University of Virginia Library


The Pig-selling Jew.

No matter, good folks, how you pass your jokes,
On dish new-fashion goods vat I cry—
Non't you know, very well, dat a jew ought to sell,
Vatever a christian vill buy;
If itsh a long-tail pig, or a short-tail pig,
Or, a pig with a curling tail:
We're up to each rig, whether jew-pig or true-pig,
Or a pig without ever a tail.

(Chorus to every verse).

Whee, whee, whee, we,—Whee, whee, whee, we,
Long-tail'd pig, short-tail'd pig—whee, whee, whee, we.
Our peoples may stare, ven they hear the affair,
For, by gosh, it is comical, too;
De mistakes vat you meet, every day in the street,
Is as odd as pigs sold by a jew:
Oyster-girls you'll find, with knives to grind,
Sprats, Lobsters, and girls with milking-pail;
Rabbit-skins and fine beaux, mackerel and old cloaths,
And pigs without ever a tail.
See, the pretty Miss Noddys', without any bodys',
They're up to a monstrous pretty rig, sir;
With hair-powder'd beaux, with their long small-cloaths,
You know, they are all guinea-pigs, sir;
New fashion so bewitches, soon our ladies will wear breeches,
And strut about as fashion may prevail:
Their beauteous tresses lop, and appear a perfect crop,
And, a crop's, you know, a pig without a tail.
You may see a young man, as tin as my hand,
Wid his head in a counsellor's wig,
And a clumsy old chap, in a light-horseman's cap,
A citizen fat as a pig,


With napkin under chin, fat paunch and greasy chin,
With pheasant, partridge, widgeon, or quail,
Trullebubs and trash, turtle-soup and gravy hash,
He's a pig with all guts and no tail.
Old Nunky for life, pig in wid a wife,
And nothing but words take place;
To the lawyer they'll go, and he'll cheat them, you know,
At the same time he'll look you in the face;
With term-fees und long vacation, affidavit, declaration,
John Doe and Richard Roe, never fail, sir;
Six and eight-pence may do well, he the oyster, you the shell,
Then you look like a pig without a tail.
The physician next appears, in wig o'er head and ears,
Their fee, you know, they can't refuse;
The apothecary, then, is a necessary man,
Tho' the whole tribe are little else than jews:
For, the college affords such jaw-breaking words,
To send you home they scarce ever fail,
With bleeding and blistering, scarifying and glistering,
You look like a pig without never a tail.
You may see ladies of rank, at a pharo bank,
And a barber's boy driving a gig;
See my lord and my grace, vaiting in Duke's Place,
And it is a jew selling pig;
If it please you vell, I don't care vat I sell,
Let smiles o'er your countenance prevail;
But if you grumble or squeak, why, off I must sneak,
Like a pig without never a tail.