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“That very stranger sought thy sire, and swore,
For the much love that day conceived for thee,
To be a false idolater no more.
'Tis Meles, late returned from embassy
“To distant courts, and loved by the young King
Of Media. Bethink thee, Egla: muse
Upon the good, union like this may bring
On thee and thine. Yet, if thy soul refuse,
“We will not press thee. Weep, if't be thy will,
Even on the breast that nourished thee, and ne'er
Distrest thee or compelled: this bosom still,
E'en shouldst thou blight its dearest hopes, will share,
“Nay, bear, thy pains. But sooner in the grave
'Twill quench my waning years, if reckless thou
Of what I not command, but only crave,
Canst see me pine, and disregard thy vow.”