University of Virginia Library


Omitting Cares he should live chearfully.

What warlike Cantaber, fierce Scythian
(HIRPINUS) plots from us by Adrian wave
Divided Realms, like busy man
To search forbear; life so deprave;
Which else not much doth need, soon vanish'd hence
Smooth, comely Youth; and hoary head dry-grown
Chaces from our duller Sence.
Blith Loves, more easie slumbers gone.
Not always view'd like Glory in Spring-born Flow'rs;
Nor clear-cheek'd Moon like-formed still doth shine:
Why wasted thus thy feebler pow'rs?
Nought crosses Heav'ns nere-chang'd design.
Why Friend, beneath that Plain-trees shade (repose)
Or this Pines branch neglected garb (our Hair
Though Grey perfum'd with vernant Rose,
And Syrian nard) while Death doth spare,
Do we not drink? Wine eating Grief dispels
Like scatter'd Cloud. What Boy more nimbly shall
Stop that gliding Stream which swells,
Thence Falern Grove allay withal.


Why LYDE that loose walking Girl from home
Invites as guest? wish her with Ivory Lyre,
Hair bound up more slightly, come,
Smooth knots, Laconian attire.