University of Virginia Library

The Catholic Church of the Holy Paraclete.

The first mass that was held in Charlottesville
was celebrated in the parlors
of Mr. Paoli's residence by Rev. Father
Andrew. After this, mass was said in
the Town Hall, by Rev. Fathers
Bichio, Weed and McVerry, until the
present church was built on July 25,
1880. The edifice was erected by
donations, the chief of which was one
by the late Martin Tracy, who gave
seventy-five acres of land. This gift
was disposed of, bringing the sum of
$1,300. This was managed by Rev.
Father McVerry, who built the present
place of worship. Rev. Father McVerry
being the pastor of the church
in Staunton, this church came under
his control and remained so until Rev.
Father Massey was appointed Pastor
here in October, 1898. The latter
put new life in the church and after
a short stay, was succeeded by Rev.
Father Walsh, who took up the work
and developed the church wonderfully.
The church building was renovated
and added to, and is now an ornament
to the city. The present pastor
is Rev Father Crow, who came here
March 19, 1902. During the four years
of his pastorate, he has accomplished
a great deal of good work in the upbuilding
of the church. The pretty
little rectory, which adjoins the
church, was built by the present pastor.