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Page 447



Connected with the University is the Jefferson Society founded in 1825
to provide for common improvement in debate, to promote general culture
among its members and the student body, and to drill its members in all
those exercises which strengthen for the free duties of citizenship.

All students in regular attendance upon one or more of the schools of
the University of Virginia who are not members of any similar organization
in this institution shall be eligible to regular membership. Such candidates
shall make written applications on forms provided by the Membership
Committee. These forms may be obtained at any of the literary meetings
of the Society all of which are open to the public. They are announced
in College Topics.


The Association includes all women students of the University of Virginia,
and exists to bring about a greater unity and mutual helpfulness
among the women of the University, and to promote and maintain the
highest standards of University life.


College Topics is a bi-weekly newspaper published by the students and
devoted to the interests of the University at large.

Corks and Curls is the University Annual, its aim being to present
some record of the scholastic, religious, athletic and social activities of the
college year. Its publication is in the hands of a chartered corporation
formed by the fraternities and literary societies of the University.

The Virginia Law Review is a journal devoted to the discussion of general
questions of American jurisprudence published monthly from October
to May, inclusive, by the students of the Law Department.

The University of Virginia Magazine is a literary journal published
seven times a year by students and is sponsored by the Jefferson Society.


The Student Union was organized in 1932. The University has taken
over Madison Hall for use as a center of student activities under the supervision
of the Union of which all students are considered members. The
affairs of the Union are conducted by the Student Senate. Facilities are
offered for meetings of student organizations and groups and a social program
is carried forward throughout the session.

In the reading room are newspapers from many of the cities in the
South and East. Recreation rooms are also provided. Offices of College


Page 448
Topics, the Magazine, Corks and Curls, the Dulaney Memorial Library
and the Student Self Help Bureau are located in the building.


Intercollegiate and intramural athletics are under the supervision of
the Director of Athletics and his staff. The University is represented in
intercollegiate competition by both varsity and first-year football, baseball,
basketball, track, cross-country, boxing, tennis, swimming and lacrosse teams.
The athletic plant is one of the finest in the South. Memorial Gymnasium
contains three basketball courts, a swimming pool, a track, boxing and
wrestling rooms, and adequate locker facilities. Scott Stadium, which seats
22,000 people, is regarded as one of the most beautiful in the country. Lambeth
Field has excellent facilities for track and baseball. Twenty-two tennis
courts and four practice fields for mass games have been built near the