University of Virginia Library



(A Death in the West Highlands)

Ungather'd lie the peats upon the moss;
No more is heard the shaggy pony's hoof;
The thin smoke curls no more above the roof;
Unused the brown-sailed boat doth idly toss
At anchor in the Kyle; and all across
The strath the collie scours without reproof;
The gather'd sheep stand wonderingly aloof;
And everywhere there is a sense of loss.
“Has Sheumais left for over sea? Nay, sir,
A se'nnight since a gloom came over him;
He sicken'd, and his gaze grew vague and dim;
Three days ago we found he did not stir.
He has gone into the Silence. 'Neath yon fir
He lies, and waits the Lord in darkness grim.”