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The Works in Verse and Prose of Nicholas Breton

For the First Time Collected and Edited: With Memorial-Introduction, Notes and Illustrations, Glossarial Index, Facsimilies, &c. By the Rev. Alexander B. Grosart. In Two Volumes

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A little Preface before the Tale.

A prety Tale of late I heard,
a learned wise man tell:
Wherto I gaue attentiue eare,
and markte it very well:
Touching the bringing vp of youth,
and who were fittest men,
In learning and good quallities,
to bring vp children.
Which Tale, when I had heard told out,
of troth, it likte me so,
That to the like, I were content
againe ten myles to go.
Well: as it was, I did full ofte
reuolve the same in minde:
And many prety poincts therein
I many tymes did finde.
And as one day vnto my selfe,
by chaunce, I did rehearse
Eche poinct therein, I tooke my Penne
and put it into verse.
Which Tale so pend, according to
my simple skill, I send
To you: for dyvers causes Syr:
first, for that it doth tend
Vnto a little matter, that
there is twixt you and me:
It hath (I trow) somwhat respect,
vnto the Children three:
The three yong Gentlemen,
which to you, as my friend,
I gaue in charge, to rule and teach:
and so I make an end.