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General Code

Section 1. Post-Season Games. The football season shall close the
second Saturday following Thanksgiving and no member of this Conference
shall engage in any intercollegiate football game after that date except with
the consent of the Conference.

Section 2. Freshman Teams. Freshman teams shall be composed of
members of the freshman class only, who shall not compete as such for more
than one year, and shall be eligible under the rules of this Conference, except
the one-year rule.

For the purpose of this rule, a Freshman is a student who enters the Institution
from a High School or a Preparatory School.

The Freshman football teams of this Conference shall be allowed to play
only five games in any regular season.

Section 3. Training Table and Training Quarters. No member of this
Conference is permitted to maintain a training table for any intercollegiate

Section 4. Preliminary Training. There shall be no preliminary training,
assembling of candidates or issuing of equipment prior to the first Monday


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in September. Athletic associations of Southern Conference institutions
may bear the expense of food for men during preliminary training provided
that no such expenses shall begin prior to the first Monday in September
nor prior to fifteen days before the opening of the college session.

No freshman students shall be allowed to assemble for practice before
the opening of college.

Section 5. Contests with Non-Conference Members. No Conference
Institution shall compete with any non-conference institution in Conference
territory, of similar athletic rank, that is, one which competes with any member
of the Conference upon the basis of athletic equality, unless both compete
under the rules of eligibility of the Conference. A list of such institutions
shall be determined from year to year at the annual meeting.

Section 6. Eligibility Certificates. Before any student can compete in
any intercollegiate contest, the faculty chairman of the Athletic Committee
of his Conference Institution shall certify the eligibility of football candidates
to the Chairman of the Executive Committee. All lists shall be made on
blanks furnished by the Secretary and such blanks shall have printed on their
face the rules of eligibility of the Conference and also a certificate in the
following form, which certificate shall be signed by the Registrar of the Institution,
who certifies to the competitor's eligibility on a scholastic basis,
and by the Faculty Chairman of the Athletic Committee, who certifies to the
competitor's eligibility on the basis of the Conference Rules:

"We certify that the following men are eligible according to the rules of
eligibility of the Southern Conference and the scholastic requirements of
(member institution)."

Section 7. Rules. All rules of the Conference shall apply to all intercollegiate