
Wilson, Woodrow, Scholarship  171 
Withdrawal from the University  153 
Wood, Lieut. Robert Hancock, Jr.,
Woods, Samuel B., Jr., Scholarship  171 
Women, Admission of  149, 257, 287, 305, 353, 370 
Woman's Self-Government Association  447 
Wright, Sarah E., Loan Fund  176 
Young Men's Christian Association  448 
Yulee Memorial Scholarship  171 
Zoölogy  194