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Poems on Various Subjects

By Henry James Pye ... In Two Volumes. Ornamented with Frontispieces

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While sable night o'er mortal' heads
Her gloomy mantle silent spreads,
On them with undiminish'd blaze
Pours shining Sol his splendid rays.
When issuing from the polish'd dome
To tread the fragrant meads they roam,
Charming the eye, on every side
The rose displays it's purple pride;


Each bough with golden fruitage bends,
Each flower a heavenly perfume sends.
There some restrain the courser's fire,
Some wake the soul-delighting lyre,
While rapturous bliss, and thrilling joy,
At once their every sense employ.
Thick from the shining altars round
Which frequent grace the hallow'd ground,
The rolling clouds of incense rise,
And waft their odors to the skies.