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1. A Statistical Study of Virginia

By Wilson Gee, Professor of Rural Economics and Rural Sociology, and
J. J. Corson, III, Research Assistant in Rural Social Economics.

Institute Monograph No. 1, 201 pages, 184 tables, and 18 charts. 1927.
Century Co. New York.


Page 436

2. Public and Private Welfare, Roanoke, Virginia

By Frank W. Hoffer, Associate Professor of Sociology.

141 pages, 49 tables, 14 maps, 11 charts, and 29 illustrations. 1928. Century
Co. New York.

3. Counties in Transition: A Study of County Public and Private Welfare
Administration in Virginia

By Frank W. Hoffer, Associate Professor of Sociology.

Institute Monograph No. 2, 256 pages, 60 tables, 13 charts and figures,
and 3 maps. 1929. Century Co. New York.

4. Rural Depopulation in Certain Tidewater and Piedmont Areas of Virginia

By Wilson Gee, Professor of Rural Economics and Rural Sociology, and
J. J. Corson, III, Research Assistant in Rural Social Economics.

Institute Monograph No. 3, 104 pages, 59 tables, map and 2 charts. 1929.
Century Co. New York.

5. Research in the Social Sciences: Its Fundamental Methods and

Edited by Wilson Gee, Director of the Institute.

305 pages. 1929. Macmillan Co. New York.

6. Life Insurance in Virginia

By C. N. Hulvey, Associate Professor of Commercial Law and William H.
Research Assistant in Insurance.

Institute Monograph No. 4, 167 pages, 58 tables and 7 charts. 1929.
Century Co. New York.

7. Bibliography of Virginia History Since 1865

By Lester J. Cappon, Research Associate in History, with a foreword by
Dumas Malone, Sometime Professor of History.

Institute Monograph No. 5, 900 pages. 1930. Century Co. New York.

8. Rural and Urban Living Standards in Virginia

By Wilson Gee, Professor of Rural Economics and Rural Sociology, and
William H. Stauffer, Research Associate in Rural Social Economics.

Institute Monograph No. 6, 133 pages, 58 tables and 2 charts. 1929.
Century Co. New York.

9. Fort Lewis: A Community in Transition

By Floyd N. House, Professor of Sociology, F. W. Hoffer, Associate Professor
of Sociology,
and others.

Institute Monograph No. 7, 56 pages, 14 tables, 1 map, illustrated. 1930.
Century Co. New York.


Page 437

10. Problems in Contemporary County Government

By Wylie Kilpatrick, Associate Research Professor of Government.

Institute Monograph No. 8, 657 pages, 100 tables. 1930. Century Co.
New York.

11. Labor in the Industrial South

By Abraham Berglund, Professor of Commerce, G. T. Starnes, Associate
Professor of Commerce and Business Administration,
and Frank T. de
Research Assistant in Labor Problems.

Institute Monograph No. 9, 167 pages, 43 tables, charts, illustrated. 1930.
Century Co. New York.

12. Criminal Justice in Virginia

By Hugh N. Fuller, Associate Research Professor of Criminal Procedure,
in association with Armistead M. Dobie, Professor of Law, and F. D. G.
Ribble, Professor of Law.

Institute Monograph No. 10, 195 pages, 70 tables, 45 charts. 1931. Century
Co. New York.

13. Workmen's Compensation and Automobile Liability Insurance

By C. N. Hulvey, Associate Professor of Commercial Law and William H.
Research Assistant in Insurance.

Institute Monograph No. 11, 203 pages, 38 tables. 1931. Century Co.
New York.

14. Regionalism in France

By R. K. Gooch, Professor of Political Science.

Institute Monograph No. 12, 129 pages. 1931. Century Co. New York.

15. Taxation in Virginia

By William H. Stauffer, Economist in the Department of Taxation, Commonwealth
of Virginia, Sometime Research Associate in Economics.

Institute Monograph No. 13, 309 pages, 145 tables, 3 charts. 1931. Century
Co. New York.

16. Ability in Social and Racial Classes

By Roland Clark Davis, Research Associate in Psychology.

Institute Monograph No. 14, 114 pages, 34 tables, 27 illustrations. 1932.
Century Co. New York.

17. State Grants-in-Aid in Virginia

By Tipton R. Snavely, Professor of Economics, Duncan Clark Hyde,
Associate Professor of Economics, and Alvin B. Biscoe, Research Associate
in Economics.

Institute Monograph No. 15. (Now in press.)


Page 438

18. The Jails of Virginia

By Frank W. Hoffer, Associate Professor of Sociology, Delbert M. Mann,
Research Associate in Sociology, and Floyd N. House, Professor of

Institute Monograph No. 16. (Now in press.)