University of Virginia Library

Mr. Paul's Courses in Public Speaking.

The work offered this session by Mr. |

Chas. W. Paul, the new instructor in
Public Speaking and Debate, organizes a
new course and modifies an existing
course in the School of English Literature,
and also trains men from the Literary
Societies for several intercollegiate

The new course deals with the theory
and practice of Public Speaking. Its aim
is to prepare the student to express his
thoughts and feelings clearly and effectively
before an audience. No attempt
is made to give the more elaborate discipline
necessary for the public reader
and impersonator. In order that emphasis
may fall upon improvement in form,
speeches from the great orators are used
as material for drill work. At each lesson,
every member in the section is called
in turn before the class to render his lines
and receive suggestions for further progress.
The theory is not set forth by
lectures, but by comments upon the efforts
of the individual student and upon
the end sought by the author of the oration
under interpretation.

The regular English course in Argumentation,
if time permit, will be supplemented
by practical experience in
debating before the class and will deal
not only with logical structure and effective
tactics but also with manner of

From the Literary Societies, by the
sifting process of preliminary trials, candidates
for three oratorical and three
debating contests are chosen. The successful
men will then be eligible to individual
instruction in daily rehearsals
until the final competition takes place.