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A Comedy
The Prologue.

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The Prologue.

The brightnesse of so great and faire a Presence,
They say, strikes cold amazement. But I feele
Contrary effects. For from the gracious center
O'th' Honourable assembly, some secret Power
Inflames my Courage; and, me thinks I am growne
Taller by th'vertue of this Audience.
And yet thus rais'd, I feare there's no retiring.
Ladies, whose beauties glad the whole Assembly:
Vpon your favours I impose my businesse.
If't be a fault to speake this Forraigne language,
(For Latine is our mother tongue) I must intreat you
To frame excuses for us; for whose sake
We now speake English. All the rest we hope
Come purposely to grace our poore endeavours;
As we to please. In whose faire courtesie
We trust; not in our weake ability.