Miscellaneous works of George Wither | ||
Opobalsamum Anglicanum, Page 20.
------Which side soever shall prevail,
We have a mischief setling by entail
On us, and on our heirs: For, in heart
You do unite (though corporally apart)
And joyn by close Compliances in one,
In hope to compass what you have begun,
Which is nor worse nor better, but to raise
Your houses, both by good and evil waies:
And for that end, to ruine you would bring
Law, Gospel, People, Parliament and King,
But ere this hope effected you shall see,
Hark, Traytors, what your destiny shall be,
Heed and observe it; for it is the Doom,
VVill, will without all peradventure come
Upon your heads, who have your trust betray'd,
Oppressions on your faithfull Servants laid;
And multiplied your wealth with greedinesse;
By preying on your Country in distresse.
And, this it is; He, that such wrongs requites,
Will give you portions among Hypocrites.
Your Pride shall suddenly by shame be follow'd;
You shall spew up the Gobbets you have swallow'd;
Your way shall perish, &c.
Unto that book, wherein this is exprest,
I will refer you to peruse the rest.
We have a mischief setling by entail
On us, and on our heirs: For, in heart
You do unite (though corporally apart)
And joyn by close Compliances in one,
In hope to compass what you have begun,
Your houses, both by good and evil waies:
And for that end, to ruine you would bring
Law, Gospel, People, Parliament and King,
But ere this hope effected you shall see,
Hark, Traytors, what your destiny shall be,
Heed and observe it; for it is the Doom,
VVill, will without all peradventure come
Upon your heads, who have your trust betray'd,
Oppressions on your faithfull Servants laid;
And multiplied your wealth with greedinesse;
By preying on your Country in distresse.
And, this it is; He, that such wrongs requites,
Will give you portions among Hypocrites.
Your Pride shall suddenly by shame be follow'd;
You shall spew up the Gobbets you have swallow'd;
Your way shall perish, &c.
Unto that book, wherein this is exprest,
I will refer you to peruse the rest.
The preface to my SALT on SALT, records
A Hint to that end, in these following words.
A Hint to that end, in these following words.
Last year I sent a Flash which is let passe
Unheeded, as a thing that never was;
Now follows the Report, or, Clap of Thunder
Which have been seen and heard, thus far a sunder,
To give the longer Warning: for, the Shot,
And Thunderbolts (if Grace prevent it not)
VVill next year flee among you. God, amend us;
And then I am assur'd, he will defend us.
Unheeded, as a thing that never was;
Now follows the Report, or, Clap of Thunder
Which have been seen and heard, thus far a sunder,
To give the longer Warning: for, the Shot,
And Thunderbolts (if Grace prevent it not)
VVill next year flee among you. God, amend us;
And then I am assur'd, he will defend us.
Moreover, I, ten months, now past, foretold
That, nine months longer if defer they should
Their Duties, and neglect the Grace twice shown,
They, and their projects will be overthrown,
As now they are; and that they should be in
That Purgatory which doth now begin.
The premonition published last year
To that effect, shall be repeated here.
That, nine months longer if defer they should
They, and their projects will be overthrown,
As now they are; and that they should be in
That Purgatory which doth now begin.
The premonition published last year
To that effect, shall be repeated here.
Miscellaneous works of George Wither | ||