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By one Irregularity, we see
That, here in two months more progressions be
In order to the Temporary peace
VVhich most men are desirous to possess,
Then all our Pow'rs and Vertues, Wit and Cost
Had brought to pass, in twenty years almost;
And we according to late promisings,
See creeping Motions toward some such things
As are expected: but, they to and fro,
Forward and backward, in their motion go
So doubtfully, that 'tis as yet uncertain
What Resolutions are behind the Curtain.
As doubtful 'tis, whether more praise or blame
To them belong, who first contriv'd the same;
Whether the Consequence, or that which first
Thereto made passage, will prove best or worst;
And whether want of pre-conditioning
Will bring at length, most damage to the King
And his Old Party, or else unto those
VVho did his Entrance heretofere oppose:


For Acts unjust, are oft well carried on,
And many righteous things unjustly done:
Some things likewise there be resembling Sand,
VVhich he that graspeth with an open hand,
May therewith lode his palm: but, if he gripe
Too hard, 'twill all between his fingers slip.