University of Virginia Library


Biblical Literature sB2-I: The Literature of the New Testament: First
Term. 11:30; M. H. 25. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Forrest.

A study of the books of the New Testament with reference to origin, literary features,
and content.

Biblical Literature sB2-II: The Life of Paul: First Term. 12:30; M.
H. 25. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Forrest.

A study of the antecedents, conversion, labors, and influence upon Christianity of the
leading apostle.

Biblical Literature sB2-III: The Social Teachings of the Old Testament:
Second Term. 12:30; C. H. 100. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Dr. Cronbach.

Note.—The daily lectures in these courses will be open to all who desire to attend.
Only those wishing credit will need take the examination.