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Horace in Homespun by Hugh Haliburton [i.e. J. L. Robertson]

A New Edition with Illustrations by A. S. Boyd

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Hughie seeks to console a Brother Shepherd, over-grieving for the Loss of his Son.
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Hughie seeks to console a Brother Shepherd, over-grieving for the Loss of his Son.

“Non semper imbres.”
Car. ii. 9.

It's no' aye rainin' on the misty Achils,
It's no' aye white wi' winter on Nigour;
The winds are no' sae mony sorrowin' Rachels,
That grieve, and o' their grief will no' gie owre.
Dark are Benarty slopes, an' the steep Lomon'
Flings a lang shadow on the watter plain;
But fair Lochleven's no' for ever gloomin',
An' Devon's no' aye dark wi' Lammas rain.
The birks tho' bare, an' the sune-naked ashes,
Not always widow'd of their leaves appear;
The oaks cry oot beneath November's lashes,
But not for all the months that mak' the year.


Comes round a time, comes round at last tho' creepin',
And green and glad again stand buss an' tree;
E'en tender gowans, thro' the young gress peepin',
Rise in their weakness, and owre-rin the lea.
Thus Nature sorrows, and forgets her sorrow;
And Reason soberly approves her way:
Why should we shut oor een against to-morrow
Because our sky was clouded yesterday?
Dear Adie!—for we've lang kent ane anither,
Tendin' oor flocks upon the selfsame hill,
And if I speak as brither should to brither,
Ye'll neither turn awa' nor tak' it ill,—
It's now three year since little Adie left us:
He was, to every ane that kenn'd him, dear:
Adam! it was the will of God bereft us,
Call'd him away, and left the lave o's here.
Three years ye've sorrow'd for the little laddie;
It clouds your broo, I hear it when ye speak;
And thrice I've seen, when ithers sawna, Adie,
The sudden tear upon your wasted cheek.




Ye nurse your sorrow in the cheerfu' morning,
Ye nurse it, too, at unavailing eve;
Our rustic gatherings, with a silent scorning,
And all our rural sports and joys ye leave.
Sorrow is sacred, but this sair insistance,
This lang refusal to Heaven's will to boo,
Consider, Adie; is't a wise resistance?
You'll go to him, he canna come to you.
And, since you go to meet him, go not sadly,
For the short half o' life that yet remains:
You love your son—go then to meet him gladly
On that appointed day which Heaven ordains.